Trump tells Israel the so-called “Palestinians” are ready for peace and they can “make a deal”

Trump is pushing Israel to commit national suicide with Arab Muslim terrorists who call for the extermination of the Jewish people.

There is no such thing as “Palestine” or a “Palestinian”. It is a lie and a propaganda war intended to destroy Israel the Jewish people. Click here for more information.

In a speech in Jerusalem today, Trump said that the Palestinians are ready to reach for peace and that he’s personally committed to helping both Israel and the Palestinians reach a peace agreement.

Watch below as I have it cued up to 19:10:

Here’s more:

AP – President Donald Trump is telling an audience of Israelis that the Palestinians are “ready to reach for peace.”

Speaking at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem, Trump says he is “personally committed to helping Israelis and Palestinians achieve a peace agreement.”

He says his meetings earlier in the day with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas lead him to believe that “the Palestinians are ready to reach for peace.”

But Trump also noted that Hamas and Hezbollah rockets are being launched into Israeli communities and schools.

He says a coalition of partners who share the aim of stamping out extremism must be built.

In touting his message of peace, Trump says that both Israelis and Palestinians seek lives of hope for their children. But doesn’t he realize that ‘hope’ looks very different? For Palestinians that hope means a world where Jews are either slaves or they don’t exist – at least in Israel – which is why they refuse to recognize the state of Israel.

Trump says we’ve heard it before, but he’s telling us now that the Palestinians are ready to reach for peace. And he says while it will be a difficult road, he firmly believes that Israel and the Palestinians can ‘make a deal’.

Ugh. All of a sudden Trump is sounding a lot like Chamberlain.

There’s more in the video (his remarks on peace aren’t very long) so please watch it.

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