jns.org has an article headlined
“Pope Francis pillories Israel, providing a moral free pass to its existential enemies”
Rabbi Abraham Cooper
Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
Jan. 15, 2025
Sadly it’s Not
Pope Fiction , it’s a Hateful
Nightmare Anti-Semitic World
The Jerusalem Post jpost.com has an article headlined
“UN unveils action plan to monitor, combat antisemitism worldwide”
The United Nations has Always Unjustly Hated Jews and Israel and now they have an
“action plan” to monitor, combat antisemitism worldwide
A person typed online today
“America is in countdown mode like on New Years Eve at Times Square until America is on the road for Trump to Make America Great Again.”
A person typed in reply
“Couldn’t come sooner”
Sadly America was Never Great
America Needs REAL Freedom
Libertarian Freedom
Sexual Freedom
The Incel Crisis is sadly getting worse and worse in America and Worldwide
Incels are being unjustly
Demonized, Vilified
Incel , Involuntary Celibacy Problems are No Joke
How is America
“Great” ? It Heartlessly makes Countless Millions upon Millions of American Adults go without SEX
Countless Adults want
Sex yet are unable to Get it
America makes them go without Sex
has an article headlined
” And a New King Arose in Egypt’: Israel, D.C. and the Hamas Surrender Deal”
By Daniel Greenfield January 20, 2025
A person typed online today about the terrible Hostage
“Deal” Israel is making with
Arab Terrorists in Gaza
When a terrorist group “negotiates” with a democracy, it always has the upper hand. The terrorists are not constrained by morality, law or truth. They can murder at will, rape at will, torture at will and threaten to do worse. Democracy, on the other hand, must comply with the rules of law and must listen to the pleas of the hostage families.
The proper description of what occurred is that Israel, pressured by the United States, capitulated to the unlawful and extortionate demands of Hamas as the only way of saving the lives of kidnapped babies, mothers and other innocent, mostly civilian, hostages.
This was not the result of a negotiation between equals. If an armed robber puts a gun to your head and says, “your money or your life,” your decision to give him your money would not be described as a deal.
And let us put the blame for ALL the deaths in Gaza where it belongs: on Hamas and the useful idiots of academia, the campus goons, the media, and the gaggle of anti-Semites who support the murderous terrorists.
(Based on an Alan Dershowitz piece)”
On January 16, 2025
The Instagram Account
jewish_history_daily has a video and says underneath
“Is Beetlejuice hiding antisemitic themes? On the surface, it’s a quirky cult classic, but when you dig deeper, the connections become unsettling. The name ‘Beetlejuice’ may derive from the German term bettel juden, or bettel Jews meaning ‘beggar Jews,’ a derogatory term used during a long history of Jewish oppression in Germany.
Even more troubling is Beetlejuice’s iconic striped outfit, eerily similar to the uniforms Jews were forced to wear in concentration camps during the Holocaust. Intentional or not, these parallels can’t be ignored.
This story isn’t just about a movie—it’s a reflection of how antisemitic stereotypes have persisted and seeped into modern culture, often unnoticed. It’s also a reminder of Germany’s dark history of Jewish persecution, from medieval expulsions to the horrors of the 20th century.
Jewish rights in Germany fluctuated significantly from the Middle Ages onward:
1. Medieval Period (10th–15th centuries): Jews often lived under the protection of rulers but lacked equal rights. They were restricted to certain occupations (e.g., moneylending and trade) and subjected to special taxes. Periodic expulsions, pogroms, and restrictions on property ownership and residence were common.
2. 16th–18th centuries: The situation worsened during the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, with ghettos becoming widespread and Jews facing harsh restrictions on movement and economic activities. Some rulers, like in the Holy Roman Empire, offered limited protections in exchange for taxes or services.
3. 18th-century Enlightenment: The Enlightenment brought gradual improvements. Thinkers like Moses Mendelssohn argued for Jewish integration. Some German states, such as Prussia under Frederick the Great, began easing restrictions, though equality remained elusive.
4. 19th century to 1871 (Emancipation): Legal restrictions were gradually lifted, culminating in full emancipation with the unification of Germany in 1871. However, social prejudice persisted.
