Don’t Forget to Mention how
Incels are being unjustly demonized and vilified
Incels are Human Beings with Feelings
Chronic Long Term
Involuntary Celibacy is an Extremely Serious Painful Problem for Countless People, causing horrible suffering.
Romantic Rejection is Extremely Painful
The Incel Crisis is sadly getting worse and worse in America and Worldwide
Incels continue to Suffer Unbearably Every Day
While Many Americans are Sickened by the sight of the American Flag, because they realize that the “Freedom” in America is a Joke
Ah yes , such “Freedom” that America has
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies.
America refuses to Alleviate the Intense Daily Sufferings of Incels by Legalizing Prostitution for All Consenting Adults and in Every State at Reasonable Prices
Very Nice how America gives the Middle Finger to Incels and other people unable to Get Sex
Never Forget that it is terrible , Evil and wrong what America is doing to Incels , Involuntary Celibates , people, mostly Men Suffering from Chronic Long Term Incel ,
Involuntary Celibacy Problems
Very Disgusting what
America is doing to Incels and people Suffering from Incel Problems
From an article is headlined
“Study reveals the twisted way incels view dating – and why they have so much less success”
By Caitlin Tilley, on
Oct 24, 2023
Again, we Must Remember that Most People with Incel Problems are Not Violent
People have compared the 4 Ugly Stupid Democrat Congresswomen in “The Squad” to 4 Painful
Impacted Yellow Wisdom Teeth
Vote Them Out Next Election Day !!
Sadly many White Heterosexual Men are Incels , but there are Incels in all Races and Religions
Stupid America won’t Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work for consenting Adults
America is Evil, Wicked and Diabolical for Making Tens of Millions upon Millions of people go without Sex
What about the Valid Legitimate Sexual Desires and Sexual Needs of Incels , and other people unable to get Sex for Various Reasons
Really disgusting and Evil of America to Force countless Adults to go without Sex . America is preventing countless Adults from having Sex, that is truly evil
How Low can America go ?
Chaim Ben Pesach @27:00 “these are sick people” I would like to hear Wood rabbi Cain had to say about this. Do you have the tapes? Also we sent a few hundred dollars to help the hilltop Hughes and we’re hoping to be able to send you an email. My email is southern most [email protected]. Will you please send me an email? We would like to help you more, and we had some concerns about the hilltop youth with some of the liberal tendencies they’re having. I think we saw some smoking and drinking in the video which was a major concern to me, I know people will want to downplay this, but it is a major concern. The Jewish people are very special to us and she is a persecuted Aramean victim of islamic in marxist Terrorism the anti Semitic, Catholic Church, for that reason, and other heresies and betrayals as well in Iraq that is displaced, I am a blacklisted journalist that was shut down for my beliefs.
In many ways America is a Vile Sickening Nation, an Anti-Sex , Backwards , Anti-Freedom
Very Immature Sexually Repressed Puritanical Old Fashioned Nation that should just Grow the F–k Up already
Incels , Men with Incel , Involuntary Celibacy problems are being unjustly demonized, vilified and scapegoated by America and sadly even the Government itself and by other World Governments!! When the reality is 99.9 percent of the time Incels – Involuntary Celibates, Men with Involuntary Celibacy problems are the REAL Victims in Life
About the Growing Incel Crisis and the Misery of Incels has an article headlined :
“Incels” are not particularly right-wing or white, but they are extremely depressed, anxious, and lonely, according to new research”
Thursday, November 10, 2022
We all Know that
Chronic Long Term Involuntary Celibacy , Incel problems are in the Top 5 of the Most Serious Problems in America and the World today
Will Chaim Ben Pesach and address the Growing Incel Crisis ,
Involuntary Celibacy Crisis in America and Worldwide, the Intense Sufferings of Incels ,
Involuntary Celibates ?
A person typed online about The Sufferings of Incels –
Involuntary Celibates and the Growing Incel , Involuntary Celibacy Crisis that
“Unrequited lust is no laughing matter, especially when you’re not doing anything to deserve it!”
