So if Trump put JTF in charge
How would we Also Bring
REAL Freedom ,
Libertarian Freedom to
Incels are Suffering Unbearably
Countless people are Suffering from Chronic Long Term
Involuntary Celibacy , Incel Problems and desperately Need
SEX , Human Touch and Contact, Intimacy , Companionship
Sex Robots and Sex Dolls
Are Not the Answer
What about the Legitimate
Rights and Needs of
Countless Incels and people Suffering from Chronic
Involuntary Celibacy , Incel Problems ,
Their Sexual Rights and
Sexual Needs
America Needs REAL Freedom
Libertarian Sexual Freedom
Male Sexlessness is sadly Rising
Even some women are becoming Incel
The Incel Crisis is Causing Horrible Suffering
And some Incels blame
“The Jews”
America Needs to Help people with Incel Problems
Making Prostitution , Sex Work Legal in Every State of America
In all 50 States at
Reasonable Prices is a Step in the Right Direction
America Needs
REAL Freedom
Libertarian Freedom
Especially Sexual Freedom
Most Americans
Men & Women alike Support Making Prostitution Legal in Every State of America , in All 50 States
To Help Countless Americans unable to Get SEX Naturally
About the Worthless Stupid
Anti-Semitic United Nations has an article headlined
“Dismantle the United Nations”
by Melanie Phillips
Nov. 27, 2024
Hillel Fuld typed online today
“I just want to say one thing.
There is much discussion about what Trump will or won’t do on day one.
Some say he’ll help and enable Israel to get the hostages back and eliminate Hamas. Others say he won’t and that he can’t be trusted.
Me? I don’t know, but I do know one thing. The man hasn’t even entered the Oval Office yet and he’s already making a tremendous impact.
Iran has decided to hold its fire and not attack Israel out of fear of how Trump will react. (The truth is, I think this is just a way for them to get off their high horse and they really had no intention of attacking. Remember, they have zero aerial defense systems left.)
Hezbollah took the ceasefire deal for many reasons, but one of them is 100% because they know that the second Trump enters office, there is no way they’ll get the terms that they’ll get now.
Hamas too has shown signs of weakness and the rumors of them wanting a deal even without the IDF pulling out of Gaza are beginning to circulate.
Putin too is starting to speak with a different tone.
The man hasn’t even stepped foot in the White House and already the global chaos we saw during the Biden administration is beginning to show signs of ending.
So, trust him or don’t, like him or don’t, he’s already changing international geopolitics for the better, and that’s an indisputable fact.”
Some people typed in reply
“Trump triumphed. Iran ran. Hezbollah bolted.”
“You’re absolutely right. It’s the anointing of Jehu on the man.”
“And look at all the outspoken, pro-Israel appointees”
“He is a machine and I am beyond grateful for his win, not only for America and the world but especially for Israel. ♥️”
Anyone Remember the Sketch comedy TV series “In Living Color” The sketch with Jim Carrey as Ross Perot which had him invading multiple channels demanding equal airtime and at one point he appears in a stand up comedy show:
Jim Carrey as Ross Perot said
“I’m still here! Say folks, you ever notice how there’s no Blacks, no Jews, no Puerto Ricans on The Jetsons? Future looks pretty bright, don’t it?”
*Audience members boo him and throw popcorn at him*
Anyone find that Part of
The Sketch offensive ?
Chaplain Michael Green typed online November 28, 2024
“Happening Now : NYC Thanksgiving Day Parade 🦃
Pro-Palestinian 🇵🇸 Pro-Hamas block the parade 🤬”
Some people typed in reply
“SICKENING. VILE. CONTEMPTIBLE. FRIGHTENING. Inconceivable what’s happening in NYC: the city of my birth…in the country of my birth.”
“When did Arabs have anything to do with Thanksgiving???
They just create havoc wherever they go.”
Chaplain Green replied
“A cancer to humanity.”
A person typed online
November 28, 2024
“A beautiful piece by the late Rabbi Meir Kahane. He was right all along and the people laughed at him. He had the understanding and vision that most were lacking and he was 💯 correct.”