Another person typed online this January 2025
“Always a double standard when it comes to Israel and Jews”
Very Disturbing and Disgusting
Always a Double Standard
Always a Double Standard
Always a Double Standard
Always a Double Standard
BS Hypocrisy and Double Standards
This is why voted for harris as the lesser of two evils. Trump siding with russia over ukraine. Trump hating nato and yes we understand ukraine has major issues but putin is a danger to the world and openly suppprts hamas this kgb agent. On top.of all that this is 2nd term for trump and he doesnt have to pander to evangelists and harris even with her own issues but in her 1st term and younger wouldnt go with putting the presure on israel the way trump is. I think some jews who decided to vote for harris as lesser of two evils deserve an apology. I did feel in my own view trump would be very bad for israel and be able to get away with it.
Remember the ABC sitcom
“The Drew Carey Show” which ran from
September 1995 to September 2004
In one episode the character of
Kate O’Brien says “My mom always said that if the Protestants catch a Catholic in their church, they feed them to the Jews.”
Anyone find that line offensive ?
That quote is online
Which episode was it Exactly ?
A person typed online today about Anti-Semite
“comedian” Dave Chapelle that
“He cannot open his mouth without mentioning “the poor displaced Palestinians” ”
Why doesn’t Dave Chapelle
Ever Mention the Countless
Jewish Israelis displaced from their homes since
October 7th, 2023 ?
In the 2004 episode of
The Simpsons titled
“The Ziff who came to Dinner” in one scene there are these lines of Dialogue between Marge Simpson and the Jewish character of
Artie Ziff
Marge: “My husband’s going to jail, and it’s all your fault!
Do you know why no one likes you?”
Artie Ziff: “Anti-Semitism?”
Marge: “No!
Your problem is you never think of anyone besides yourself.”
Anyone find this scene a bit offensive and Anti-Semitic ?
In the 2002 episode of
The Simpsons titled
“How I spent my Strummer Vacation”
in one scene of the episode
There is this brief dialogue between
a doctor and a very drunk
Homer Simpson
The Doctor says
“Thanks for the donation, Mr. Simpson. Do you feel okay?”
Homer replies: “Jewish? Oh, no, I’m not Jewish.”
Anyone find this scene offensive and Anti-Semitic ?
Many people talk about
God given Freedoms in America
What “freedoms” What God given “freedoms”
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
Not even that
Not even that
America Unjustly Forces Countless Adults to go without
Countless American Adults
Healthy and Disabled alike are unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons , Chronically unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons
Yet America doesn’t have the Decency to Legalize Prostitution
To Make Sex Work Legal in Every State of America at Reasonable Prices
America Makes Countless Adults endure a Miserable Sexless Existence , is that “freedom”
Is it ? America Unjustly Forces Countless Adults in America to go without Sex for many
Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades
Upon Decades upon Decades
Countless Adults are Suffering
Can we see why many Americans can’t stand America
It’s Not about people being
“Entitled” to Sex, Human Touch, it’s about these being Human Needs
America with it’s Unjust, Inhumane, Cruel “laws” is
Causing Countless American Adults Severe Psychological Harm
Puritan Sexually Repressive Puritanical Immature Childish America is Causing Severe
Psychological Harm to Countless American Adults who desperately Want and Need SEX
Can we All Understand why many Americans agree that America Sucks many Ways
@th3jud6ed typed on X
“I would, once again, just like to say to the world’s Jews: the way you have been treated for over 2,000 years is absolutely despicable. Not once, never ONCE, have you ever deserved ONE SECOND of the mindlessly nasty and cruel shit you and your ancestors have endured. And I’m not talking about the lies and blatant mistruths (many disseminated, appallingly and to their everlasting shame, by the Christian churches) that are in themselves a crime against truth and justice, but the scale of sheer horror and atrocity they have resulted in.
Your ancestors never deserved one second of it. You do not deserve one second of it, either. I am appalled and ashamed and horrified for you all.
Know this, though – and I really hope you take this on board because it really matters – your dignity and grace and elegance in suffering and then overcoming every one of these mindless hatreds is a true testament to both your courage and ability and just how much the God of Abraham – YOUR God that you blessed the rest of humanity with – adores and loves you.
There is not a single thing you cannot overcome and that you have and do (as much as you should never have had to) still stands as probably the greatest testament to the power of courage and strength human beings are capable of in the entire history of humanity. I think you’re simply amazing. The most remarkable, valuable, inspiring, and extraordinary people who have ever lived. And that is God’s own honest truth. I love you forever. I will never not be there right at your side. You are a reason to live and fight and stand for everything that matters. Forever.”
