It is nice if people can be reformed.
I'm sure some can.
I don't think anyone should ever count on their partner changing.
It is the wrong attitude to have when entering a relationship.
If you can't accept someone as they are - forget it!
What is that saying - A leopard can't change it's spots.
Thats right, people need to get along with each other who you choose as an individual partner is no ones business than their own.
To find someone you love and want to stay with for the rest of your life is special, when you really love another all your heart and soul, nothing that another says will ever change it.
This looking soley on the surface of a person is all to do with lust not love. And I think few here really know the meaning of what love really is.
The woman who a minute ago was showing off how she was always the one who left her men is now talking about love?
What a self-contradiction, which is usually called hypocricy.
Its what I said all the time, you need to find love and be happy in relationships, not stuck in an abusive one. All women are the same, just how men see them.
SO thats your problem is it finally, you don't like women leaving relationships.
Does it matter who leaves, if the relationship is so broken it will just destroy the people in it.
You are very bitter man, I now understand why.
Good day.
Infidel, I would like you to define what the word "happy" means as it relates to a relationship. While you are at it, you might as well also define "love."
LOL for me love and being happy are the close to the same thing. Happiness for me is to be with my man, a closeness of having another near you that you would die for in a split second, one that just looks at you and you need no words to know you are the only one they desire and wish to have in their lives always.
Happiness is unspoken words, when you turn around some thing small has been done for you, a sharing of a life together. Such as when you wake you have the feeling of being protected beyond anything in this world that can harm you. A small kiss or touch means the more than all the gold and gems in the world.
Looking apon the face of your partner and seeing a little age and remembering when you knew the face was younger, and thinking yes my emotions and feelings will never change.
Unconditional support of the partner, and being their haven their comfort.
100% Trust 100% loyality 100% of wanting every breath in you life to be taken when you are with them, not apart.
That is happiness and love for me, with love there is also one more thing. Love to me is something that grows day by day, week by week, year by year. Not something that can be created in a mere wink of an eye.