About the 1989 article
“They Burned My Trees”
by Rabbi Meir Kahane
A website typed online
November 28, 2024 about
The “Definitely Not Swedish”
Greta Thunberg
“Introducing our next contender for “Antisemite of the Year”—how dare us!
Once celebrated for her environmental advocacy, Greta Thunberg has sadly turned her platform into a megaphone for Jew-hatred:
👉 since the October 7th massacre, she’s marched alongside keffiyeh-clad protesters, calling for the destruction of the world’s only Jewish state.
👉 she joined the mob protesting Israeli Eden Golan at Eurovision, where chants of “crush Zionism” and violent antics forced Golan to be escorted by 100 police cars.
👉 most recently, she was arrested while protesting a Danish university’s ties to Israel.
What began as a fight for the planet has devolved into a campaign of hate against Jews.
Vote now—head to our bio!”
A person typed about
Greta Thunberg being a
Victim of Asperger’s Syndrome
And Another person typed in response
“She’s not a “victim”. People who are neurodiverse are perfectly capable, responsible, and intelligent people.
Her antisemitism is not related to her being on the spectrum. Her reason for being is “cult of causes”. Being Pro-Hamas is merely her latest cause.”
Some More people typed about
Ugly Greta Thunberg
“I’m not surprised at all, always thought she was missing some brain cells. Very odd girl. At such a young age, so bitter and unhappy with EVERYTHING”
“Only miserable people are such haters and losers! She really needs to get a life!😡”
“Sadly yes.
Aspergers in no excuse.
I taught kids who are.
Aspergers People who are treated well live intelligent, capable and happy lives.
The Antisemitic Rhetoric from her says more about her parents than her.
But I’m also sick of it.”
Greta Thunberg
“Definitely Not Swedish”
But a disgrace to Decent Swedish people that Support Israel
A person typed online
November 20, 2024
“As I wrote some years ago, I think Rav Meir Kahane הי”ד was a great but mostly misunderstood man. I did not agree with everything he said, but he was right on at least 90% of the time.
Today is his Yahrzeit, here is what Moshe Feiglin wrote:
Does Trump’s election signify the return of the right to speak the truth? In Israel, it is still dangerous to tell the truth.
I was convicted of incitement when I tried to stop the Oslo Accords, and my friend Shai Malka was also convicted of incitement and even imprisoned for four months for trying to stop the expulsion from Gush Katif in 2005.
Michael Ben Ari was persecuted and disqualified from running for the Knesset because he spoke the truth about our enemies.
And on October 7, history screamed the truth into all our ears.
There were those who warned and spoke the truth—and were persecuted for it until they were murdered.
The murder of Rabbi Kahane was the first target of Al-Qaeda. Everyone was comfortable with the lone attacker conspiracy.
But the cover-up of the murder in the US paved the way for the Twin Towers attack.
Those who did not listen to Rabbi Kahane in the US received the Twin Towers disaster on 9/11.
And those who fought the truth and silenced it here in Israel brought upon us the Simchat Torah massacre on October 7.
Now is the 34th Yahrzeit (memorial day) of Rabbi Kahane, the wise man who foresaw the future. איזהו חכם הרואה את הנולד “
Next on his reading list: The Genocide in Narnia ”
About President Joe Biden
Being seen in Public with the Anti-Israel book Published in 2020 titled
“The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017”
Some people typed in reply
“The optics of flaunting the book speaks volumes.”
“Assuming he can still read…”
“He is holding it upside down. Not surprising on any fronts.”
“he’s probably going to read it upside down, too.”
“I’m waiting for the lefty liberals to tell me that Biden is “a friend of Israel”. Like the Brits, he’s never had our back. He does what he has to do to avoid republican backlash.
January 20 can’t come soon enough.”
“It’s okay, he won’t remember any of it tomorrow”
“The book must be especially appealing for the brain dead.”