Once Again
Unrequited lust and love are No
Laughing Matter , the Public Schools Need to Teach Social Skills, because some students have Socially Awkward Parents
Worth repeating, the Public Schools Need to Teach Both Good Social Skills and Life Skills to All the Students, and it Needs to be Taught in Every Grade, Year After Year After Year
Because many parents in America are Not teaching their children any Social Skills or Life Skills
Why do the Public Schools , Elementary, Junior High and High Schools in America teach their Students mostly useless BS that is Never used in Real Life , the Real World or for any Job or Career, useless crap the students end up Forgetting, Countless hours of Homework
More about Incels and the Incel Crisis has an article headlined
“Who are the real ‘Involuntary Celibate Violent Extremists’?”
By Robert A. Bishop on
May 14, 2023
More about the Growing Incel Crisis in America and Worldwide has an article on
June 14, 2023 by Mikael Thalen
“Quite depressing: Incel community was so sad researchers studying it felt bad” part of this article says
“We also noticed that incels targeted themselves, seeing themselves as failed men, seeing their bodies as ugly, and seeing themselves as being doomed to be ‘forever alone,’” Halpin said. “The way they talk about themselves made most of us on the research team sympathetic to a degree, because it is quite depressing.”
The website has Many Good Intelligent Replies to the BS False
Statements such as
“No One is Entitled to Sex” &
“No one is Entitled to Anything”
Those who say
“No one is entitled to Sex” reveal just how Heartless, Ignorant, and Insensitive they are towards people unable to Get Sex, how they have no Sympathy, Empathy or Compassion within them
Just Watch how Quickly they would change their Mind if they started to become Incel , wanting Sex yet being unable to Get It for Various Reasons has an article
“Incels experience a complex combination of psychiatric symptoms but feel they cannot be helped by mental health professionals”
by Eric W. Dolan
June 23, 2023
Anyone remember the
Classic ABC TGIF sitcom
“Step by Step” the episode
“Virgin Territory” which aired on November 20, 1992 , that episode when it aired and in reruns, syndication was very painful for
Men with Incel problems to watch
Did you Know that actor
Sasha Mitchell who played
Cody Lambert on Step by Step and that episode is Jewish in
Real Life,
Sasha Mitchell even stated once that his goal was to become the First Jewish President
The problem is that some Incels are blaming “The Jews” for
Feminism and the Incel Crisis
Let’s Remember that People with Chronic Long Term
Involuntary Celibacy Problems are Human Beings with Feelings just like everyone else
America in 2023 is a seriously ass backwards Retarded Childish Immature Sexually Repressive Puritan Nation with many stupid unjust, cruel , inhumane, asinine “laws” that don’t make any sense and make Everything Worse , especially for Incels
But Also for Many other Groups of Suffering People 😭
Many articles online document how Real Men Cry , Men have Feelings too , and it’s terrible how at times some women hurt Men’s feelings and are Very Rude Disrespectful and insensitive to Men’s Feelings
Yet if a Man hurt women’s feelings in the same way that would be considered abusive
America is Wrong for
Making Incels Suffer Even More
Such “Freedom” that America has
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies , Not even that
This is Why Countless Americans are Not remotely Patriotic
Countless Americans are Sexually Deprived and Suffering from
Sexual Deprivation
Involuntary Celibacy is Everyone’s Problem
About the Growing Incel Crisis has an article headlined
“The rise of ‘incels’ by
Anna Lamb Harvard Staff Writer on
October 18, 2023
Stupid Evil, Wicked, America won’t have the Decency to Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work in Every State
This article admits that most Incels are Peaceful
Did anyone read this article
Don’t Forget to Mention how
Incels are being unjustly demonized and vilified
Incels are Human Beings with Feelings
Chronic Long Term
Involuntary Celibacy is an Extremely Serious Painful Problem for Countless People, causing horrible suffering.
Romantic Rejection is Extremely Painful
The Incel Crisis is sadly getting worse and worse in America and Worldwide
Incels continue to Suffer Unbearably Every Day
While Many Americans are Sickened by the sight of the American Flag, because they realize that the “Freedom” in America is a Joke
Ah yes , such “Freedom” that America has
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies.
