Trump ordered to pay contractor $300k after trying to rip them off on a $24k bill

donald-trump-shrugsEl Trumpo tried to screw over a mom and pop paint store by saying he had painted them enough. Well, a judge disagreed and now he has to pay them 12 times as much to cover their lawyer’s fees.

From the Miami Herald:

Circuit Court Judge Jorge Cueto, presiding over a lawsuit related to unpaid bills brought by a local paint store against the Trump National Doral Miami golf resort, ordered the billionaire politician’s company to pay the Doral-based mom-and-pop shop nearly $300,000 in attorney’s fees.

All because, according to the lawsuit, Trump allegedly tried to stiff The Paint Spot on its last payment of $34,863 on a $200,000 contract for paint used in the renovation of the home of golf’s famed Blue Monster two years ago.

Trump National’s insistence that it had “paid enough” for the paint despite a contract, according to the lawsuit, caused The Paint Spot to slap a lien on the property and Cueto to order the foreclosure sale of the resort.

This is actually a tactic that Trump uses a lot in order to keep from paying vendors. He’s driven entire companies into bankruptcies because they had to use all their cash reserves to sue him. Don’t believe me? Click right here. And yet people really believe this con man is in it “for the little guy.”

Here’s a great quote from the guy he tried to screw over:

“I’m happy I have a judgment,” said Juan Carlos Enriquez, owner of The Paint Spot. “But he [Trump] hasn’t paid yet.

“You know how he says he’ll surround himself with the greatest people if he is president? In this case, he might not be surrounded by the right people.”

What a terrible election.

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