“Very telling and typical that he’s holding it upside-down. 😂”
“Good Trump is coming in he supports Israel 🇮🇱🇺🇸🙏🏻”
Hillel Fuld posted a link to a
Jerusalem Post article about this headlined
“Biden spotted with book that accuses Israel of settler-colonialism, apartheid”
And a link to
a article about this headlined
“Biden seen holding anti-Israel book during Black Friday shopping excursion”
By Louis Casiano Fox News
Published November 29, 2024
The book
“The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017”
Rashid Khalidi is complete BS
We use it to clean up dog poop on the sidewalk
A person typed online
November 30, 2024
“There are less than 20 million Jews worldwide, making up only .02% of the world population yet they are the most hated. The only explanation is spiritual; Satan hates Israel and so do his children.”
Another person typed
“The Israel of today is God’s chosen people who are being gathered from every nation of the world. I’ve heard people say that they are not the same Israel of the Bible. I beg to differ because it has been prophesied that they would return. The Sanhedrin sends out a mandate every year for Jews around the world to return to the land of Israel promised to them by God. Today there is a greater prompting to this effect because of a tremendous rise in antisemitism. Satan hates two groups of people in this world like no other groups. They are first of all, Christians and second of all Israelis. Why would Satan hate the modern Israel so much if they were not the Israel of the Bible? Look at what is happening to them. That’s reason enough to believe they are God’s chosen. There is no blindness like the blindness of those who REFUSE to see.”
A person typed online
December 1, 2024
“The “apartheid wall” didn’t always exist. It came into existence after not the first intifada but the second.
When you swarm into the neighboring country and slaughter people, when you blow yourself up in their pizza parlors and teen hang out spaces and discos, with dirty bombs filled with rat poison and rusty nails, there are consequences for this.
Had those suicide bombers been adjacent to any other country in the region but Israel, it would have (fairly I think) led to them being bombed to pieces, since the overwhelming majority of the populace supported those bombers and shooters and turned them into “martyrs” and heroes and named streets after them.
As in, people whose ONLY claim to fame in their whole life is they blew up a bunch of Israeli CHILDREN had streets named after them and giant murals done of them. So yes, I do think that means that a military action that included “collective punishment” would be just as acceptable as when the allies bombed Germany in WWII.
But anyway, that’s how an Arab country would have responded, as we have seen again and again. Palestinians have been forced out of multiple countries in the region after using those countries as bases for terror. Arab leaders have no problem massacring hundreds of thousands of their enemies, as we have already seen with Assad in Syria.
Israel responded to wave after wave of suicide bombers with a security fence that is a solid wall in some places, and these privileged American and Canadian assclowns are like “a border wall is always a sign of racism.” Like legit STFU. On every level. That’s a stupid thing to say.
For starters, nobody says that the border wall between Egypt and Gaza is racist. And they have consistently shot people on sight who tried to scale it.
But secondly, when you deal with something like an armed invasion by your neighbors so you respond by putting up a wall, that is an alternative to a far more serious choice: just killings all of the people who could hurt you.
The inability to understand why any country would need to secure its borders is a form of privilege turning people into morons.
And ugly hypocrites too. These same people refuse to live next to dangerous neighborhoods and they lock their cars and the doors to their homes. So they know perfectly well that just saying “no human is illegal” and “borders and boundaries are for racists” is just a lot of nonsense that privileged people get to preach but not practice.
China wasn’t racist for building the Great Wall to keep out the Mongolian hordes. The actual failure was that they didn’t crush the Mongolians sooner.
That is the actual lesson of that ancient dispute: the Chinese got too soft, so those who were more at ease with slaughter and mayhem won.
There will never be any chance of peace until many things change in the region, on both sides.
But if there is still this derpy inability to accept that actions have consequences, on the part of so many of these activists and the people they support, there will never be progress.
It turns out, that sinking so low as to even use ambulances and other medical vehicles to sneak suicide bombers past checkpoints that didn’t even come into existence until you kept trying to murder your neighbors, causes really strict border searches and makes traffic slow to a crawl. Who f’ing knew? 🤷🏻♂️
“Why can’t we just violate all known international laws and kill kids and use protected civilian vehicles as cover for suicide bombers who get turned into heroes when they die in the process of killing kids, without having to deal with things like border walls and border security?”
Small children have a greater understanding of personal responsibility and consequences for their actions than those, wherever they are from, who support “armed resistance” by Palestinians.”