America refuses to Alleviate the Intense Daily Sufferings of Incels by Legalizing Prostitution for All Consenting Adults and in Every State at Reasonable Prices
Very Nice how America gives the Middle Finger to Incels and other people unable to Get Sex
Never Forget that it is terrible , Evil and wrong what America is doing to Incels , Involuntary Celibates , people, mostly Men Suffering from Chronic Long Term Incel ,
Involuntary Celibacy Problems
Very Disgusting what
America is doing to Incels and people Suffering from Incel Problems
From an article is headlined
“Study reveals the twisted way incels view dating – and why they have so much less success”
By Caitlin Tilley, on
Oct 24, 2023
Again, we Must Remember that Most People with Incel Problems are Not Violent
People have compared the 4 Ugly Stupid Democrat Congresswomen in “The Squad” to 4 Painful
Impacted Yellow Wisdom Teeth
Vote Them Out Next Election Day !!
Their opponents need to raise money.
Sadly many White Heterosexual Men are Incels , but there are Incels in all Races and Religions
Stupid America won’t Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work for consenting Adults
America is Evil, Wicked and Diabolical for Making Tens of Millions upon Millions of people go without Sex
What about the Valid Legitimate Sexual Desires and Sexual Needs of Incels , and other people unable to get Sex for Various Reasons
Where is a good country where celibacy is low?
North Korea
Why North Korea ?
Again, Why North Korea ? America Forces
Incels to Suffer even More , that’s morally wrong and sinful .
America is unjustly preventing adults from having Sex ,
America is being a very immature Sexually Repressive Nation
Really disgusting and Evil of America to Force countless Adults to go without Sex . America is preventing countless Adults from having Sex, that is truly evil
How Low can America go ?
Chaim Ben Pesach @27:00 “these are sick people” I would like to hear Wood rabbi Cain had to say about this. Do you have the tapes? Also we sent a few hundred dollars to help the hilltop Hughes and we’re hoping to be able to send you an email. My email is southern most [email protected]. Will you please send me an email? We would like to help you more, and we had some concerns about the hilltop youth with some of the liberal tendencies they’re having. I think we saw some smoking and drinking in the video which was a major concern to me, I know people will want to downplay this, but it is a major concern. The Jewish people are very special to us and she is a persecuted Aramean victim of islamic in marxist Terrorism the anti Semitic, Catholic Church, for that reason, and other heresies and betrayals as well in Iraq that is displaced, I am a blacklisted journalist that was shut down for my beliefs.
In many ways America is a Vile Sickening Nation, an Anti-Sex , Backwards , Anti-Freedom
Very Immature Sexually Repressed Puritanical Old Fashioned Nation that should just Grow the F–k Up already
Incels , Men with Incel , Involuntary Celibacy problems are being unjustly demonized, vilified and scapegoated by America and sadly even the Government itself and by other World Governments!! When the reality is 99.9 percent of the time Incels – Involuntary Celibates, Men with Involuntary Celibacy problems are the REAL Victims in Life
About the Growing Incel Crisis and the Misery of Incels has an article headlined :
“Incels” are not particularly right-wing or white, but they are extremely depressed, anxious, and lonely, according to new research”
Thursday, November 10, 2022
We all Know that
Chronic Long Term Involuntary Celibacy , Incel problems are in the Top 5 of the Most Serious Problems in America and the World today
I call the green people the people who stole Uncle Junior’s car lol
Richard Dawkins it is
How is Richard Dawkins affecting Incels ? What about
Jordan Peterson ?
Will Chaim Ben Pesach and address the Growing Incel Crisis ,
Involuntary Celibacy Crisis in America and Worldwide, the Intense Sufferings of Incels ,
Involuntary Celibates ?
A person typed online about The Sufferings of Incels –
Involuntary Celibates and the Growing Incel , Involuntary Celibacy Crisis that
“Unrequited lust is no laughing matter, especially when you’re not doing anything to deserve it!”
Once Again
Unrequited lust and love are No
Laughing Matter , the Public Schools Need to Teach Social Skills, because some students have Socially Awkward Parents
Worth repeating, the Public Schools Need to Teach Both Good Social Skills and Life Skills to All the Students, and it Needs to be Taught in Every Grade, Year After Year After Year
Because many parents in America are Not teaching their children any Social Skills or Life Skills
Why do the Public Schools , Elementary, Junior High and High Schools in America teach their Students mostly useless BS that is Never used in Real Life , the Real World or for any Job or Career, useless crap the students end up Forgetting, Countless hours of Homework
More about Incels and the Incel Crisis has an article headlined
“Who are the real ‘Involuntary Celibate Violent Extremists’?”
