Author Topic: About Black People and this Site  (Read 30785 times)

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Offline Yonatan777

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About Black People and this Site
« on: November 28, 2007, 12:59:34 AM »
I do agree with most of what you say about african americans on your site, but I also feeling you are leaving something out.  You make white people always seem to be the heroes and blacks always to be bad.  I mean you seem to be an advocate of Jim-Crow laws and White Apartheid in South Africa.  Let me tell you, the blacks in America are definately, along with the nazis, the most racist people we know in our world today.  However, you seem to forget the blacks were brought to USA as slaves and also that whites did settle in their land and were living well off their resources.

You can insult blacks and I think many are worthy of insult, like racist scumbags such as Malcolm X, Farrakan, Jessie Jackson, Tookie WIlliams, etc..  However, by you insulting an entire race for their skin color is no better than people saying all Jews are like this or that.  I think you should show a few blacks who are supporting of Israel.  Look at the soccer player during the last World Cup who raised the Israeli flag amongst dangerous Egyptian flags who equally hate blacks and Jews.  You never gave him any credit for risking his fame.. Of course, the Germans and Arabs demanded an apology from him, but the deed was done and he glorified Israel to Africans.

I have been to Africa and know there is many Africans who hate Islam and do love Israel and by you preaching all this anti-black everything you are sending the wrong message across.  Personally, I think blacks have not done half the damage to Israel than our own Jewish people, who are giving land to the Arabs.

Also, your calling the SOuth African blacks savages and the apartheid whites all civilized people is pure iddiocy.  You forget the killers come in all colors, as the Nazis were so called civilized white people who butchered 6,000,000 white Jews.  Also, I hear no mentioned of the butchery of the black Africans by the white apartheid, and also the segregation of them from becahes, facilities in their own country.

You are very important to Israel's freedom from Arab oppression and to expose the bigotry and ignorance of this liberal, degenerate and moraless society.  But please, stop your one-sided racial insults against black people.  As Jews we must look beyond the actions of one group of people and see that not all people of any one group act a certain way.  True I think about 90% of arabs hate Jews and want us dead, but don't forget their is many Christian Arabs and others who have been enlightened to the savagery of their people and now support Israel, such as Walid Shoebat.  There is Africans who also support Israel and want to learn more about us.  Jews are a foreign concept to most Africans.  Your site uses such absurd examples of militant african americans and belligerant post-apartheid South Africans.

I just don't understand why you fail to mention more of the treatment of Jews by some very proud white people, the Germans, Austrians, Russians, Ukrainians, Polish, French, all of Catholic Europe.  The so-called civilized people.


Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2007, 01:02:30 AM »
The black slaves benefited most of all from slavery. The white slavetraders spared these Africans from early deaths caused by starvation or execution at the hands of their savage tribesmen. Slavery was the greatest thing to happen to these people.

Do I think slavery ever should have happened? No, but I don't think we should apologize for it either. We should have sent them back ASAP like Lincoln wanted to.


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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2007, 01:08:00 AM »
JTF attacks evil and evil cultures REGARDLESS of race. JTF's attacks on WHITE european anti-semites and self-hating JEWS have been far greater in number and more vitriolic than any criticism of the cultures of any non-whites

To not speak out against evil because of Orwellian political correctness (as advocated by liberals) is evil in itself.

The hatred we have for evil cultures at JTF is based on their evil actions and stated goals.

The black, arab and mexican cultures are cultures of hate, envy, sloth, criminality and anti-semitism (this is based on research, statistics and emperical evidence- NOT prejudice). That is why we hate those cultures.The physical characteristics of these people (whilst commented on, occasionally) has NOTHING to do with our dislike of, opposition to or criticism of their cultures.

Offline aggressi0n

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2007, 01:21:34 AM »
I don't like people who break laws and are American Liberals. So I would say I hate gang members and quite a few black people. But if you look there are Black Conservatives and they are attacked. Liberals a racist against intelligent blacks who think for their self. Liberals a morons because they think they can insult black people for being conservative, but say they are looking out for the good of black people, but they only hold them back. They tell them if they get fired it was because of racism, not because the failed the drug test or are late everyday. The problem is Liberals, not blacks. They indoctrinate them with this stupidity to make them think that liberals are looking out for the good of black people and the conservatives are the racist people.

Liberals have indoctrinated black people to think that they have to do support the liberals to survive.

What we need to bash is the NAACP, Liberals, and Democrats. They all are trying to dumb down blacks to make them believe everyone is racist and they won't get anywhere. They tell them no point in going to school because the white man is not going to hire them. They tell them that if a white man does something to them its most likely because of racism.

Now you guys got to stop acting like Darwinist and remember we are all created in the image of God and therefore are equal!