Chaplain Michael Green typed online December 1, 2024
“Trump has named ARAB Lebanese American businessman Massad Boulos as his senior adviser on Arab and Middle Eastern affairs.
This can become a real problem :
-Boulos has acted as an intermediary between the Palestinian Authority and its terrorist leader, Mahmoud Abbas.
-Boulos was involved behind the scenes channel of communication between Palestinian President (Terrorist)Mahmoud Abbas and Trump in recent months, U.S. and Palestinian sources say.
-Boulos has links to Christian politicians and parties in Lebanon, including Suleiman Frangieh and the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) BOTH of which are Christian ALLIES of Hezbollah.
-Boulos father and grandfather were both figures in Lebanese politics and his father-in-law was a key funder of the Free Patriotic Movement, a Christian party aligned with Hezbollah.”
A person typed online today
“Many of the Arabs who now call themselves ‘Palestinians’ and their apologists assert that their brutality is a response to the supposed oppression of the State of Israel.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The hatred some Arabs hold for Jews and the willingness of those Arabs to rape, maim, and murder Jews and then lie about what they have done is not a new phenomenon.
It has been going on for thousands of years.
Mohammed massacred the Jews.
In 1929, the Arabs massacred the Jews in Eretz Yisrael.
There was no Jewish State then to “oppress” or “occupy” anyone.
Many Arabs and their supporters hate Jews and want them dead.
October 7 was just one more of hundreds of Arab massacres of Jews.
Noor Dahri himself a Muslim typed online December 2, 2024
About the Vile
Rashid Khalidi “book”
“The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017” Published in 2020
“🇺🇸 Interesting Biden picked up Khalidi’s book. He should read it carefully, because he will find the following written: 👇🏼
“on March 1, 1899, Yusuf Diya sent a prescient seven-page letter to the French chief rabbi, Zadoc Kahn, with the intention that it be passed on to the founder of modern Zionism. The letter began with an expression of Yusuf Diya’s admiration for Herzl, whom he esteemed “as a man, as a writer of talent, and as a true Jewish patriot,” and of his respect for Judaism and for Jews, who he said were “our cousins,” referring to the Patriarch Abraham, revered as their common forefather by both Jews and Muslims. He understood the motivations for Zionism, just as he deplored the persecution to which Jews were subject in Europe. In light of this, he wrote, Zionism in principle was “natural, beautiful and just,” and, “who could contest the rights of the Jews in Palestine? My God, historically it is your country!””
Hillel Fuld typed online today
“Current wars/conflicts around the world.
– Gaza
– Lebanon
– Syria
– Ukraine
– South Korea
– Sudanese civil war
– Myanmar civil war
– Libyan civil war
– Somalia
– Ethiopia
– Georgia (civil unrest)
– Kurdistan
– Bangladesh
Most of these, if not all, are somewhat connected and intertwined.
Are we in world war 3?
How many of these conflicts will come to an end with the new administration? How long before one of more of these countries threatens a nuclear attack?
Also, what big ones did I miss?
World war 3 or not, the entire world is in a state of deep chaos.
If we don’t make a 180°, scary days ahead.”
Some people typed in reply
“A rhetorical question: With all these wars why is the world and UN so fixated on Israel? Why, antisemitism of course.”
“You can add the global Jihadist war with Radical Muslims wanting to see the collapse of western idealogy along with the elimination of all Jewish people.”
If Trump put us in charge we could add the face of
Meir Kahane to
Mount Rushmore !
The Question is
When the Face of
Rabbi Meir Kahane is added to
Mount Rushmore should the
Name of the Monument be Changed to
Mount Kahane
A very important Decision indeed to Keep the name
Mount Rushmore or change it
Mount Kahane
When is the next JTF meetup?
