Why Did Trump Expose Israeli Covert Operations to the Russians?

Remember when US President Donald Trump banned airlines passengers entering America from certain countries from carrying laptop computers into the flight cabin?

It was a major inconvenience that caused a great many people to groan.

And, it turns out, Israel was behind that decision.

In a meeting with Russian official, the details of which were recently revealed to Vanity Fair, Trump defended his decision by saying he had received a trusted intelligence warning necessitating such a move.

While Trump didn’t expose Israel by name, it was clear from the context of the discussion that Israeli intelligence was behind uncovering a deadly new scheme by ISIS.

It turns out, ISIS bomb-makers had devised a way to hide explosives in laptop computers that would fool all current US airport security methods.

So, Trump just banned all laptops.

Israeli officials later confirmed to other American media that, indeed, Israel had provided the critical intelligence to Trump.

The problem here is that Israel obtained that intel through dangerous covert operations deep inside Syria.

Russia is also deeply embedded in Syria, and is allied with elements that are Israel’s avowed enemies.

Exposing Israeli agents to the Russians puts their lives in danger and risks the outbreak of war between the Jewish state and its neighbors.


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