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2007, 01:23:49 AM »
Also, your calling the SOuth African blacks savages and the apartheid whites all civilized people is pure iddiocy.  You forget the killers come in all colors, as the Nazis were so called civilized white people who butchered 6,000,000 white Jews.  Also, I hear no mentioned of the butchery of the black Africans by the white apartheid, and also the segregation of them from becahes, facilities in their own country.

What freaking butchery?  To hear you tell it, one would get the impression that the white South Africans killed millions of blacks.  If that's what you're saying, then you're full of it.  Do you want to know why the white South Africans are called civilized?  It's because they built up the country, built the dams, schools, hospitals (some of the best in the world), and made South Africa the only First World country on the entire continent.  The blacks there, in particular the ANC terrorists, on the other hand, ever since taking control of South Africa in 1994, have proceeded to decimate not only the infrastructure built up there up to that time, but also the ecology.  The Vaal River, for example, has become a sewage dump because of them.  The crime rate has exploded to the point that South Africa is now the most crime-ridden country in the world!  Under black rule, you now have baby rapes (to supposedly cure AIDS), ATM bombings, frequent rapes, farm murders (over 1,000 since 1994), suburban homes becoming fortresses, and so on, and you have the chutzpah to say that calling black South Africans savages is pure idiocy?  And, the blacks under Apartheid were given their own countries, which is a step above Botswana kicking the Bushmen there off of their land, Idi Amin's Uganda stealing property from the Indians and throwing them into concentration camps, and Robert Mugabe's Zimbabwe massacring 20,000 members of the Matabele tribe, stealing farms from the whites, and doing whatever he can to plunge Zimbabwe into Hell.

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In thy power Almighty, trusting,
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That the heritage they gave us
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Guard our land and guide our people
In Thy way to do Thy will.

Offline Yonatan777

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2007, 01:30:02 AM »
The black, arab and mexican cultures are cultures of hate, envy, sloth, criminality and anti-semitism (this is based on research, statistics and emperical evidence- NOT prejudice). That is why we hate those cultures.The physical characteristics of these people (whilst commented on, occasionally) has NOTHING to do with our dislike of, opposition to or criticism of their cultures.

You make a very general statement partly bound by ignorance.  How many black and mexican people do you know?   Have you ever travelled to Mexico or to Africa?  Do you just see some mexican or black thug on the street corner or watch rap videos and judge this is an entire race.  Or perhaps I should assume Rachel Cory or the lesbian self-hating Jewish rabbi I see in the new age Jewish synagogue, how all Jews are.  

Black culture is very diverse and there are many groups of black people.  Some black people I met in Africa are much friendlier to me than my self-hating Jewish brothers here in USA.  I have met Africans who are more supporting of Jews and Israel and belivee it or not if you examine the crime rate in lot of African countries you will see that they are lower than that of European counties.  I was a white Jewish man walking alone in the streets of Ghana West Africa and I felt less threatened than I did here in good ol white america, where every person has a gun cause he doesn't trust his neighbor.

I am not excusing the racism, bigotry and savageness of Afro Americans and the extremism, but you close your eyes to the hateful acts white people have done.  WHy do you leave Germans out hate, envy, sloth, criminality and anti-semitism..  Ok, well sloth, probably not, after all the GErmans were more effective in killing our people than any other European.  Not that they didn't want to try!  What statistics???  Europeans hate us Jews than most blacks or mexicans in this world.   Was it not Chancellor of Germany who said what we are doing to the Palestinians is worse than what the Nazis did to the Jews?  I think you make broad generalizations and pick and choose the statistics you like and put them where you want.  

Do you also forget alot of those same whites you are defending for implementing Jim Crow laws, also consider us Jews as degenerate Christ killing dogs???  I mean you forget that Confederate America and Ku Klux Klan, good ol white america has lot of hatred toward us.  I see Jewish synagogues being destroyed in Europe and cemetaries damaged by white neo-nazis.  

SO, what good is your inflammed, one-sided views of people of a certain skin color?  Is it impossible that blacks ever had any bad treatment by others? Or is it only Jewish people?  Somebody says slavery was the best thing that ever happen to blacks, well maybe Nazism was best thing to ever happen to Jews, now we have state of Israel.  By the way, Africans being shipped en masse to USA and starving in slave ships is less glorious of a death than being spared in battle by your foe.

Ok, don't think of me as a liberal self-hating Jew ..  I agree with lot of things on this site, that blacks cause a lot of trouble and there is many racist blacks, like African Americans.

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2007, 01:34:08 AM »
I do agree with most of what you say about african americans on your site, but I also feeling you are leaving something out.  You make white people always seem to be the heroes and blacks always to be bad.  I mean you seem to be an advocate of Jim-Crow laws and White Apartheid in South Africa.  Let me tell you, the blacks in America are definately, along with the nazis, the most racist people we know in our world today.  However, you seem to forget the blacks were brought to USA as slaves and also that whites did settle in their land and were living well off their resources.

