Youtube Hosts ‘Mood Music for Jihadis’ Playlists…Thousands of Them

Hamas-M75-Rocket-2“…most beautiful encouraging jihadis video.”

Social media companies are compelled to police their space, monitoring, reporting and removing content that incites violence. Still, most fall painfully short of this obligation as is evident by the innumerable hate-filled pages calling for “death to [fill in the blank]” splashed across the likes of Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and other sites.

While social media executives’ failure to remove jihadi propaganda from their respective web portals is egregious enough, allowing terrorists to draw inspiration by hosting their “jihadi-mood-music” playlists takes it to another level.

That’s right. Jihadis have playlists. Many of them. And their “nasheeds,” or songs, can be easily accessed on Youtube.

MEMRI reports:

Just like finding playlists on YouTube of certain genres of music or a certain artist, group or composer, any user can also listen to hours of jihadi music videos replete with images of fighting, glorification of terrorist leaders and organizations, and outright support of FTOs such as ISIS or Hamas. These playlists are homemade productions, likely put together by youthful enthusiasts, and relying on individuals posting videos who use names like “1 Khilafah Production,” “Son of Bosnia,” and “WegZumParadiesNr3.”

One playlist titled “Popular Salafi Jihadism and Nasheed videos” has 152 items and was created by someone promoting, not surprisingly, the hashtag of #SalafiJihadism.

[…] Many of the videos are promoted with labels such as “the splendid Jihadis Nasheed (song)” or “most beautiful encouraging jihadis video.” This one below actually praises ISIS and even includes a version of its notorious motto “baqiyya” (here to stay) often used on Twitter by pro-ISIS tweeps. This seems to be part of an effort to use YouTube videos to drive viewers to the proper hashtags on Twitter.

One playlist with 200 tracks posted under “Popular Videos – Jihad & Nasheed,” starts with a track titled: “Palestinian Islamic Jihad Rocket Nasheed.”

That video can be seen here.

The “Jihadis Nasheed” playlist can be viewed here in its entirety.

MEMRI, which translated many of the videos on this and other jihadi playlists, notes that the songs offer typical terrorist-inspired content. America is vilified while Osama bin Laden, ISIS, Abu Mus’ab Al-Zarqawi and the fight in Syria and Chechnya is glorified.  Lions, guns and swords are popular motifs. The jihadis also attempt to imitate, of all things, Hollywood and general Americana:

As often happens with mashups, a song is matched with images taken from other media including popular movies (the 2005 Ridley Scott production Kingdom of Heaven being a particular favorite). One jihadi song incongruously uses the American bald eagle as an image to promote its cause.

The problem is endemic. Countless numbers of similar playlists featuring ballads meant to inspire new and existing crops of terrorists abound. Consider that even rudimentary search of the term “jihadi nasheed” alone returns nearly 100,000 entries.

One issue preventing the removal of this material is that Youtube requires individuals in its online community to report the offensive material. With hundreds of thousands of violence-inciting videos on hand, it is hardly a task for the average Youtube-goer to efficiently execute. Nor should it be their responsibility.

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