U.K. Police allowed to wear burka as uniform in effort to “boost diversity”

burkaWhat if you were faced with a policewoman in a burka?

Police have said they may let Muslim officers wear the Burka as they seek to boost diversity in the force.

Senior officers at West Midlands Police revealed they would discuss allowing the traditional Islamic dress to become part of Muslim female officers’ uniform at a recent meeting.

Chief Constable, David Thompson, said he would look into employing officers who wear the burka as he looks to increase black and minority ethnic (BME) officers in the region to 30 per cent.

Speaking after the meeting last Thursday, the senior officer said: “We would need to consider our own rules and cultural sensitivity.

“Clearly we don’t have any barriers relating to the burka.”

“As it stands we have not had any approaches from potential recruits asking to wear the burka, but if such an approach was made it is something we would have to consider.”

The force has already approved hijab-wearing officers and currently allows Sikhs to replace their helmet with a turban.

The hijab – a headscarf covering the head and neck but leaving the face clear – was approved after being requested by a number of Muslim women.

The Metropolitan Police introduced it a decade ago and the hijab is now successfully integrated into several forces across the UK – most recently in Scotland.


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