So if Trump put JTF in charge
How would we Also Bring
REAL Freedom ,
Libertarian Freedom to
Incels are Suffering Unbearably
Countless people are Suffering from Chronic Long Term
Involuntary Celibacy , Incel Problems and desperately Need
SEX , Human Touch and Contact, Intimacy , Companionship
Sex Robots and Sex Dolls
Are Not the Answer
What about the Legitimate
Rights and Needs of
Countless Incels and people Suffering from Chronic
Involuntary Celibacy , Incel Problems ,
Their Sexual Rights and
Sexual Needs
America Needs REAL Freedom
Libertarian Sexual Freedom
Male Sexlessness is sadly Rising
Even some women are becoming Incel
The Incel Crisis is Causing Horrible Suffering
And some Incels blame
“The Jews”
America Needs to Help people with Incel Problems
Making Prostitution , Sex Work Legal in Every State of America
In all 50 States at
Reasonable Prices is a Step in the Right Direction
America Needs
REAL Freedom
Libertarian Freedom
Especially Sexual Freedom
Most Americans
Men & Women alike Support Making Prostitution Legal in Every State of America , in All 50 States
To Help Countless Americans unable to Get SEX Naturally
About the Worthless Stupid
Anti-Semitic United Nations has an article headlined
“Dismantle the United Nations”
by Melanie Phillips
Nov. 27, 2024
Hillel Fuld typed online today
“I just want to say one thing.
There is much discussion about what Trump will or won’t do on day one.
Some say he’ll help and enable Israel to get the hostages back and eliminate Hamas. Others say he won’t and that he can’t be trusted.
Me? I don’t know, but I do know one thing. The man hasn’t even entered the Oval Office yet and he’s already making a tremendous impact.
Iran has decided to hold its fire and not attack Israel out of fear of how Trump will react. (The truth is, I think this is just a way for them to get off their high horse and they really had no intention of attacking. Remember, they have zero aerial defense systems left.)
Hezbollah took the ceasefire deal for many reasons, but one of them is 100% because they know that the second Trump enters office, there is no way they’ll get the terms that they’ll get now.
Hamas too has shown signs of weakness and the rumors of them wanting a deal even without the IDF pulling out of Gaza are beginning to circulate.
Putin too is starting to speak with a different tone.
The man hasn’t even stepped foot in the White House and already the global chaos we saw during the Biden administration is beginning to show signs of ending.
So, trust him or don’t, like him or don’t, he’s already changing international geopolitics for the better, and that’s an indisputable fact.”
Some people typed in reply
“Trump triumphed. Iran ran. Hezbollah bolted.”
“You’re absolutely right. It’s the anointing of Jehu on the man.”
“And look at all the outspoken, pro-Israel appointees”
“He is a machine and I am beyond grateful for his win, not only for America and the world but especially for Israel. ♥️”
Anyone Remember the Sketch comedy TV series “In Living Color” The sketch with Jim Carrey as Ross Perot which had him invading multiple channels demanding equal airtime and at one point he appears in a stand up comedy show:
Jim Carrey as Ross Perot said
“I’m still here! Say folks, you ever notice how there’s no Blacks, no Jews, no Puerto Ricans on The Jetsons? Future looks pretty bright, don’t it?”
*Audience members boo him and throw popcorn at him*
Anyone find that Part of
The Sketch offensive ?
Chaplain Michael Green typed online November 28, 2024
“Happening Now : NYC Thanksgiving Day Parade 🦃
Pro-Palestinian 🇵🇸 Pro-Hamas block the parade 🤬”
Some people typed in reply
“SICKENING. VILE. CONTEMPTIBLE. FRIGHTENING. Inconceivable what’s happening in NYC: the city of my birth…in the country of my birth.”
“When did Arabs have anything to do with Thanksgiving???
They just create havoc wherever they go.”
Chaplain Green replied
“A cancer to humanity.”
A person typed online
November 28, 2024
“A beautiful piece by the late Rabbi Meir Kahane. He was right all along and the people laughed at him. He had the understanding and vision that most were lacking and he was 💯 correct.”
About the 1989 article
“They Burned My Trees”
by Rabbi Meir Kahane
A website typed online
November 28, 2024 about
The “Definitely Not Swedish”
Greta Thunberg
“Introducing our next contender for “Antisemite of the Year”—how dare us!
Once celebrated for her environmental advocacy, Greta Thunberg has sadly turned her platform into a megaphone for Jew-hatred:
👉 since the October 7th massacre, she’s marched alongside keffiyeh-clad protesters, calling for the destruction of the world’s only Jewish state.