You can insult blacks and I think many are worthy of insult, like racist scumbags such as Malcolm X, Farrakan, Jessie Jackson, Tookie WIlliams, etc..  However, by you insulting an entire race for their skin color is no better than people saying all Jews are like this or that.  I think you should show a few blacks who are supporting of Israel.  Look at the soccer player during the last World Cup who raised the Israeli flag amongst dangerous Egyptian flags who equally hate blacks and Jews.  You never gave him any credit for risking his fame.. Of course, the Germans and Arabs demanded an apology from him, but the deed was done and he glorified Israel to Africans.

I have been to Africa and know there is many Africans who hate Islam and do love Israel and by you preaching all this anti-black everything you are sending the wrong message across.  Personally, I think blacks have not done half the damage to Israel than our own Jewish people, who are giving land to the Arabs.

Also, your calling the SOuth African blacks savages and the apartheid whites all civilized people is pure iddiocy.  You forget the killers come in all colors, as the Nazis were so called civilized white people who butchered 6,000,000 white Jews.  Also, I hear no mentioned of the butchery of the black Africans by the white apartheid, and also the segregation of them from becahes, facilities in their own country.

You are very important to Israel's freedom from Arab oppression and to expose the bigotry and ignorance of this liberal, degenerate and moraless society.  But please, stop your one-sided racial insults against black people.  As Jews we must look beyond the actions of one group of people and see that not all people of any one group act a certain way.  True I think about 90% of arabs hate Jews and want us dead, but don't forget their is many Christian Arabs and others who have been enlightened to the savagery of their people and now support Israel, such as Walid Shoebat.  There is Africans who also support Israel and want to learn more about us.  Jews are a foreign concept to most Africans.  Your site uses such absurd examples of militant african americans and belligerant post-apartheid South Africans.

I just don't understand why you fail to mention more of the treatment of Jews by some very proud white people, the Germans, Austrians, Russians, Ukrainians, Polish, French, all of Catholic Europe.  The so-called civilized people.


Shalom, Yonathan, I fully agree with you.
Except for the fact that I think Apartheid could have been good if it had been only separation, not hate. Maybe the "two State solution" would have been good for South Africa instead of Israel. Blacks and whites have different cultures. When you mix cultures by force, then people usually keep no values and become evil. If you let each nation to develope separately, then you have more chances that they grow for the good.


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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2007, 01:36:46 AM »
The black, arab and mexican cultures are cultures of hate, envy, sloth, criminality and anti-semitism (this is based on research, statistics and emperical evidence- NOT prejudice). That is why we hate those cultures.The physical characteristics of these people (whilst commented on, occasionally) has NOTHING to do with our dislike of, opposition to or criticism of their cultures.

You make a very general statement partly bound by ignorance.  How many black and mexican people do you know?   Have you ever travelled to Mexico or to Africa?  Do you just see some mexican or black thug on the street corner or watch rap videos and judge this is an entire race.  Or perhaps I should assume Rachel Cory or the lesbian self-hating Jewish rabbi I see in the new age Jewish synagogue, how all Jews are.  

Black culture is very diverse and there are many groups of black people.  Some black people I met in Africa are much friendlier to me than my self-hating Jewish brothers here in USA.  I have met Africans who are more supporting of Jews and Israel and belivee it or not if you examine the crime rate in lot of African countries you will see that they are lower than that of European counties.  I was a white Jewish man walking alone in the streets of Ghana West Africa and I felt less threatened than I did here in good ol white america, where every person has a gun cause he doesn't trust his neighbor.

I am not excusing the racism, bigotry and savageness of Afro Americans and the extremism, but you close your eyes to the hateful acts white people have done.  WHy do you leave Germans out hate, envy, sloth, criminality and anti-semitism..  Ok, well sloth, probably not, after all the GErmans were more effective in killing our people than any other European.  Not that they didn't want to try!  What statistics???  Europeans hate us Jews than most blacks or mexicans in this world.   Was it not Chancellor of Germany who said what we are doing to the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis is worse than what the Nazis did to the Jews?  I think you make broad generalizations and pick and choose the statistics you like and put them where you want.  

Do you also forget alot of those same whites you are defending for implementing Jim Crow laws, also consider us Jews as degenerate Christ killing dogs???  I mean you forget that Confederate America and Ku Klux Klan, good ol white america has lot of hatred toward us.  I see Jewish synagogues being destroyed in Europe and cemetaries damaged by white neo-nazis.  

SO, what good is your inflammed, one-sided views of people of a certain skin color?  Is it impossible that blacks ever had any bad treatment by others? Or is it only Jewish people?  Somebody says slavery was the best thing that ever happen to blacks, well maybe Nazism was best thing to ever happen to Jews, now we have state of Israel.  By the way, Africans being shipped en masse to USA and starving in slave ships is less glorious of a death than being spared in battle by your foe.