By Robert A. Bishop on
May 14, 2023
Sex and Affection Are Human Needs
More about the Growing Incel Crisis in America and Worldwide has an article on
June 14, 2023 by Mikael Thalen
“Quite depressing: Incel community was so sad researchers studying it felt bad” part of this article says
“We also noticed that incels targeted themselves, seeing themselves as failed men, seeing their bodies as ugly, and seeing themselves as being doomed to be ‘forever alone,’” Halpin said. “The way they talk about themselves made most of us on the research team sympathetic to a degree, because it is quite depressing.”
Of course Not all Incels are Hateful
The website has Many Good Intelligent Replies to the BS False
Statements such as
“No One is Entitled to Sex” &
“No one is Entitled to Anything”
Those who say
“No one is entitled to Sex” reveal just how Heartless, Ignorant, and Insensitive they are towards people unable to Get Sex, how they have no Sympathy, Empathy or Compassion within them
Just Watch how Quickly they would change their Mind if they started to become Incel , wanting Sex yet being unable to Get It for Various Reasons has an article
“Incels experience a complex combination of psychiatric symptoms but feel they cannot be helped by mental health professionals”
by Eric W. Dolan
June 23, 2023
Did anyone read it ? Anyone
Anyone remember the
Classic ABC TGIF sitcom
“Step by Step” the episode
“Virgin Territory” which aired on November 20, 1992 , that episode when it aired and in reruns, syndication was very painful for
Men with Incel problems to watch
Did you Know that actor
Sasha Mitchell who played
Cody Lambert on Step by Step and that episode is Jewish in
Real Life,
Sasha Mitchell even stated once that his goal was to become the First Jewish President
The pain and suffering of Incels gets worse and worse Every Day
The problem is that some Incels are blaming “The Jews” for
Feminism and the Incel Crisis
Let’s Remember that People with Chronic Long Term
Involuntary Celibacy Problems are Human Beings with Feelings just like everyone else
America in 2023 is a seriously ass backwards Retarded Childish Immature Sexually Repressive Puritan Nation with many stupid unjust, cruel , inhumane, asinine “laws” that don’t make any sense and make Everything Worse , especially for Incels
But Also for Many other Groups of Suffering People 😭
Many articles online document how Real Men Cry , Men have Feelings too , and it’s terrible how at times some women hurt Men’s feelings and are Very Rude Disrespectful and insensitive to Men’s Feelings
Yet if a Man hurt women’s feelings in the same way that would be considered abusive
Incels don’t like being Socially Awkward and Incel, they don’t like it either , they hate Romantic Rejection
Incel Rights are Human Rights
America is Wrong for
Making Incels Suffer Even More
Such “Freedom” that America has
Adults cannot even do what they want with their own lives and bodies , Not even that
This is Why Countless Americans are Not remotely Patriotic
Countless Americans are Sexually Deprived and Suffering from
Sexual Deprivation
Involuntary Celibacy is Everyone’s Problem
A good Twitter account about the Incel Crisis is :
Involuntary Celibate (
About the 2023 Barbie Movie
Online Articles are asking if
Barbie Hates Men and if Ken is an
Incel , is Ken an Incel
Others have raised concerns that
AI girlfriends and romance chatbots might lead to even more men becoming Incels
People Ask Does the Barbie Movie Subvert Incel Talking points or play into them ?
Incels are Human Beings with Feelings Not Monsters
The sad reality is that the
Number of Single Lonely Men is Rising , Incel Problems are getting worse and worse
About the Growing Incel Crisis has an article headlined
“The rise of ‘incels’ by
Anna Lamb Harvard Staff Writer on
October 18, 2023
Stupid Evil, Wicked, America won’t have the Decency to Legalize Prostitution, Sex Work in Every State
This article admits that most Incels are Peaceful
Did anyone read this article