11:44 AM · Jan 18, 2025
Regardless if this “ceasefire” is temporary or permanent- we have a golden opportunity to REVEAL THE GOAL of this devil – how they want the end to look like and why.
Since October 7th they have talked about “October 7th effect” (in Arabic) and this is why very early on I saw the “image” warfare as their main front and as the main part in their pre planed agenda to de legitimize Israel in a way that -according to their plan- might lead to its destruction.
The “image” is not one photo – it’s a well orchestrated campaign with many fronts that are working together to complete each other. Every action was done for the sake of the image benefits.
Every action.
A few weeks after October 7th I recognized the main threat from October 7th, which is the pre planned image campaign that weaponized:
• Consciousness – propaganda (on MSM and on social media)
• Information warfare- complete sabotage of the history and facts,
• Moral authority- international institutions, academia
• Legal authority – ethical codes and the international legal framework
In my opinion this was and is – the main war front, this is the main weapon and threat – not the war on the ground. Some people think that this is the usual hate and antisemitism that Israel receives and that we exaggerate the importance and the potential threat from.
This was always about “the cause”- whether it is “the Palestinian cause” to conquer and cleanse Israel from Jews from the river to the sea, or the great Islamic “Ummah” – and never about Gaza/ Palestinians/ prisoners – it was always about the ideology and the “cause” – because of that, they never cared about death or destruction of buildings etc.
This was ONLY a propaganda instrument for “the cause” – so all they had to do is survive militarily long enough to create the desired “effect”, to lie constantly until the truth is unrecognizable and to weaponize every possible concept of the West – to create the desired IMAGE.
That’s why the October 7th atrocities were very documented by the terrorists, they were escorted with “press” and live-streamed : to start creating the EFFECT.
They next fabricated a genocide claim with the fake film industry (gazawood), with corrupt NGOs, with paid and orchestrated campaigns of “protests” in the academies and eventually with a case in the ICJ. Filing the case and the fabricated allegation was enough- even without a ruling- because the image was the point and the campaigns were already prepared.
In those ways they achieved simultaneously intimidation of Israelis and creating a huge threat that justified all actions as a defense – and then weaponizing this impossible situation into a defamation campaign on Israel’s response. To add to that they created the “effect” with Gazans as well- intimidation and inspiration.
The global effect was always the goal – and the “price” that they themselves actively created – was only a price when it was presented to the world, for them this price is a victory and a religious gift to kill and die as a martyr- this, is a cult.
Now, that we see what most of them present as “the achievement” from October 7th – it’s another validation to the goal. Not a military victory. Not prosperity. The destruction of worldwide Jewry.”
We cannot be Deceived by
Gazawood and Pallywood Lies
Some people typed online today
“The new United States Ambassador to the United Nations agrees with the vision of Rabbi Meir Kahane that the Land of Israel, which includes Judea and Samaria, belongs to the Jewish people. Thank G-d.”
While Another person typed online about the
Late, Great
Rabbi Meir Kahane
“40 years ago I thought he was a radical. Today would there be more men like him. We should have listened back then.”
Chaplain Michael Green typed online today
“Truly unbelievable the level of corruption in the IDF high command and the unwillingness of PM Netanyahu to doing anything about it on October 8, 2023, the Day After the
Hamas Holocaust 🔥🔥🔥”
With the Iraqi government implementing various reforms to stimulate growth, having access to reliable news sources is critical. Iraq Business News covers government initiatives and regulatory changes that affect the business landscape, empowering companies to adapt and thrive.
If Mike Huckabee, Lindsey Graham or Ted Cruz were President
They would be better for
Trump has Actually appointed
Mel Gibson to be a
“special ambassador” to
Hollywood , This isn’t a headline from The Onion , it’s the sad Truth
jns.org has an article headlined
“Pope Francis pillories Israel, providing a moral free pass to its existential enemies”
Rabbi Abraham Cooper
Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein
Jan. 15, 2025
Sadly it’s Not
Pope Fiction , it’s a Hateful
Nightmare Anti-Semitic World
The Jerusalem Post jpost.com has an article headlined
“UN unveils action plan to monitor, combat antisemitism worldwide”
The United Nations has Always Unjustly Hated Jews and Israel and now they have an
“action plan” to monitor, combat antisemitism worldwide
A person typed online today
“America is in countdown mode like on New Years Eve at Times Square until America is on the road for Trump to Make America Great Again.”