👉 she joined the mob protesting Israeli Eden Golan at Eurovision, where chants of “crush Zionism” and violent antics forced Golan to be escorted by 100 police cars.
👉 most recently, she was arrested while protesting a Danish university’s ties to Israel.
What began as a fight for the planet has devolved into a campaign of hate against Jews.
Vote now—head to our bio!”
A person typed about
Greta Thunberg being a
Victim of Asperger’s Syndrome
And Another person typed in response
“She’s not a “victim”. People who are neurodiverse are perfectly capable, responsible, and intelligent people.
Her antisemitism is not related to her being on the spectrum. Her reason for being is “cult of causes”. Being Pro-Hamas is merely her latest cause.”
Some More people typed about
Ugly Greta Thunberg
“I’m not surprised at all, always thought she was missing some brain cells. Very odd girl. At such a young age, so bitter and unhappy with EVERYTHING”
“Only miserable people are such haters and losers! She really needs to get a life!😡”
“Sadly yes.
Aspergers in no excuse.
I taught kids who are.
Aspergers People who are treated well live intelligent, capable and happy lives.
The Antisemitic Rhetoric from her says more about her parents than her.
But I’m also sick of it.”
Greta Thunberg
“Definitely Not Swedish”
But a disgrace to Decent Swedish people that Support Israel
A person typed online
November 20, 2024
“As I wrote some years ago, I think Rav Meir Kahane הי”ד was a great but mostly misunderstood man. I did not agree with everything he said, but he was right on at least 90% of the time.
Today is his Yahrzeit, here is what Moshe Feiglin wrote:
Does Trump’s election signify the return of the right to speak the truth? In Israel, it is still dangerous to tell the truth.
I was convicted of incitement when I tried to stop the Oslo Accords, and my friend Shai Malka was also convicted of incitement and even imprisoned for four months for trying to stop the expulsion from Gush Katif in 2005.
Michael Ben Ari was persecuted and disqualified from running for the Knesset because he spoke the truth about our enemies.
And on October 7, history screamed the truth into all our ears.
There were those who warned and spoke the truth—and were persecuted for it until they were murdered.
The murder of Rabbi Kahane was the first target of Al-Qaeda. Everyone was comfortable with the lone attacker conspiracy.
But the cover-up of the murder in the US paved the way for the Twin Towers attack.
Those who did not listen to Rabbi Kahane in the US received the Twin Towers disaster on 9/11.
And those who fought the truth and silenced it here in Israel brought upon us the Simchat Torah massacre on October 7.
Now is the 34th Yahrzeit (memorial day) of Rabbi Kahane, the wise man who foresaw the future. איזהו חכם הרואה את הנולד “
Hillel Fuld typed online today
“Oh, how sweet.
The president is reading a new book. 🤮
Next on his reading list: The Genocide in Narnia ”
About President Joe Biden
Being seen in Public with the Anti-Israel book Published in 2020 titled
“The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017”
Some people typed in reply
“The optics of flaunting the book speaks volumes.”
“Assuming he can still read…”
“He is holding it upside down. Not surprising on any fronts.”
“he’s probably going to read it upside down, too.”
“I’m waiting for the lefty liberals to tell me that Biden is “a friend of Israel”. Like the Brits, he’s never had our back. He does what he has to do to avoid republican backlash.
January 20 can’t come soon enough.”
“It’s okay, he won’t remember any of it tomorrow”
“The book must be especially appealing for the brain dead.”
“Very telling and typical that he’s holding it upside-down. 😂”
“Good Trump is coming in he supports Israel 🇮🇱🇺🇸🙏🏻”
Hillel Fuld posted a link to a
Jerusalem Post article about this headlined
“Biden spotted with book that accuses Israel of settler-colonialism, apartheid”
And a link to
a article about this headlined
“Biden seen holding anti-Israel book during Black Friday shopping excursion”
By Louis Casiano Fox News
Published November 29, 2024
The book
“The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017”
Rashid Khalidi is complete BS
We use it to clean up dog poop on the sidewalk
Rashid Khalidi is a Typical
Arabist Liar
has an article headlined
“Eyeless in Gaza.
