Trump flyer features photo of ‘Muslim supporter’ who is NOT Muslim, doesn’t support Trump

trump_flier_muslims_sikhWait, why does Trump all of a sudden care so much about Muslims and his Muslim support?

El Trumpo is up to his old tricks again! A Sikh man was shocked to find out that the orange-faced crotch-grabber was portraying him as a Muslim for Trump in flyers sent out by the campaign.

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Voters across Ohio might be heartened to know that for all of Donald Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric, his campaign managed to find at least one man of the Muslim faith to advertise his support of the Republican nominee.

But Gurinder Singh Khalsa is not Muslim. He is not a Trump supporter. And he says he did not give the Trump campaign permission to use his image on a mailer.

“I am not Muslim and I am not supporting Trump,” Singh Khalsa told WTHR in Central Indiana on Monday. “He is putting my picture, saying Muslims support him and I have nothing to do with it. I don’t support Trump. Nobody even asked me to put that picture there. It was shocking, disturbing and this will create more confusion among people because they are sending it nationwide.”

This is especially messed up because stupid ignorant people mistake Sikhs for Muslims, since Sikhs are religiously bound to wear a turban. There have been terrible attacks on innocent Sikhs by degenerate scumbags who don’t even know the difference. Because of this stupid flyer and Trump’s irresponsible lying, the image of this man is being used to make people even more ignorant of the difference between Sikhs and Muslims. Good job, Trumpy.

One comment

  • Stealing this man’s likeness for that purpose is especially offensive as Sikhs have been brutally persecuted by muslims for centuries.

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