Eve Barlow
@Eve_Barlow typed on X
“Athena punished Medusa instead of Poseidon. And today the world’s leading feminists punish Jewish women instead of Hamas.”
1:09 PM · Jan 31, 2025
Eve Barlow
@Eve_Barlow also typed on X
“This really is the very last thing I’ve going to say about the
When Hamas raped women so violently on October 7 that their pelvises broke, the AOCs of the world insisted that the context mattered.
When a neurodivergent man enthusiastically made a gesture onstage, suddenly context didn’t matter whatsoever.
If you are currently outraged over a gesture, you are being owned by the same people who would gladly watch you being pulverized by a truly Nazi terrorist organization.”
12:28 AM · Jan 23, 2025
A person typed in the
New York Daily News
This January 2025
“There is a Bible passage that explains all this woke nonsense: “And because they received not the love of the truth so as to be saved, God sends upon them strong delusion that they might believe the lie” (2 Thes. 2:11). Sex changes, he/she pronouns, coed bathrooms, etc. — these strong delusions are sent by God on those who reject the love of the truth so as to be saved from their sins. In so many words, it is giving God your middle finger. Now the wokes want personhood for nature, rivers, valleys, etc. These things were promoted recently by the Dupes of Davos. Oh how these folks need the love of the truth so as to be saved from all this nonsense. Woke out, wokes”
What other things could the
“strong delusion” be referring to ?
The New York Post nypost.com has an article headlined
“Hamas hostage handover reveals that violent, genocidal rot infests ALL of Gaza”
By Post Editorial Board
Published Jan. 30, 2025
A person posted a photo online a while back of
David Dinkins & Bill de Blasio
sitting together at a Public Event
A person remarked about the photo
“The original Dumb and Dumber”
jns.org has an article headlined
“Antisemites portray themselves as false allies to Jews as ‘political cover,’ experts say”
Rikki Zagelbaum
January 29, 2025
In the 2002 Jennifer Lopez romantic comedy film
“Maid in Manhattan”
Italian actor
Stanley Tucci played the
Jewish character of
Jerry Siegal , did anyone find it a bit offensive ?
The Jerusalem Post jpost.com has an article headlined
“Nearly half the world hates Jews: here’s why that should terrify us”
A person typed online today
“President Donald Trump was very firm today and said he would expell the Hamas Arabs of Gaza. This is a vindication of Rabbi Meir Kahane.”
On January 27, 2025 Many people were Talking about the 80th Anniversary of the Libertarian of
Actually No Death Camps were
“Liberated” by the Allied Forces during World War II
Those Nazi Death Camps just happened to be in the Path of the
Advancing Allied Forces
They were NOT
“Liberated” it’s not like the Allies cared about the Persecution of the Jews or diverted a single
soldier or any resources to
Rescue Jews , that wasn’t their objective
The Allies didn’t give a
Damn about the Jews , they only cared about winning the War and defeating Nazi Germany
The Nazi Death Camps and
Concentration Camps were
NOT “Liberated”
So Let’s Not use the word
A person typed online this
January 27, 2025 about the
80th Anniversary of the
so-called “Liberation” of
“Worst of all was the bloody Irish government beating about “Gaza” and having a JEWISH attendee manhandled out when she turned her back on him, with another dozen walking out.
So here’s an idea, let Ireland take in the Gazans and others as the anti-semitic bastards can’t suck off and swallow the Fakestinians hard and deep enough.”
“The only ones who expressed outrage were the poor bloody soldiers who saw the horrors. The world otherwise had averted it’s eyes just as they turned back ships full of desperate Jews trying to escape the Nazis.
Make no mistake, had the Germans invaded and won the UK, the population would’ve capitulated and sold out the Jews. Look at the channel islands for the reality. Not only that, but the British especially kept Jews holed up on transit camps, marginally better than under the Nazis while making it as difficult as possible for them to get to Israel, while simultaneously arming and training the Arabs. I know my history, the real history. Outrageously, should it happen again, the world and our erstwhile “friends” would abandon us in a heartbeat, the sole exception would be President Trump and possibly President Millie of Argentina.”
A person typed online
January 31, 2025
“Senator Elizabeth Warren, who got jobs her entire life by fraudulently claiming she is an American Indian, has now fraudulently claimed the most just military in the world, the Israel Defense Forces, has waged “genocide” against the genocidal Arab Nazi Arabs who occupy Gaza.”
Some people typed in reply
“She’s an insult to native Americans, she’s a complete demented politician.”
“The democratic party is full of psychos.”
“Between her and Adam Schiff I can’t figure out why their districts keep voting them in office they need to be in jail for impersonating human beings”
“Schumer also”
“yeah, he’s just as bad”
“When she starts pouring cement into toilets like the useful idiots at Columbia supporting Hamas, we can thank Pocahontas for her brilliant leadership!”
Another person typed online today
“it’s incredibly disingenuous when someone is “anti-Nazi” yet “pro-Palestine”. words have meaning. movements have history and current goals. the hypocrisy is blinding.”
