• She’s equally corrupt against her own kind. Kept an innocent black man in jail for murder he didn’t commit.
    Additionally, she prosecuted black men for small amounts of pot who received ten year sentences. She does what is good for her.

    • Did Kamala ever prosecute
      Prostitutes harshly ? Or people who wanted to pay for Sex with other Consenting Adults ?
      The “War on Drugs” makes Everything Worse
      But people have commented on how America has a
      “War on Sex” as well
      Countless people are unable to Get Sex for Various Reasons ,
      Involuntary Celibacy is Everyone’s Problem
      Incels are Human Beings with Feelings and Needs , and let’s be Frank , Countless people Need More SEX
      Plus jns.org has an article aboout Kamala headlined
      “The anti-Jewish candidate”
      Melanie Phillips
      August 22, 2024
      Why did Kamala and
      Doug Emhoff marry each other ?

      • About the sadly growing
        Incel Crisis in America and Worldwide
        elle.com has an article headlined
        “What Happens to Men Who Can’t Have Sex”

        By Jowita Bydlowska Published: Feb 29, 2016

        Chronic Incel Problems are a Very Serious Painful Problem for Countless people , causing horrible Suffering
        Why can’t America be Reasonable and Just Legalize Prostitution in Every State

        • Some online articles claim that
          Sweden has the highest proportion of incels in the world
          Why Sweden ?
          Incels , Involuntary Celibates, people with Chronic Involuntary Celibacy , Incel Problems are Suffering Unbearably in America and Worldwide
          Some people with
          Incel Problems blame
          “The Jews”
          Which sadly increases

      • Pro-Life “Suicide Prevention”
        Forced Living Extremism is also Extremely Disturbing
        The Right To Die, Voluntary Death With Dignity Movement is Growing in America and Worldwide for any and All Suffering people

    • The Problem is that the Republicans don’t give Enough Government Benefits, Money , Services, Resources, Medical Coverage, etc. to Senior Citizens, the Countless Disabled people unable to Work and other Less Fortunate people, so that’s why many people feel that they have no Choice but to Vote Democrat

      • Anyone agree with the statement about Republicans and how they don’t give Enough Money and Benefits to Suffering people ?

      • Republicans should be Far More Generous with Giving Money , Government Benefits and Services to the Less Fortunate , then they will get More Votes !

    • The character of
      Mr. Krabs , Eugene Krabs on the famous
      “SpongeBob SquarePants” cartoon show seems like a
      False BS Anti-Semitic Stereotype of Jews and Money
      So is Mr. Krabs supposed to be Jewish ?

      • Not just Mr. Krabs
        What about
        What about Squidward
        Squidward J. Q. Tentacles
        on the
        “SpongeBob SquarePants” cartoon show ,
        Many articles have said that
        Squidward is supposed to be Jewish ,

    • A person typed online today
      “Poker champion and social influencer Dan Bilzerian, who has over 31 million Instagram followers, told interviewer Patrick Bet-David, on his podcast, that Jews “knew about 9/11,” “assassinated JFK,” and look down on non-Jews as “cattle,” according to his interpretation of the Talmud.

      He said that the “fundamental religious belief system” of the Jew is that they think they’re “better” than other people and they think it’s “ok” to “lie” to and “steal” from non-Jews.

      Jews, Bilzerian said, think they can even “rape kids, you know, that are under nine-years-old.”

      The media, Bilzerian explained, “is mostly Jewish,” and he accused the Jewish-run media of pushing “transgenderism and Covid.”

      He also called the Jewish nation a “fucking parasite,” and when asked by Bet-David if he thought the world was a safer place without Israel, he said, “100%.”

      He also claimed the Jewish nation ” … killed their own citizens” as a land grab on October 7, and insisted “[t]here were no rapes on October 7.”

      He also accused Jews of playing the “victim card” when it comes to the Shoah and claimed the German Nazis were just ordinary people serving in their army like any other country.

      Bilzerian isn’t the problem.

      1.07 billion Jew-haters, all over the world, agree with him.

      So do 25 percent of Americans, who despise Jews.”
      “44% of hate crimes in New York State targeted Jews, State Comptroller says”

    • A person also typed online today
      “When the football season begins on Sept. 5, there will not be a single Jewish player taking the field for any of the NFL’s 32 teams.

      But I heard their agents are.”

    • Another person typed online today
      “Met with some friends last night who live in the North of Israel. They were telling us just what it is like to live on the front line of a war. We never ever hear what civilians in Israel are living through.”
      Some people typed in response
      “No only how everybody else is suffering!”
      “Jew suffering is acceptable to the MSM.”
      ” Quite.only the poor Palestinians are suffering no-one else in the world.”

    • Chaplain Michael Green typed online today
      “The families of the Jewish hostages held in Gaza, by the Hamas Nazi savages, poured out their hearts and souls as they gathered at the Gaza-Israel 🇮🇱 border to send their messages them loved ones.💔

      “The University of Maryland will allow the anti-Israel anti-Jewish Students for Justice in Palestine, an anti-Israel anti-Jewish hate group to take over a large area of its campus on October 7, the anniversary of Hamas Holocaust, the massacre, slaughter, rape and torture of over 1,200 Jewish men, women and children in Israel.