A History of a cursed Land.”
Dec 01, 2024
A person typed online
November 30, 2024
“There are less than 20 million Jews worldwide, making up only .02% of the world population yet they are the most hated. The only explanation is spiritual; Satan hates Israel and so do his children.”
Another person typed
“The Israel of today is God’s chosen people who are being gathered from every nation of the world. I’ve heard people say that they are not the same Israel of the Bible. I beg to differ because it has been prophesied that they would return. The Sanhedrin sends out a mandate every year for Jews around the world to return to the land of Israel promised to them by God. Today there is a greater prompting to this effect because of a tremendous rise in antisemitism. Satan hates two groups of people in this world like no other groups. They are first of all, Christians and second of all Israelis. Why would Satan hate the modern Israel so much if they were not the Israel of the Bible? Look at what is happening to them. That’s reason enough to believe they are God’s chosen. There is no blindness like the blindness of those who REFUSE to see.”
Evangelicals want to convert the Jews.
A person typed online
December 1, 2024
“The “apartheid wall” didn’t always exist. It came into existence after not the first intifada but the second.
When you swarm into the neighboring country and slaughter people, when you blow yourself up in their pizza parlors and teen hang out spaces and discos, with dirty bombs filled with rat poison and rusty nails, there are consequences for this.
Had those suicide bombers been adjacent to any other country in the region but Israel, it would have (fairly I think) led to them being bombed to pieces, since the overwhelming majority of the populace supported those bombers and shooters and turned them into “martyrs” and heroes and named streets after them.
As in, people whose ONLY claim to fame in their whole life is they blew up a bunch of Israeli CHILDREN had streets named after them and giant murals done of them. So yes, I do think that means that a military action that included “collective punishment” would be just as acceptable as when the allies bombed Germany in WWII.
But anyway, that’s how an Arab country would have responded, as we have seen again and again. Palestinians have been forced out of multiple countries in the region after using those countries as bases for terror. Arab leaders have no problem massacring hundreds of thousands of their enemies, as we have already seen with Assad in Syria.
Israel responded to wave after wave of suicide bombers with a security fence that is a solid wall in some places, and these privileged American and Canadian assclowns are like “a border wall is always a sign of racism.” Like legit STFU. On every level. That’s a stupid thing to say.
For starters, nobody says that the border wall between Egypt and Gaza is racist. And they have consistently shot people on sight who tried to scale it.
But secondly, when you deal with something like an armed invasion by your neighbors so you respond by putting up a wall, that is an alternative to a far more serious choice: just killings all of the people who could hurt you.
The inability to understand why any country would need to secure its borders is a form of privilege turning people into morons.
And ugly hypocrites too. These same people refuse to live next to dangerous neighborhoods and they lock their cars and the doors to their homes. So they know perfectly well that just saying “no human is illegal” and “borders and boundaries are for racists” is just a lot of nonsense that privileged people get to preach but not practice.
China wasn’t racist for building the Great Wall to keep out the Mongolian hordes. The actual failure was that they didn’t crush the Mongolians sooner.
That is the actual lesson of that ancient dispute: the Chinese got too soft, so those who were more at ease with slaughter and mayhem won.
There will never be any chance of peace until many things change in the region, on both sides.
But if there is still this derpy inability to accept that actions have consequences, on the part of so many of these activists and the people they support, there will never be progress.
It turns out, that sinking so low as to even use ambulances and other medical vehicles to sneak suicide bombers past checkpoints that didn’t even come into existence until you kept trying to murder your neighbors, causes really strict border searches and makes traffic slow to a crawl. Who f’ing knew? 🤷🏻♂️
“Why can’t we just violate all known international laws and kill kids and use protected civilian vehicles as cover for suicide bombers who get turned into heroes when they die in the process of killing kids, without having to deal with things like border walls and border security?”
Small children have a greater understanding of personal responsibility and consequences for their actions than those, wherever they are from, who support “armed resistance” by Palestinians.”
Chaplain Michael Green typed online December 1, 2024
“Trump has named ARAB Lebanese American businessman Massad Boulos as his senior adviser on Arab and Middle Eastern affairs.