Make No Mistake when the Face of Rabbi Meir Kahane is added to Mount Rushmore , many people will be saying to themselves that
Kahane’s Face to the Monument immediately After the Day of
Monday November 5, 1990
Grammar Mistake , Typo
It Should Say:
Make No Mistake when the Face of Rabbi Meir Kahane is added to Mount Rushmore , many people will be saying to themselves that
Kahane’s Face Definitely Needed to be immediately added to the Monument, Right After the Day of
Monday November 5, 1990
Many people wonder why Can’t a
5th Face be added to
Mount Rushmore ?
You Know the Expression ,
The More The Merrier
We Know that Sculpting a
Giant Face on a
Monument Takes Time ,
Hard Work and Money
But if the Project began shortly after the Death of
Kahane in 1990 , the Project could have been Completed by
the year 2000
Chaplain Michael Green typed online today
“Did the government of Israel, did PM Netanyahu learn anything after Israel saved Sinwar from his cancer and then set that barbarian free and how did Sinwar show his appreciation to the Jewish people of Israel ?
Sinwar and the other Hamas Savages planned and carried out the worst, most depraved, destructive, sadistic mass torture, mass rape, mass murder of the Jewish people since the Holocaust, the October 7 Massacre.
Thousands of Palestinian terrorists are being released from Israeli prisons, thousands of murderous genocidal Jew hating Nazi Jihadist monsters being freed, returning home to a heroes welcome in Gaza and in the West Bank, Judea and Samaria.
What will be the repercussions of this, based upon the long history of the Palestinian terrorists, they will resume their murder of Jews in Israel.
While we are elated that several Jewish lives were saved, the hostages who are back home in the Jewish state, what will the future bring ?
Hamas is still in power in Gaza, they roam the streets with their weapons and terrorist uniforms and gear. They are actively recruiting, rearming, rebuilding their ranks of genocidal murderers that thrive on shed Jewish blood, that thrive on the slaughter of Jews, men, women, the elderly, the disabled and little children.”
The New York Post
nypost.com has an article headlined
“Spare us the tears, Selena Gomez — You’re crying for bad hombres”
By Kirsten Fleming
Published Jan. 30, 2025
Looking to make informed decisions based on comprehensive data? Explore Iraq Business News for access to valuable statistics, industry reports, and trend analyses tailored for business leaders
jns.org has an article headlined
“Media hide main cause of antisemitism in favor of a bankrupt ideology”
James Sinkinson
January 29, 2025
Eve Barlow
@Eve_Barlow typed on X
“Athena punished Medusa instead of Poseidon. And today the world’s leading feminists punish Jewish women instead of Hamas.”
1:09 PM · Jan 31, 2025
Eve Barlow
@Eve_Barlow also typed on X
“This really is the very last thing I’ve going to say about the
When Hamas raped women so violently on October 7 that their pelvises broke, the AOCs of the world insisted that the context mattered.
When a neurodivergent man enthusiastically made a gesture onstage, suddenly context didn’t matter whatsoever.
If you are currently outraged over a gesture, you are being owned by the same people who would gladly watch you being pulverized by a truly Nazi terrorist organization.”
12:28 AM · Jan 23, 2025
A person typed in the
New York Daily News
This January 2025
“There is a Bible passage that explains all this woke nonsense: “And because they received not the love of the truth so as to be saved, God sends upon them strong delusion that they might believe the lie” (2 Thes. 2:11). Sex changes, he/she pronouns, coed bathrooms, etc. — these strong delusions are sent by God on those who reject the love of the truth so as to be saved from their sins. In so many words, it is giving God your middle finger. Now the wokes want personhood for nature, rivers, valleys, etc. These things were promoted recently by the Dupes of Davos. Oh how these folks need the love of the truth so as to be saved from all this nonsense. Woke out, wokes”
What other things could the
“strong delusion” be referring to ?
The New York Post nypost.com has an article headlined
“Hamas hostage handover reveals that violent, genocidal rot infests ALL of Gaza”
By Post Editorial Board
Published Jan. 30, 2025
A person posted a photo online a while back of
David Dinkins & Bill de Blasio
sitting together at a Public Event
A person remarked about the photo
“The original Dumb and Dumber”
jns.org has an article headlined
“Antisemites portray themselves as false allies to Jews as ‘political cover,’ experts say”
Rikki Zagelbaum
January 29, 2025
In the 2002 Jennifer Lopez romantic comedy film
“Maid in Manhattan”
Italian actor
Stanley Tucci played the
Jewish character of
Jerry Siegal , did anyone find it a bit offensive ?
The Jerusalem Post jpost.com has an article headlined
“Nearly half the world hates Jews: here’s why that should terrify us”
A person typed online today
“President Donald Trump was very firm today and said he would expell the Hamas Arabs of Gaza. This is a vindication of Rabbi Meir Kahane.”