Ok, don't think of me as a liberal self-hating Jew ..  I agree with lot of things on this site, that blacks cause a lot of trouble and there is many racist blacks, like African Americans.
Citing the odd nice black or wetback you've met is a non-argument. It is the exception that PROVES the rule, not disproves it.

The prevalence of imprisonment in 2001 was higher for
-- black males (16.6%) and Hispanic males (7.7%) than for white males (2.6%)
-- black females (1.7%) and Hispanic females (0.7%) than white females (0.3%)

New Century Foundation
The Color of Crime

Major Findings:
• Police and the justice system are not biased against minorities.
Crime Rates
• Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
• When blacks commit crimes of violence, they are nearly three times more likely than non-blacks to use a gun, and more than twice as likely to use a knife.
• Hispanics commit violent crimes at roughly three times the white rate, and Asians commit violent crimes at about one quarter the white rate.
• The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic.
Interracial Crime
• Of the nearly 770,000 violent interracial crimes committed every year involving blacks and whites, blacks commit 85 percent and whites commit 15 percent.
• Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty-five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black.
• Blacks are an estimated 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against a white than vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit robbery.
• Blacks are 2.25 times more likely to commit officially-designated hate crimes against whites than vice versa.
• Only 10 percent of youth gang members are white.
• Hispanics are 19 times more likely than whites to be members of youth gangs. Blacks are 15 times more likely, and Asians are nine times more likely.
• Between 1980 and 2003 the US incarceration rate more than tripled, from 139 to 482 per 100,000, and the number of prisoners increased from 320,000 to 1.39 million.
• Blacks are seven times more likely to be in prison than whites. Hispanics are three times more likely.

Also check the UN voting records. Hispanic nations usually trip over the arab ones to pass anti-Israel resolutions.

Offline Yonatan777

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #8 on: November 28, 2007, 01:42:52 AM »
I'm not defending the wicked acts by evil african dictators or militant blood-thirsty South African militias or gangs.  But, to single them out and say this is Africa and black people is pure stupidity and exactly what Europeans and Arabs have done to us Jews for long time.  I mean they point to one Jewish person and say this is all the Jews.  They say every Jew is Baruch Goldstein.   Yeah, Mugabe, Idi Amin are examples of dictators..  I have the chutzpath??  Maybe you have some yourself.. You forget Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin , Tzar of Russia and numerous white leaders who rounded up humans and exterminated them.  I think its pure idiocy to label all blacks as Idi Amin or Mugabe, just like it is foolishness to label all whites as Adolf Hitler.  

Yeah South Africa and Zimbabwe are the most suffering countries in all of Africa and the European South Africans did a lot to help develop South Africa.  Sad they had to treat the blacks as second class citizens.  If you think its ok, then perhaps it is ok that they treated us Christ killing Jews in Europe as poor inferior creatuers they did; segregating us and not allowing us to touch or associate with the superior gentiles.  Of course, are South Africans doing the right thing with their criminal acts and corruption?  Absolutely Not!  It doesn't mean we should excuse the bad things done by apartheid there.  Don't forget Hitler helped save Germany!  So, what does this mean, was it good that Hitler came to power and exterminated the Jews?   Just because Hitler was productive and built the economy doesn't mean that the productive society you have to show is worth bragging about.

I am saying that the Idi Amin, Malcolm X mentality does not exist to most black people in this world.  African Americans and South Africans are actually a small percentage of black people on this earth.  Personally, I don't see the acts of blacks aany more savage than that of whites in Europe.  By the way , there would have not been any Idi Amin or Mugabe if it was not for liberal white scum who supported him and gave him money to fund his regime.  Didn't Idi Amin get a lot of his training in Israel?? Hmmm....  You also forgot the Kenyan government who helped assist Israel in the operation of Entebbe to rescues the hostages.  If all blacks were savages I think they would have assisted Idi Amin, like the Europeans, who condemn Israel for going to Entebbe.


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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #9 on: November 28, 2007, 01:50:57 AM »
Learn to read statistics.

Nobody is basing criticism on one individual. When 13% of the US population commit 70% of the crime, one can say they are 5 fold more criminal.

When vocal Jew-haters like Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson garner 90+% black voter support we can say that blacks (on the whole) are Jew-haters. To say otherwise is to deny reallity.

Secondly nations and ethnicities are products of culture.....NOTHING else.

Japan is rich despite having ZERO natural resources because of a superior Japanese culture.............NOTHING more.

African countries are poor despite having HUGE natural resourses because of an inferior african culture.