This can become a real problem :
-Boulos has acted as an intermediary between the Palestinian Authority and its terrorist leader, Mahmoud Abbas.
-Boulos was involved behind the scenes channel of communication between Palestinian President (Terrorist)Mahmoud Abbas and Trump in recent months, U.S. and Palestinian sources say.
-Boulos has links to Christian politicians and parties in Lebanon, including Suleiman Frangieh and the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) BOTH of which are Christian ALLIES of Hezbollah.
-Boulos father and grandfather were both figures in Lebanese politics and his father-in-law was a key funder of the Free Patriotic Movement, a Christian party aligned with Hezbollah.”
A person typed online today
“Many of the Arabs who now call themselves ‘Palestinians’ and their apologists assert that their brutality is a response to the supposed oppression of the State of Israel.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The hatred some Arabs hold for Jews and the willingness of those Arabs to rape, maim, and murder Jews and then lie about what they have done is not a new phenomenon.
It has been going on for thousands of years.
Mohammed massacred the Jews.
In 1929, the Arabs massacred the Jews in Eretz Yisrael.
There was no Jewish State then to “oppress” or “occupy” anyone.
Many Arabs and their supporters hate Jews and want them dead.
October 7 was just one more of hundreds of Arab massacres of Jews.
Shame on the savage and vicious Jew-haters.” has an article headlined
“One hundred years of Arab warfare against Jewish civilians”
Dr. Michael Krampner
Dec 2, 2024
Noor Dahri himself a Muslim typed online December 2, 2024
About the Vile
Rashid Khalidi “book”
“The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917–2017” Published in 2020
“🇺🇸 Interesting Biden picked up Khalidi’s book. He should read it carefully, because he will find the following written: 👇🏼
“on March 1, 1899, Yusuf Diya sent a prescient seven-page letter to the French chief rabbi, Zadoc Kahn, with the intention that it be passed on to the founder of modern Zionism. The letter began with an expression of Yusuf Diya’s admiration for Herzl, whom he esteemed “as a man, as a writer of talent, and as a true Jewish patriot,” and of his respect for Judaism and for Jews, who he said were “our cousins,” referring to the Patriarch Abraham, revered as their common forefather by both Jews and Muslims. He understood the motivations for Zionism, just as he deplored the persecution to which Jews were subject in Europe. In light of this, he wrote, Zionism in principle was “natural, beautiful and just,” and, “who could contest the rights of the Jews in Palestine? My God, historically it is your country!””
𝙔𝙪𝙨𝙪𝙛 𝘿𝙞𝙮𝙖 𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧’𝙨 𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩-𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩-𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙩 𝙐𝙣𝙘𝙡𝙚.
𝘛𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘢𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘨𝘦 𝘤𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵-𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵-𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘜𝘯𝘤𝘭𝘦 (𝘢 𝘨𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭 𝘥𝘶𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘖𝘵𝘵𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘌𝘮𝘱𝘪𝘳𝘦) 𝘸𝘩𝘰 𝘸𝘳𝘰𝘵𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘛𝘩𝘦𝘰𝘥𝘰𝘳 𝘏𝘦𝘳𝘻𝘭 𝘢𝘥𝘮𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘑𝘦𝘸𝘴.”
Hillel Fuld typed online today
“Current wars/conflicts around the world.
– Gaza
– Lebanon
– Syria
– Ukraine
– South Korea
– Sudanese civil war
– Myanmar civil war
– Libyan civil war
– Somalia
– Ethiopia
– Georgia (civil unrest)
– Kurdistan
– Bangladesh
Most of these, if not all, are somewhat connected and intertwined.
Are we in world war 3?
How many of these conflicts will come to an end with the new administration? How long before one of more of these countries threatens a nuclear attack?
Also, what big ones did I miss?
World war 3 or not, the entire world is in a state of deep chaos.
If we don’t make a 180°, scary days ahead.”
Some people typed in reply
“A rhetorical question: With all these wars why is the world and UN so fixated on Israel? Why, antisemitism of course.”
“You can add the global Jihadist war with Radical Muslims wanting to see the collapse of western idealogy along with the elimination of all Jewish people.”