A person typed in reply
“Couldn’t come sooner”
Sadly America was Never Great
America Needs REAL Freedom
Libertarian Freedom
Sexual Freedom
The Incel Crisis is sadly getting worse and worse in America and Worldwide
Incels are being unjustly
Demonized, Vilified
Incel , Involuntary Celibacy Problems are No Joke
America Needs
More Freedom
How is America
“Great” ? It Heartlessly makes Countless Millions upon Millions of American Adults go without SEX
Countless Adults want
Sex yet are unable to Get it
America makes them go without Sex
has an article headlined
” And a New King Arose in Egypt’: Israel, D.C. and the Hamas Surrender Deal”
By Daniel Greenfield January 20, 2025
Lindsey Graham takes it up the tuchus.
has an article headlined
“This Gaza deal is a Hamas victory.”
Jan 16, 2025
The Whole World unjustly Hates the Jews and Israel as Always
In late 2024 a person typed online about
Rabbi Meir Kahane
Once Again
Let’s Lobby to Have the Face of
Rabbi Meir Kahane added to
Mount Rushmore by 2030
Meir Kahane as the
5th Face on the Monument
Why hasn’t the Face of
Meir Kahane already been added to Mount Rushmore ?
It should have been done years ago , Years Ago
A person typed online today about the terrible Hostage
“Deal” Israel is making with
Arab Terrorists in Gaza
When a terrorist group “negotiates” with a democracy, it always has the upper hand. The terrorists are not constrained by morality, law or truth. They can murder at will, rape at will, torture at will and threaten to do worse. Democracy, on the other hand, must comply with the rules of law and must listen to the pleas of the hostage families.
The proper description of what occurred is that Israel, pressured by the United States, capitulated to the unlawful and extortionate demands of Hamas as the only way of saving the lives of kidnapped babies, mothers and other innocent, mostly civilian, hostages.
This was not the result of a negotiation between equals. If an armed robber puts a gun to your head and says, “your money or your life,” your decision to give him your money would not be described as a deal.
And let us put the blame for ALL the deaths in Gaza where it belongs: on Hamas and the useful idiots of academia, the campus goons, the media, and the gaggle of anti-Semites who support the murderous terrorists.
(Based on an Alan Dershowitz piece)”
On January 16, 2025
The Instagram Account
jewish_history_daily has a video and says underneath
“Is Beetlejuice hiding antisemitic themes? On the surface, it’s a quirky cult classic, but when you dig deeper, the connections become unsettling. The name ‘Beetlejuice’ may derive from the German term bettel juden, or bettel Jews meaning ‘beggar Jews,’ a derogatory term used during a long history of Jewish oppression in Germany.
Even more troubling is Beetlejuice’s iconic striped outfit, eerily similar to the uniforms Jews were forced to wear in concentration camps during the Holocaust. Intentional or not, these parallels can’t be ignored.
This story isn’t just about a movie—it’s a reflection of how antisemitic stereotypes have persisted and seeped into modern culture, often unnoticed. It’s also a reminder of Germany’s dark history of Jewish persecution, from medieval expulsions to the horrors of the 20th century.
Jewish rights in Germany fluctuated significantly from the Middle Ages onward:
1. Medieval Period (10th–15th centuries): Jews often lived under the protection of rulers but lacked equal rights. They were restricted to certain occupations (e.g., moneylending and trade) and subjected to special taxes. Periodic expulsions, pogroms, and restrictions on property ownership and residence were common.
2. 16th–18th centuries: The situation worsened during the Reformation and Counter-Reformation, with ghettos becoming widespread and Jews facing harsh restrictions on movement and economic activities. Some rulers, like in the Holy Roman Empire, offered limited protections in exchange for taxes or services.
3. 18th-century Enlightenment: The Enlightenment brought gradual improvements. Thinkers like Moses Mendelssohn argued for Jewish integration. Some German states, such as Prussia under Frederick the Great, began easing restrictions, though equality remained elusive.
4. 19th century to 1871 (Emancipation): Legal restrictions were gradually lifted, culminating in full emancipation with the unification of Germany in 1871. However, social prejudice persisted.
#JewishHistoryDaily #Beetlejuice #Antisemitism #HiddenHistory #JewishHistory #NeverAgain”
The man in the Instagram video Explains that he believes
Tim Burton is an
Ridiculous. The story of the Smurfs inspiring communism is more convincing.