Offline Yonatan777

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #10 on: November 28, 2007, 02:00:26 AM »
The statistics you posted are what I call Goebbels statistics.  You take a small portion of the black population on earth and say this represents the entire black race of people.  WHy not post us the crime statistics of countries like Ghana, Senegal, Tanzania and that of most of the non-urban Africa.  You will find the crime rate is lower than even in White USA or in many european countries.  I mean, I feel safer walking around Uganda or Ghana than I do around some of the white thugs in the city I live.  You cannot just point finger at a violent culture like African Americans as "blacks" as you do.  As I don't look at Jews as Olmert who give our land to Arabs, as "Jews". 

African Americans are a total of 39.7 million of the 500-700 million black people on this planet.  Don't just show me the statistics of one group of people .  Lets look at all the statistics.  As I said, don't post me the crime statistics in Soweto, South Africa or in war-torn Liberia.  Give me the statistics of crime in Dodoma, Tanzania and I will compare it to Bucharest, Romania.  Anyhow, I think as Jews we need to be open-minded, not closed minded and bigoted like our foes.  Broad generalizations brought 6,000,000 souls to gas chambers.

Inferior African culture is not inferior, rather different.  Like us Jews in the villages of Russia were not inferior, we just liked our simple lives.  Would you curse our ancestors because they choose to live in villages rather than build an empire?  By the way, Africa would like to extract resources, but has no means to do so, so rather than cursing them maybe you can contribute to helping?  After all, Europeans are there now extracting all the resources and sending back home to their countries, so why are you complaining?   Why not help who you call "inferior Africans" to develop mining technology, like the USA helped Israel to form its own country and escape the wrath of our friends the "superior Europeans".

The Japanese were warmongers and beliveed in progressive society and built a war machine and were brought together with goals of world domination.  I respect the Japanese for their hard work and progress and the success they had both in challenging the USA as a formidable foe and making themselves one of the world's wealthiest nations, as well as retaining at least some of their culture.  If you are forgetting the once-pathetic Chinese and Indians are building an empire that seems to be surpassing Japan, perhaps Africa has hope too in the future.

Tribalism is Africa's curse and it is not prevalent in many African countries anymore, like in the past, and from here progress can be made.  By the way 80% of Africans don't know who Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson or even Malcolm X is..
« Last Edit: November 28, 2007, 02:11:03 AM by Yonatan777 »

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #11 on: November 28, 2007, 02:02:45 AM »
I agree with Yonathan again!!!!
And if you want my opinion on those Blacks and Hispanics who do evil....I think that a person needs a law to love, and a group to belong to, if they are to become good and grow better. Blacks in America and South Africa have grown up with no own values to love and struggle for. They grew up in a culture which is not theirs, so they can't feel loyality, neither to America or South Africa, nor to their own tradition which they were made to forget. Under such conditions, anyone has a higher risk to be evil than the average, unless he is an idealistic. And the same apllies to Hispanics, most are mestizos (race does not matter), but they aren't either natives to love their ancestry, not Europeans to love Europe. That's their tragedy.
Jews, on the other side, have a well defined identity, and they have contributed to Humanity more than anyother Nation, despite they are about 0.2% of the world population!!!!


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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #12 on: November 28, 2007, 02:08:36 AM »
The statistics you posted are what I call Goebbels statistics.  You take a small portion of the black population on earth and say this represents the entire black race of people.  WHy not post us the crime statistics of countries like Ghana, Senegal, Tanzania and that of most of the non-urban Africa.  You will find the crime rate is lower than even in White USA or in many european countries.  I mean, I feel safer walking around Uganda or Ghana than I do around some of the white thugs in the city I live.  You cannot just point finger at a violent culture like African Americans as "blacks" as you do.  As I don't look at Jews as Olmert who give our land to Arabs, as "Jews". 

African Americans are a total of 39.7 million of the 500-700 million black people on this planet.  Don't just show me the statistics of one group of people .  Lets look at all the statistics.  As I said, don't post me the crime statistics in Soweto, South Africa or in war-torn Liberia.  Give me the statistics of crime in Dodoma, Tanzania and I will compare it to Bucharest, Romania.  Anyhow, I think as Jews we need to be open-minded, not closed minded and bigoted like our foes.  Broad generalizations brought 6,000,000 souls to gas chambers.
They are US Government statistics. Are you saying the US government is nazi??

Statistics in the turd world are unreliable at best and most crimes are unrecorded.

If you want an example of african culture look at the TV. Face flies, mutilations, mass murder , massive AIDS infection that is ongoing and without end.

If you feel safer in Uganda than in a white American neighbourhood you're a raving fool.

Offline Yonatan777

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #13 on: November 28, 2007, 02:23:10 AM »
The statistics you posted are what I call Goebbels statistics.  You take a small portion of the black population on earth and say this represents the entire black race of people.  WHy not post us the crime statistics of countries like Ghana, Senegal, Tanzania and that of most of the non-urban Africa.  You will find the crime rate is lower than even in White USA or in many european countries.  I mean, I feel safer walking around Uganda or Ghana than I do around some of the white thugs in the city I live.  You cannot just point finger at a violent culture like African Americans as "blacks" as you do.  As I don't look at Jews as Olmert who give our land to Arabs, as "Jews". 