On January 27, 2025 Many people were Talking about the 80th Anniversary of the Libertarian of
Actually No Death Camps were
“Liberated” by the Allied Forces during World War II
Those Nazi Death Camps just happened to be in the Path of the
Advancing Allied Forces
They were NOT
“Liberated” it’s not like the Allies cared about the Persecution of the Jews or diverted a single
soldier or any resources to
Rescue Jews , that wasn’t their objective
The Allies didn’t give a
Damn about the Jews , they only cared about winning the War and defeating Nazi Germany
The Nazi Death Camps and
Concentration Camps were
NOT “Liberated”
So Let’s Not use the word
A person typed online this
January 27, 2025 about the
80th Anniversary of the
so-called “Liberation” of
“Worst of all was the bloody Irish government beating about “Gaza” and having a JEWISH attendee manhandled out when she turned her back on him, with another dozen walking out.
So here’s an idea, let Ireland take in the Gazans and others as the anti-semitic bastards can’t suck off and swallow the Fakestinians hard and deep enough.”
“The only ones who expressed outrage were the poor bloody soldiers who saw the horrors. The world otherwise had averted it’s eyes just as they turned back ships full of desperate Jews trying to escape the Nazis.
Make no mistake, had the Germans invaded and won the UK, the population would’ve capitulated and sold out the Jews. Look at the channel islands for the reality. Not only that, but the British especially kept Jews holed up on transit camps, marginally better than under the Nazis while making it as difficult as possible for them to get to Israel, while simultaneously arming and training the Arabs. I know my history, the real history. Outrageously, should it happen again, the world and our erstwhile “friends” would abandon us in a heartbeat, the sole exception would be President Trump and possibly President Millie of Argentina.”
A person typed online
January 31, 2025
“Senator Elizabeth Warren, who got jobs her entire life by fraudulently claiming she is an American Indian, has now fraudulently claimed the most just military in the world, the Israel Defense Forces, has waged “genocide” against the genocidal Arab Nazi Arabs who occupy Gaza.”
Some people typed in reply
“She’s an insult to native Americans, she’s a complete demented politician.”
“The democratic party is full of psychos.”
“Between her and Adam Schiff I can’t figure out why their districts keep voting them in office they need to be in jail for impersonating human beings”
“Schumer also”
“yeah, he’s just as bad”
“When she starts pouring cement into toilets like the useful idiots at Columbia supporting Hamas, we can thank Pocahontas for her brilliant leadership!”
Another person typed online today
“it’s incredibly disingenuous when someone is “anti-Nazi” yet “pro-Palestine”. words have meaning. movements have history and current goals. the hypocrisy is blinding.”
We Kahanists were Right and correct the whole time
All the More Reason why the
Face of Rabbi Meir Kahane
Needs to be added to
Mount Rushmore 👍
Make No Mistake when the Face of Rabbi Meir Kahane is added to Mount Rushmore , many people will be saying to themselves that
Kahane’s Face to the Monument immediately After the Day of
Monday November 5, 1990
Grammar Mistake , Typo
It Should Say:
Make No Mistake when the Face of Rabbi Meir Kahane is added to Mount Rushmore , many people will be saying to themselves that
Kahane’s Face Definitely Needed to be immediately added to the Monument, Right After the Day of
Monday November 5, 1990
Many people wonder why Can’t a
5th Face be added to
Mount Rushmore ?
You Know the Expression ,
The More The Merrier
We Know that Sculpting a
Giant Face on a
Monument Takes Time ,
Hard Work and Money
But if the Project began shortly after the Death of
Kahane in 1990 , the Project could have been Completed by
the year 2000
Chaplain Michael Green typed online today
“Did the government of Israel, did PM Netanyahu learn anything after Israel saved Sinwar from his cancer and then set that barbarian free and how did Sinwar show his appreciation to the Jewish people of Israel ?
Sinwar and the other Hamas Savages planned and carried out the worst, most depraved, destructive, sadistic mass torture, mass rape, mass murder of the Jewish people since the Holocaust, the October 7 Massacre.
Thousands of Palestinian terrorists are being released from Israeli prisons, thousands of murderous genocidal Jew hating Nazi Jihadist monsters being freed, returning home to a heroes welcome in Gaza and in the West Bank, Judea and Samaria.
What will be the repercussions of this, based upon the long history of the Palestinian terrorists, they will resume their murder of Jews in Israel.
While we are elated that several Jewish lives were saved, the hostages who are back home in the Jewish state, what will the future bring ?
Hamas is still in power in Gaza, they roam the streets with their weapons and terrorist uniforms and gear. They are actively recruiting, rearming, rebuilding their ranks of genocidal murderers that thrive on shed Jewish blood, that thrive on the slaughter of Jews, men, women, the elderly, the disabled and little children.”
The New York Post
nypost.com has an article headlined
“Spare us the tears, Selena Gomez — You’re crying for bad hombres”
By Kirsten Fleming
Published Jan. 30, 2025
Trump said Selena Gomez was faking her tears
Looking to make informed decisions based on comprehensive data? Explore Iraq Business News for access to valuable statistics, industry reports, and trend analyses tailored for business leaders