      SJP held a similar event this past Tuesday, Tuesday, the second day of classes. They set up 15,000 Palestinian flags in the center of campus to “honor” tens of thousands of Hamas terrorists and large numbers of Palestinian civilian terrorists, that that SJP calls martyrs since the War began last October.

      The Hamas savages don’t even claim that 150,000 people have been killed since Oct. 7 — the terrorist group alleges that 40,000 Palestinians have been killed.

      “We are approaching 11 months of genocide against the Palestinians,” the Maryland chapter of SJP said on Instagram “It has been almost a full year of genocide and terror as death tolls continue to rise.” In its declaration of views, the university’s SJP chapter “unequivocally states that the Zionist state of Israel has no right to exist.”

      Five days after Hamas’ terror attack, the national SJP held a “Day of Resistance,” and issued a statement calling the attack a “historic win for the Palestinian resistance. The group further called for “armed confrontation with the oppressors.” The Anti-Defamation League has said SJP supports terror and violence and called for “dismantling” Zionism on college campuses.

      How is it that this domestic terrorist group Students for Justice in Palestine is permitted to exist on campus and now will be allowed to hold an anti-Israel, anti-Jewish hatefest on the anniversary of the greatest and most horrific destruction of Jewish lives since the Holocaust of WW2 ?

      Source article : Daily Wire”
      Chaplain Michael Green added
      “Allowing the SJP to hold a celebration of the October 7 Hamas Massacre, would be the same as allowing a Pro-Al Qaeda group to hold a celebratory event on the Anniversary of 9/11.”
      A person typed in reply

    • telegraph.co.uk has an article headlined
      “Are we Jews only wanted in Israel? Sadly, it’s beginning to feel rather like it”
      Zoe Strimpel
      31 August 2024

    • Fred Maroun typed online today
      “Israel is voluntarily, on humanitarian grounds, pausing fighting in Gaza to vaccinate Gaza children. That’s on top of Israel providing food, medicine, and all sorts of things to help Gazans.

      Has Hamas freed even a single hostage on humanitarian grounds? No, nor should we expect it because we know what Hamas is. But let’s never forget that the two sides in this war aren’t equivalent in any way. Hamas is pure evil.”

  • Also a person typed online today
    “Shaun King is a lying dirtbag, and I will no longer be silent if you share anything from him in all seriousness.

    I have seen friends of mine who I know have multiple university degrees and believe they are smarter than rank and file rural Republicans and think they can see right through con artists yet share Talcum X’s posts in earnest. You’re not as wise as you think you are.

    Israeli Jewish soldiers risked their lives in a very dangerous operation to save an Arab Bedouin Israeli who was kidnapped by Hamas, and Shaun and others are lying about who the man is and what happened because the truth is too damaging to their bogus narrative of Israel as an apartheid state.

    The notion that Hamas just “released” him because he had health issues or whatever makes no sense, and you are seriously blinded by hatred to the point of stupidity if you believe that.

    Here, I’ll help you by demolishing this filthy nonsense.

    Hamas took tons of Arabs hostage on 10/7. In order for a hostage to be worth something to a foreign government, they have to have value to that government. You can’t just kidnap some random homeless junkie who everyone hates and who isn’t even a citizen of that country and then say “I have him hostage! Do what I say or else!” This is hostage-taking 101. The whole point of a hostage is that they have value. Otherwise you might as well have kidnapped some belly button lint. So by definition, Arab Israelis have value to Israel or Hamas would not have held onto Arab prisoners once they realized they were Arabs. They wouldn’t suddenly release an Arab Israeli almost a year after kidnapping him out of concern for his health or to help give the Israelis a “win.” The ONLY explanation that makes any sense is that Hamas didn’t want him freed but Israel got him, AND that he has enough value to Israel to risk their Jewish soldiers’ lives.

    He was only held so long by Hamas because he doesn’t have value to his fellow Arabs in Hamas but does have value to his fellow Israelis as an Israeli. A drunken amoeba could comprehend this.

    Israelis have erupted in celebration over the rescue of a Bedouin Arab Muslim man – religiously and ethnically and culturally the lowest one could be in Israeli society, and still he was worth risking Jewish soldiers’ lives for.

    Stop sharing Talcum X’s lies. Your Jew-hatred is making you stupid.

    If I see you share King’s idiocy on this nonsense and you share it in earnest, I am going to make fun of you until we aren’t friends anymore. Because really, you’re not smart enough to be my friend. Because if the reason you’re too dumb to be my friend isn’t your IQ nor your schooling nor your literacy but your mindless hatred of all things Jewish and/or Israeli, where do you get off thinking I owe you an ounce of respect in the first place?”