African Americans are a total of 39.7 million of the 500-700 million black people on this planet.  Don't just show me the statistics of one group of people .  Lets look at all the statistics.  As I said, don't post me the crime statistics in Soweto, South Africa or in war-torn Liberia.  Give me the statistics of crime in Dodoma, Tanzania and I will compare it to Bucharest, Romania.  Anyhow, I think as Jews we need to be open-minded, not closed minded and bigoted like our foes.  Broad generalizations brought 6,000,000 souls to gas chambers.
They are US Government statistics. Are you saying the US government is nazi??

Statistics in the turd world are unreliable at best and most crimes are unrecorded.

If you want an example of african culture look at the TV. Face flies, mutilations, mass murder , massive AIDS infection that is ongoing and without end.

If you feel safer in Uganda than in a white American neighbourhood you're a raving fool.

You misunderstand me by saying Goebbels statistic..  What I mean is you take some real statistics and alter them.  The same way the Nazis took real statistics about Jews and alter them.   For example, look at the retarded and mentally disabled Jewish people they show on nazis ads..  These people definately were mentally disturbed and by them saying so they are correct, but does this mean all Jews are mentally disturbed?  So you found a very good statistics on crime on African Americans in USA and you just erase the name African Americans and say "black people of the world".   I think you should be bit more honest and realize black skin does not equate to crackhead street hustler in Harlem.  What does a peaceful potato farmer in the jungles of Ghana have to do with these statistics?

And I'm raving fool??? Listen sir, I have been to Uganda!!!!!  I'm still alive!!!   I have had few close encounters in USA from both white and black people.  I had a white person steal my car in the white meth-infested ghetto of the city I live.    I dropped my wallet loaded with cash on the streets of Jinja and black uganda girl came running up to me saying hey, mzungu, your wallet and handed it to me.  I just wonder how many weeks of food that could have given her.  As far as TV, to hell with the TV!!! !Damn propaganda machine.  Is that not the same TV, that shows poor suffering arabs as victims from mean Jewish oppressors.  I mean the TV is full of lies!!  I actually see many white people living quite well in Africa.  They dine on exquisite European cuisines, get 5 star service, drive luxury cars and live many times better than in their boring old Europe.  You obviously have not travelled to the places you insult.  Reminds me of the Arabs who make stories of Israel and how dangerous it is and how Jews drink Arab children blood.  Don't forget the Jewish blood libels in Europe! 

So, Newman..  I am a raving fool and you are profoundly ignorant!
« Last Edit: November 28, 2007, 02:31:18 AM by Yonatan777 »


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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #14 on: November 28, 2007, 02:34:19 AM »
Your one off experience is a non-argument. I know Toyota buyers who have had lemons and Lada buyers who have enjoyed reliability. Yet the fact is Toyotas are vastly more reliable than Ladas. Samples of 50,000 units outweigh the experiences of individuals.

I know seamen who have cruised the Mallac Straights without incident but it does not change the fact that the Mallaca Straights are rife with pirates.

Get the principle?

Western governments issue travel warnings against african countries due to crime. They do no such thing with the USA.

The plain fact is that people who study, work hard act morally and save do not live in the filth and squallor that the black and central American countries do. Their cultires are INFERIOR to ours.

Offline Yonatan777

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #15 on: November 28, 2007, 06:19:55 AM »
The plain fact is that people who study, work hard act morally and save do not live in the filth and squallor that the black and central American countries do. Their cultires are INFERIOR to ours.

Well, I guess us Jews were lazy and immoral most of our lives, that is why we lived in poverty and squallor for so many years??   Was it because we were lazy and immoral that we were the poorest people in Tzarist Russia?  I think you broad generalizations need to be re-evaluated as the statements you make are opinionated and wrong.   Lot of people I meet from Africa will break their hides and work 12 hour day jobs if they get the opportunity to come to USA and you could be appalled to see the working conditions in these countries?  Are Chinese people working in sweatshops to make your pants or shirts, lazy?  They work 12 hour days and make 50 cents an hour so they can feed themselves.  Its because they are lazy.   You grew up in a world where you had everything you needed.

I don't condone African Americans, as they have all the opportunities but choose to sit around drink, do drugs , watch television and complain about the white man.  But , they are like 8% of the black population on earth.  People in the cities of Africa who work white collar jobs work hours unbeleivable to us westerners and don't get paid vacations.   I mean I see people putting themself through school and working 8 hours a day and they go home to miserable house that has no toilet and electricity.   There is dedicated people, but lot of people don't have the opportunities.  You can just say they are lazy and that is why, but your bit proud being a person who never came from a poor place in Africa.  I wonder how well you would fare starting with nothing.