Another person typed online this January 2025
“Always a double standard when it comes to Israel and Jews”
Very Disturbing and Disgusting
Always a Double Standard
Always a Double Standard
Always a Double Standard
Always a Double Standard
BS Hypocrisy and Double Standards
This is why voted for harris as the lesser of two evils. Trump siding with russia over ukraine. Trump hating nato and yes we understand ukraine has major issues but putin is a danger to the world and openly suppprts hamas this kgb agent. On top.of all that this is 2nd term for trump and he doesnt have to pander to evangelists and harris even with her own issues but in her 1st term and younger wouldnt go with putting the presure on israel the way trump is. I think some jews who decided to vote for harris as lesser of two evils deserve an apology. I did feel in my own view trump would be very bad for israel and be able to get away with it.
The stopantisemitism.org
Anti-Semite of the Week for
January 17, 2025 is
Ian Carroll
Never heard of this Ian Carroll asshole before today
Remember the ABC sitcom
“The Drew Carey Show” which ran from
September 1995 to September 2004
In one episode the character of
Kate O’Brien says “My mom always said that if the Protestants catch a Catholic in their church, they feed them to the Jews.”
Anyone find that line offensive ?
That quote is online
Which episode was it Exactly ?
A person typed online in
June 2024
“And here’s the complete list of sensible, good, decent, honest anti-Semites the world over: ”
A Photo of a Large Completely Blank
Piece of Paper is Shown
No Names are Shown on it
Not a single name for
Obvious Reasons
A person typed online today about Anti-Semite
“comedian” Dave Chapelle that
“He cannot open his mouth without mentioning “the poor displaced Palestinians” ”
Why doesn’t Dave Chapelle
Ever Mention the Countless
Jewish Israelis displaced from their homes since
October 7th, 2023 ?
In the 2004 episode of
The Simpsons titled
“The Ziff who came to Dinner” in one scene there are these lines of Dialogue between Marge Simpson and the Jewish character of
Artie Ziff
Marge: “My husband’s going to jail, and it’s all your fault!
Do you know why no one likes you?”
Artie Ziff: “Anti-Semitism?”
Marge: “No!
Your problem is you never think of anyone besides yourself.”
Anyone find this scene a bit offensive and Anti-Semitic ?
In the 2002 episode of
The Simpsons titled
“How I spent my Strummer Vacation”
in one scene of the episode
There is this brief dialogue between
a doctor and a very drunk
Homer Simpson
The Doctor says
“Thanks for the donation, Mr. Simpson. Do you feel okay?”
Homer replies: “Jewish? Oh, no, I’m not Jewish.”
Anyone find this scene offensive and Anti-Semitic ?
Many people talk about
God given Freedoms in America
What “freedoms” What God given “freedoms”
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
Not even that
Not even that
America Unjustly Forces Countless Adults to go without
The Incel Crisis is sadly getting worse and worse in America and Worldwide Every Single Day
Why is America so Stupid and Heartless in Many Ways
Countless American Adults
Healthy and Disabled alike are unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons , Chronically unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons
Yet America doesn’t have the Decency to Legalize Prostitution
To Make Sex Work Legal in Every State of America at Reasonable Prices
America Makes Countless Adults endure a Miserable Sexless Existence , is that “freedom”
Is it ? America Unjustly Forces Countless Adults in America to go without Sex for many
Decades upon Decades upon Decades upon Decades
Upon Decades upon Decades
Countless Adults are Suffering
Can we see why many Americans can’t stand America
It’s Not about people being
“Entitled” to Sex, Human Touch, it’s about these being Human Needs
America with it’s Unjust, Inhumane, Cruel “laws” is
Causing Countless American Adults Severe Psychological Harm
More Sex makes people happier , some
Sex Starved people blame
“The Jews” for their Suffering
Puritan Sexually Repressive Puritanical Immature Childish America is Causing Severe
Psychological Harm to Countless American Adults who desperately Want and Need SEX
Can we All Understand why many Americans agree that America Sucks many Ways
@th3jud6ed typed on X
“I would, once again, just like to say to the world’s Jews: the way you have been treated for over 2,000 years is absolutely despicable. Not once, never ONCE, have you ever deserved ONE SECOND of the mindlessly nasty and cruel shit you and your ancestors have endured. And I’m not talking about the lies and blatant mistruths (many disseminated, appallingly and to their everlasting shame, by the Christian churches) that are in themselves a crime against truth and justice, but the scale of sheer horror and atrocity they have resulted in.
