US VP Mike Pence and Jordan’s King Abdullah Discuss “How to Best Make Progress” on Israel “Two-State Solution”

Muslim Terrorist Jordan’s King Abdullah II was the first foreign leader to visit the residence of Vice President Mike Pence in Washington DC.

U.S. Vice President Mike Pence hosted Jordan’s King Abdullah II for breakfast and talks Monday morning at the Naval Observatory in Washington DC.

The vice president thanked the king for his efforts in “advancing peace and stability in the Middle East” and reaffirmed the commitment of the United States to Jordan’s security and economic development. Jordan has borne the brunt of caring for Syria’s refugees from the start of the war.

The two leaders discussed events in the region, including “ways to accelerate the coalitions efforts to beat ISIS and promote a political solution to the Syrian conflict,” according to White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer.

“The vice president welcomes the king’s views on potential changes involving the U.S. Embassy in Israel,” Spicer said, “and reiterated that the United States is at the early stages of this decision-making process.”

The two leaders also discussed how to “best make progress towards a comprehensive agreement between Israel and the Palestinians,” Spicer said.

The vice president and King Abdullah agreed on the importance of continuing to strengthen the US-Jordan relationship and pledged to stay in close contact on events in the region.

President Donald Trump expects to meet the Hashemite monarch on Thursday at the National Prayer Breakfast, according to White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer.

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