Trump: Suicidal “Two-State Solution” in Israel Would Be “The Ultimate Deal”

Hamas terrorists in Israel

Trump promises to pressure Israel to make a deal with Arab Muslim terrorists who claim Hitler didn’t finish the job.

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal earlier this week, President-elect Donald Trump addressed the Israeli-Arab conflict for the first time since winning the elections, saying he would do his best to bring an end to “the war that never ends.”

“That’s the ultimate deal,” Trump said. “As a deal maker, I’d like to do…the deal that can’t be made. And do it for humanity’s sake.”

Throughout his election campaign, Trump remained fairly neutral on the conflict, but made pro-Israel announcements, such promising to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv as Israel has requested in recognition of Jerusalem being its capital city. Trump also said that Israel is a sovereign country that should make its own decisions about where to build and that he would not support any deal forcing Israel to give up land, nor would would he take part in any efforts to bypass direct negotiations between Israel and the PLO.

Trump has also promised to recognize a united Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, criticizing UNESCO’s decision on the topic.

On November 10, Trump said, “I believe that my administration will be able to fill an important role in aiding the two sides to reach a just and lasting peace, one which must come through negotiations between the two sides themselves, and not through coercion by outside elements. Israel and the Jewish people deserve it.”

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