Your ancestors never deserved one second of it. You do not deserve one second of it, either. I am appalled and ashamed and horrified for you all.
Know this, though – and I really hope you take this on board because it really matters – your dignity and grace and elegance in suffering and then overcoming every one of these mindless hatreds is a true testament to both your courage and ability and just how much the God of Abraham – YOUR God that you blessed the rest of humanity with – adores and loves you.
There is not a single thing you cannot overcome and that you have and do (as much as you should never have had to) still stands as probably the greatest testament to the power of courage and strength human beings are capable of in the entire history of humanity. I think you’re simply amazing. The most remarkable, valuable, inspiring, and extraordinary people who have ever lived. And that is God’s own honest truth. I love you forever. I will never not be there right at your side. You are a reason to live and fight and stand for everything that matters. Forever.”
11:44 AM · Jan 18, 2025
A person typed online today
Regardless if this “ceasefire” is temporary or permanent- we have a golden opportunity to REVEAL THE GOAL of this devil – how they want the end to look like and why.
Since October 7th they have talked about “October 7th effect” (in Arabic) and this is why very early on I saw the “image” warfare as their main front and as the main part in their pre planed agenda to de legitimize Israel in a way that -according to their plan- might lead to its destruction.
The “image” is not one photo – it’s a well orchestrated campaign with many fronts that are working together to complete each other. Every action was done for the sake of the image benefits.
Every action.
A few weeks after October 7th I recognized the main threat from October 7th, which is the pre planned image campaign that weaponized:
• Consciousness – propaganda (on MSM and on social media)
• Information warfare- complete sabotage of the history and facts,
• Moral authority- international institutions, academia
• Legal authority – ethical codes and the international legal framework
In my opinion this was and is – the main war front, this is the main weapon and threat – not the war on the ground. Some people think that this is the usual hate and antisemitism that Israel receives and that we exaggerate the importance and the potential threat from.
This was always about “the cause”- whether it is “the Palestinian cause” to conquer and cleanse Israel from Jews from the river to the sea, or the great Islamic “Ummah” – and never about Gaza/ Palestinians/ prisoners – it was always about the ideology and the “cause” – because of that, they never cared about death or destruction of buildings etc.
This was ONLY a propaganda instrument for “the cause” – so all they had to do is survive militarily long enough to create the desired “effect”, to lie constantly until the truth is unrecognizable and to weaponize every possible concept of the West – to create the desired IMAGE.
That’s why the October 7th atrocities were very documented by the terrorists, they were escorted with “press” and live-streamed : to start creating the EFFECT.
They next fabricated a genocide claim with the fake film industry (gazawood), with corrupt NGOs, with paid and orchestrated campaigns of “protests” in the academies and eventually with a case in the ICJ. Filing the case and the fabricated allegation was enough- even without a ruling- because the image was the point and the campaigns were already prepared.
In those ways they achieved simultaneously intimidation of Israelis and creating a huge threat that justified all actions as a defense – and then weaponizing this impossible situation into a defamation campaign on Israel’s response. To add to that they created the “effect” with Gazans as well- intimidation and inspiration.
The global effect was always the goal – and the “price” that they themselves actively created – was only a price when it was presented to the world, for them this price is a victory and a religious gift to kill and die as a martyr- this, is a cult.
Now, that we see what most of them present as “the achievement” from October 7th – it’s another validation to the goal. Not a military victory. Not prosperity. The destruction of worldwide Jewry.”
We cannot be Deceived by
Gazawood and Pallywood Lies
Some people typed online today
“The new United States Ambassador to the United Nations agrees with the vision of Rabbi Meir Kahane that the Land of Israel, which includes Judea and Samaria, belongs to the Jewish people. Thank G-d.”
While Another person typed online about the
Late, Great
Rabbi Meir Kahane
“40 years ago I thought he was a radical. Today would there be more men like him. We should have listened back then.”
Chaplain Michael Green typed online today
“Truly unbelievable the level of corruption in the IDF high command and the unwillingness of PM Netanyahu to doing anything about it on October 8, 2023, the Day After the
Hamas Holocaust 🔥🔥🔥”
With the Iraqi government implementing various reforms to stimulate growth, having access to reliable news sources is critical. Iraq Business News covers government initiatives and regulatory changes that affect the business landscape, empowering companies to adapt and thrive.