I still want you to answer the question if the poor Jews in Russia were inferior like the blacks you talk about, because they were poor.


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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #16 on: November 28, 2007, 07:00:50 AM »
The example of shtetl Jews in Russia is a red herring and you know it. They were forced into those ghettos, forbidden from owning farms or entering certain trades or professions. The emancipated Jews of France and Germany reached the top of every field of human endeavour.

Mexicans, africans and other losers have their OWN countries and FULL oportunity. As do the Japanese, South Koreans etc. You'll note the differences in living standards.

Their is NO comparison between the shtetl Jews of Russia and the turd worlders of today.

The fact that you use such a rediculous example as an argument shows you are grasping at straws.

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #17 on: November 28, 2007, 07:09:30 AM »
However, you seem to forget the blacks were brought to USA as slaves

Were they sold into slavery by other blacks? :o

« Last Edit: November 28, 2007, 07:15:21 AM by bullcat3 »
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #18 on: November 28, 2007, 07:15:37 AM »

However, you seem to forget the blacks were brought to USA as slaves

NO. Their ancesters were. Blacks of today were born in the USA with the same rights and opportunities as everybody else.

I'm of Irish-catholic decent. We were brought to Australia as slaves (convicts) too. Is that an excuse for us to act like savages today?

Get off the grass!

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #19 on: November 28, 2007, 07:27:58 AM »

However, you seem to forget the blacks were brought to USA as slaves

NO. Their ancesters were. Blacks of today were born in the USA with the same rights and opportunities as everybody else.

I'm of Irish-catholic decent. We were brought to Australia as slaves (convicts) too. Is that an excuse for us to act like savages today?

Get off the grass!

At least you know your origin. But Blacks in USA have no Ethnic group, they may not even know which African nations their ancestor belonged to. That's their problem. I'll repeat, when someone loses his identity by force (not those who willingly enbrace another culture), he has no values to love, and is at higher risk of evil. Even if long generations passed!!! That's not their fault if they have a higher rate of crime. However each individual is responsible for his acts. Not the whole group!

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #20 on: November 28, 2007, 07:31:53 AM »
I do agree with most of what you say about african americans on your site, but I also feeling you are leaving something out.  You make white people always seem to be the heroes and blacks always to be bad.  I mean you seem to be an advocate of Jim-Crow laws and White Apartheid in South Africa.  Let me tell you, the blacks in America are definately, along with the nazis, the most racist people we know in our world today.  However, you seem to forget the blacks were brought to USA as slaves and also that whites did settle in their land and were living well off their resources.

You can insult blacks and I think many are worthy of insult, like racist scumbags such as Malcolm X, Farrakan, Jessie Jackson, Tookie WIlliams, etc..  However, by you insulting an entire race for their skin color is no better than people saying all Jews are like this or that.  I think you should show a few blacks who are supporting of Israel.  Look at the soccer player during the last World Cup who raised the Israeli flag amongst dangerous Egyptian flags who equally hate blacks and Jews.  You never gave him any credit for risking his fame.. Of course, the Germans and Arabs demanded an apology from him, but the deed was done and he glorified Israel to Africans.

I have been to Africa and know there is many Africans who hate Islam and do love Israel and by you preaching all this anti-black everything you are sending the wrong message across.  Personally, I think blacks have not done half the damage to Israel than our own Jewish people, who are giving land to the Arabs.

Also, your calling the SOuth African blacks savages and the apartheid whites all civilized people is pure iddiocy.  You forget the killers come in all colors, as the Nazis were so called civilized white people who butchered 6,000,000 white Jews.  Also, I hear no mentioned of the butchery of the black Africans by the white apartheid, and also the segregation of them from becahes, facilities in their own country.

You are very important to Israel's freedom from Arab oppression and to expose the bigotry and ignorance of this liberal, degenerate and moraless society.  But please, stop your one-sided racial insults against black people.  As Jews we must look beyond the actions of one group of people and see that not all people of any one group act a certain way.  True I think about 90% of arabs hate Jews and want us dead, but don't forget their is many Christian Arabs and others who have been enlightened to the savagery of their people and now support Israel, such as Walid Shoebat.  There is Africans who also support Israel and want to learn more about us.  Jews are a foreign concept to most Africans.  Your site uses such absurd examples of militant african americans and belligerant post-apartheid South Africans.

I just don't understand why you fail to mention more of the treatment of Jews by some very proud white people, the Germans, Austrians, Russians, Ukrainians, Polish, French, all of Catholic Europe.  The so-called civilized people.


