University Professor: Chopping Off Hands Per Muslim Sharia law a “Better Solution”
“It sounds barbaric, I know…” but just think of the upside!
More depravity from the Muslim Students Association, which hosted yet another “Islamophobia” panel on Tuesday — this time at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL.
During the panel, FAU’s Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Associate Professor Bassem al Halabi tried to justify sharia law, in particular the chopping off of hands, for those accused of stealing something as insignificant as a pizza.
Tom Trento’s The United West attended the event and was able to capture the following exchange on video (featured above). Below is al Halabi’s outrageous remarks:
“Where there is no Sharia, Islamic Sharia, they die in dozens and hundreds every day because of organized crime. People kill people, other people or steal pizza for $10 and so – so when Islamic Shariah is saying about capital punishment – so even though it sounds like it is severe but if that is the solution to prevent any crimes, then it still has a lot of rules and regulations. I will just mention one and stop here, which is let’s say cutting off the hands of a person if they steal. It sounds very severe. It sounds very barbaric, I know. But if takes one or two people to have their hands cut off, and then there’s no more stealing and there’s no more stealing in the whole nation – that’s a much better resolution than having hundreds of people die every day.”
Yes. That’s a wonderful solution. [It’s obviously working in the Middle East.] All it takes is for one or two folks to have their hands chopped off and, voila! No more stealing! No more crime! Utopia! We can only imagine how sharia would be applied then to, say, Chicago’s South Side.
It should be reiterated: this justification of one of sharia’s ugliest and most brutal punishments was made by an actual professor at a Western university, teaching Western students, during a conference attacking Islamophobia, the very notion of which is that the concerns of non-Muslims about Islam, terrorism, and sharia are irrational and bigoted. It should also be emphasized that the Muslim Students Association is an influential activist organization on campuses nationwide. And we wonder why this college generation has the warped worldview it has.