  • algemeiner.com on
    August 28, 2024 has an article headlined
    “When Will the Need to Proclaim, ‘Never Again’ Ever End?”
    by Steve Wenick

  • Tell Left winger’s to vote for Cornell West. He will take away votes from Harris. Post on comments where story is pro Harris to vote for Cornell West.

    • America Needs REAL Freedom
      Libertarian Freedom
      No the BS fake “freedom” that America has in 2024 where Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies

  • The BS “freedom” in America in 2024 gives American Citizens
    No Bodily Autonomy,
    No Self-Ownership,
    Bodily Sovereignty

  • Very sad
    No Self-Determination
    No Bodily Sovereignty
    American Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies

  • So once Again
    America Needs REAL Freedom
    Libertarian Freedom
    NOT the BS fake “freedom” that America has in 2024 where Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
    Can we All see why
    Many American Citizens don’t like America , why Patriotism in America is at an All Time Low

    • The United States of America
      Needs REAL Freedom
      NOT the BS fake
      “freedom” in the America of 2024
      Where Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies
      Where Adults sadly have
      No Bodily Autonomy
      No Self-Determination
      No Self-Ownership
      No Bodily Sovereignty
      It’s Very Disturbing
      Very Disturbing, Very Distressing

  • A person typed online
    August 27, 2024
    “Israel is trying ( and succeeding) to free hostages taken by Palestinians who started a war by massacring 1.200 + innocent people at a music festival. Jews were the primary target, but many others, like this NON JEWISH, Arab farmer were swept away in the attack.

    The uniqueness and greatness of Israel is this. Risking Israeli soldiers to rescue an ARAB Bedouin-b/c he is also Israeli despite his religion and ethnicity.”

  • Chaim: all DAs and AGs have screw ups. You can’t keep all these schwartzes in jail forever.

  • A person typed online
    May 31, 2023
    “Syrian ‘migrant’ Eman Hussan and 2 Syrian migrant friends were arrested in Syracuse, NY area for killing and eating the town swan and stealing her 4 babies.

    Culture enrichment in America, thanks to Joe Biden’s and the Democrat party’s Open Border Policy.”

  • A person typed online today
    “Jew hating reprobates always find an excuse for hating Jews, and when they can’t find one, they make one up.” 😡

  • The Trump incident at Arlington cemetery needs to be avoided in the future.

  • jns.org has an article headlined
    “Mum on Hamas attacks on Jewish women, Taylor Swift attends anti-Israel benefit”
    December 18, 2023

    • One reason why many Jews don’t like being Jewish and are Self-Hating is because when Various Celebrities , Actors, Actress, Musicians, Authors, etc.
      Make Hateful Inappropriate Comments about Jews and Israel, even for Self-Hating Jews and Half-Jews, it then becomes Very Difficult for the
      Self-hating Jews and Half-Jews to like the Celebrity or the
      Movies, Music, Literature, Art produced by the Celebrity, it creates inner turmoil, a
      Crisis of Conscience , it becomes impossible for them to Separate the Art from the Artist

  • People should not worship celebrities.

  • A website typed online today
    “Supporting the Palestinian attacks on Israel is supporting terrorism. That makes you scum.

    Let’s assume you are not the total idiot you seem to be, and that this is a legitimate question.

    1)Gaza is not a jail, Palestinians are not kept there. Gaza has a border with Israel AND Egypt, and is open to the sea, and the people of Gaza have boats. Some immigrant to other places, including tens of thousands in the USA. Israel does not try and stop Palestinians from leaving Gaza- they only try and stop them from invading Israel.

    You do not ‘jail break’ into someplace and start raping, torturing, and murdering whole families, people of all ages, degrees and both sexes. That is neither a jail break or freedom fighting. It is pure hate. It is terrorism, pure and simple, not warfare of any type. Targeting civilians deliberately is terrorism, and there is never an excuse to rape and torture families or kill infants in their cribs.

    Supporting the Palestinian attacks on Israel is supporting terrorism. That makes you scum.”

  • Naveed Anjum typed online today
    “And the suffering continues….

    All of these “Palestinian” Arabs who come from the “Palestinian Authority” areas in Judea & Samaria are forced to drive such luxury cars all due to the Jewish occupation. ”
    A person typed in reply
    A picture is shown of the various Luxury Cars driven by Fakestinians living in Judea &

  • Barry Shaw typed online today.
    “The latest Palestinian terror threat to Israel.
    Renewal of car bombs against Israeli civilians.
    One alert Israeli warned security of a suspicious car parked early morning at a road junction at Ateret near Jerusalem at a location where school buses loaded with children have to stop.
    It was discovered to have been a stolen car in which the Palestinians had loaded with two gas barrels linked to a charger.
    It was exploded after the area was cleared and the power of the explosion would have killed many people, more than likely children on their way to school from a Jewish community.
    See the pictures.
    I wonder if President Biden or the British or the EU will issue punishing Executive Orders and sanctions like they do against Jewish civilian living in Judea & Samaria?
    Highly unlikely. They get away with murder. Literally!

    Barry Shaw,
    The View from Israel.”

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