Trump: Cancel the Election and Declare Me the Winner

trump_crazyRepublican presidential candidate quips that he’d like to “cancel the election” and be declared the winner.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump suggested on Thursday that he’d like to “cancel the election” and be declared the winner.

“Just thinking to myself right now, we should just cancel the election and just give it to Trump,” he said during a rally in Toledo, Ohio, according toCNN.

“Her policies are so bad. Boy, do we have a big difference,” he added of his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

The lighthearted comment falls against the backdrop of Trump’s repeated and serious questioning of the legitimacy of the presidential election in recent weeks and the veracity of the polls he calls skewed.

Trump has called the election “rigged,” argued that the media and establishment politicians are conspiring to sink his campaign and warned supporters that the presidency could be stolen from them due to voter fraud.

The comment comes as the Republican candidate is trailing Clinton in national tracking polls and in key battleground states.

A USA Today/Suffolk University Poll released on Wednesday found that Clinton has built a lead over Trump approaching 10 percentage points.

An ABC News poll released Sunday found that she has opened up a 12-point advantage over Trump.

Trump’s comments about the election also came as he mocked Clinton as “low energy” for the second time in as many days.

Other polls which show him ahead and closing the gap have received little publicity, he claims.

“Who is more low energy, Jeb Bush or Hillary Clinton?” Trump asked the crowd which replied, “Hillary!”

Earlier on Thursday, first lady Michelle Obama campaigned with Clinton and heaped praise on her while criticizing Trump.

Obama praised Clinton as the most prepared candidate for the presidency ever and then claimed that Trump’s strategy is “to make this election so dirty and ugly that we don’t want any part of it.”

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