Trump to Harry Reid in 2010: “You are amazing!”

trump_letter_harry_reidPresident-elect Donald Trump wrote a letter of praise to Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid in 2010 after the Nevada Democrat won a tough reelection race., Buzzfeed reports.

Trump gave $4,800 to Reid in his race against Sharron Angle and wrote him a short post-election note that said simply: Congratulations — you are amazing!”

It was signed “with best wishes” from Trump.

But their relationship has soured since Trump launched his campaign for president.

Reid has attacked Trump for his rhetoric about Muslims and Hispanics and has blamed the president-elect for violence and hate crimes in the wake of his election.

Reid’s office provided the letter to Buzzfeed Sunday after Trump tweeted and then deleted a message that called incoming Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) “far smarter” than Reid.

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