Unbelievable: Netanyahu Begs Trump Not to Scrap Iran Nuke Deal!

netanyahu_abbasNetanyahu to urge Trump to ‘tighten noose’ on Iran and NOT scrap nuke deal.

anyahu plans to push President-elect Donald Trump into tougher Iran sanctions, officials told Bloomberg.

A senior Israeli official reportedly said that Netanyahu had already talked with national security advisors and plans are in the works.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu plans to push President-elect Donald Trump into tougher Iran sanctions, officials told Bloomberg.

A senior Israeli official reportedly said that Netanyahu had already talked with national security advisors and plans are in the works.

Former national security adviser to Netanyahu, retired Major General Yaakov Amidror stated that, “The urgent task is to stop Iran from becoming a superpower in the region, something that has been occurring for some time now.”

“The prime minister will argue, first and foremost, that the US should work to diminish the partnership between Russia and Iran in the region,” Amidror added.

As far as the Iran deal itself goes Netanyahu isn’t looking to end the Iran deal he instead is looking for Trump to have a firm stance against Iran, according to an official.

The official elaborated stating that stronger sanctions may be needed along with a stronger retaliations working to stop ballistic missile development in Iran.

Working to stop Iran’s proxies that are close to Israel, such as in the Gaza Strip as well as in Lebanon and Syria was also listed as a goal.

Robert Satloff, executive director of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy explained that Trump attempting to trash the deal would not do much as other world powers would need to be convinced to sanction Iran and cut of trade with the country.

Satloff explained that, “The argument will be to work hand in hand with Israel on tightening the noose around Iran rather than sever the deal and open up a Pandora’s box between America and global powers, freeing Iran from whatever constraints that currently exist.”

According to a Netanyahu spokesman Trump and Netanyahu have not year set a date to meet he also stated that he was unable to speak about strategy talks pertaining to Iran.


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