Trump Insults U.S. Military: “Gang That Couldn’t Shoot Straight”

trumpTrump the cheeto-king seems to care more about Russia than the United States military.

Speaking on the O’Reilly Factor with Bill O’Reilly Monday night, Donald Trump again slammed the American military, calling them “The gang that couldn’t shoot straight.” To make matters worse, in referring to the recent bombing that inadvertently killed Syrian soldiers, he moaned, Russia is “absolutely furious at us.”

Over the weekend, the Russian military reported that American pilots had believed they had targeted Islamic State jihadists but instead killed more than 60 Syrian soldiers. Trump told O’Reilly:

Everything is political. It’s very, very sad. Then we bomb the Syrian troops.  You saw that over the weekend. We bombed – I guess we killed more than 80 troops. And now Russia is absolutely furious at us. But we bomb the wrong people. I mean we are like the gang that couldn’t shoot straight. Our country, with this leader, is the gang that couldn’t shoot straight. That’s what it is.

Less than two weeks ago, Trump slammed generals in the military, blasting, “The generals under Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have not been successful. Under the leadership of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton the generals have been reduced to rubble, reduced to a point where it is embarrassing for our country.”

In early August, Trump denigrated the military, saying Russia had done a much better job of building up their military:

Look at Russia, how they’ve built up their military. Look at what they’ve done. Look at what they’ve done on the nuclear weapons front. How they’ve built up their military and how we’re so far behind. And our equipment is obsolete in many cases. And we have jet fighters that are so old that they have to go to graveyards — airplane graveyards and museums to get parts for current jetfighters. And we have pilots, our wonderful incredible pilots saying, it didn’t used to be this way. We’ve got to get smart, folks. We’ve got to get smart. We’re falling way behind.

But as this chart from the Military Times shows, that is simply untrue:


Trump, who has criticized the American military before, never saw combat, seeking and gettingeight deferments during the Vietnam war.

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