Yonaton, we do all these things you mentioned and we always mention the evil Germans, Austrians, et al...I don't think you are watching enough JTF videos nor listening to enough askjtfs.  So for you information, thank you for caring, but hang out a little longer and you'll see what we are really about.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein


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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #21 on: November 28, 2007, 07:33:03 AM »

However, you seem to forget the blacks were brought to USA as slaves

NO. Their ancesters were. Blacks of today were born in the USA with the same rights and opportunities as everybody else.

I'm of Irish-catholic decent. We were brought to Australia as slaves (convicts) too. Is that an excuse for us to act like savages today?

Get off the grass!

At least you know your origin. But Blacks in USA have no Ethnic group, they may not even know which African nations their ancestor belonged to. That's their problem. I'll repeat, when someone loses his identity by force (not those who willingly enbrace another culture), he has no values to love, and is at higher risk of evil. Even if long generations passed!!! That's not their fault if they have a higher rate of crime. However each individual is responsible for his acts. Not the whole group!
Identity? Origin??

What's the difference for blacks?

A Polak is different to an Italian, but one spear chucking monkey is no different to another. They're all the same so what difference would it make knowing what stoneage tribe they came from?

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #22 on: November 28, 2007, 07:33:42 AM »
I don't like people who break laws and are American Liberals. So I would say I hate gang members and quite a few black people. But if you look there are Black Conservatives and they are attacked. Liberals a racist against intelligent blacks who think for their self. Liberals a morons because they think they can insult black people for being conservative, but say they are looking out for the good of black people, but they only hold them back. They tell them if they get fired it was because of racism, not because the failed the drug test or are late everyday. The problem is Liberals, not blacks. They indoctrinate them with this stupidity to make them think that liberals are looking out for the good of black people and the conservatives are the racist people.

Liberals have indoctrinated black people to think that they have to do support the liberals to survive.

What we need to bash is the NAACP, Liberals, and Democrats. They all are trying to dumb down blacks to make them believe everyone is racist and they won't get anywhere. They tell them no point in going to school because the white man is not going to hire them. They tell them that if a white man does something to them its most likely because of racism.

Now you guys got to stop acting like Darwinist and remember we are all created in the image of G-d and therefore are equal!

WE already do like on every show and on every subject on this forum.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #23 on: November 28, 2007, 07:39:52 AM »
The plain fact is that people who study, work hard act morally and save do not live in the filth and squallor that the black and central American countries do. Their cultires are INFERIOR to ours.

Well, I guess us Jews were lazy and immoral most of our lives, that is why we lived in poverty and squallor for so many years??   Was it because we were lazy and immoral that we were the poorest people in Tzarist Russia?  I think you broad generalizations need to be re-evaluated as the statements you make are opinionated and wrong.   Lot of people I meet from Africa will break their hides and work 12 hour day jobs if they get the opportunity to come to USA and you could be appalled to see the working conditions in these countries?  Are Chinese people working in sweatshops to make your pants or shirts, lazy?  They work 12 hour days and make 50 cents an hour so they can feed themselves.  Its because they are lazy.   You grew up in a world where you had everything you needed.

I don't condone African Americans, as they have all the opportunities but choose to sit around drink, do drugs , watch television and complain about the white man.  But , they are like 8% of the black population on earth.  People in the cities of Africa who work white collar jobs work hours unbeleivable to us westerners and don't get paid vacations.   I mean I see people putting themself through school and working 8 hours a day and they go home to miserable house that has no toilet and electricity.   There is dedicated people, but lot of people don't have the opportunities.  You can just say they are lazy and that is why, but your bit proud being a person who never came from a poor place in Africa.  I wonder how well you would fare starting with nothing.

I still want you to answer the question if the poor Jews in Russia were inferior like the blacks you talk about, because they were poor.

You are soooooooooooooo WRONG.  Jews were poor because of anti-semitism. THey were smart well educated and once they were able to have freedom, they went ahead and ended up being in charge of a lot of businesses.  Now that many Blacks are free, very very very few actually have done something with their freedom and have become educated etc without the help of affirmative action.  All the rest act lazy, live in squaller, follow a terrible culture, make up their own holidays etc.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #24 on: November 28, 2007, 07:55:50 AM »
Identity? Origin??

What's the difference for blacks?

A Polak is different to an Italian, but one spear chucking monkey is no different to another. They're all the same so what difference would it make knowing what stoneage tribe they came from?

That's sounds like hate. All our ancestors were at sometime in the stone age. African belonged to different nations and they were mixed when enslaved. They lost their identity. The have no nation to love. They just strive to create a Black identity, but it's impossible. Black is a race not an ethnic group. They felt they didn't belong to America. They were discriminated even after slavery ended. And they have no own nation to belong and love. You may say they are free now, and have the same opportunities. Tha's true. But their grandfathers didn't and were bitter. They left no values for their descendants. I believe that a person is what he receives from his ancestors, his values and culture. Of course each man is free and is able to grow by his own morally. But it's more difficult.