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Offline thomastucker

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #100 on: April 03, 2008, 07:38:20 AM »
I don't like people who break laws and are American Liberals. So I would say I hate gang members and quite a few black people. But if you look there are Black Conservatives and they are attacked. Liberals a racist against intelligent blacks who think for their self. Liberals a morons because they think they can insult black people for being conservative, but say they are looking out for the good of black people, but they only hold them back. They tell them if they get fired it was because of racism, not because the failed the drug test or are late everyday. The problem is Liberals, not blacks. They indoctrinate them with this stupidity to make them think that liberals are looking out for the good of black people and the conservatives are the racist people.

Liberals have indoctrinated black people to think that they have to do support the liberals to survive.

What we need to bash is the NAACP, Liberals, and Democrats. They all are trying to dumb down blacks to make them believe everyone is racist and they won't get anywhere. They tell them no point in going to school because the white man is not going to hire them. They tell them that if a white man does something to them its most likely because of racism.

Now you guys got to stop acting like Darwinist and remember we are all created in the image of G-d and therefore are equal!

You are sadly mis-informed.  It seems as though you've been living under a rock based on your judgment of the state of thinking for African Americans.  How sad.

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #101 on: April 03, 2008, 07:38:56 AM »
The black slaves benefited most of all from slavery. The white slavetraders spared these Africans from early deaths caused by starvation or execution at the hands of their savage tribesmen. Slavery was the greatest thing to happen to these people.

Do I think slavery ever should have happened? No, but I don't think we should apologize for it either. We should have sent them back ASAP like Lincoln wanted to.

Just as the entire world benefited most from the Holocaust?

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #102 on: April 03, 2008, 07:44:10 AM »
The plain fact is that people who study, work hard act morally and save do not live in the filth and squallor that the black and central American countries do. Their cultires are INFERIOR to ours.

Then why plagiarize your religion (in its entirety) the Egyptain book of the dead?  Why deny this hisorical fact?  Why is Israel massively murdering Palestinians?

It was only a few thousand years ago that Chinese explorers wrote about going up into the Caucus mountains and finding your kind still walking around on their hands & feet... cannibalizing miscarriages and the deceased.  They even wrote how you all didn't know how to bury your dead.

After that, even some African explorers wrote about the atrocious cavemen that lived in the caucus mountains.  They called them BARBARIANS.  So either the entire world id out to get you guys, or you all are denying yourselves.  The choice is yours, but truth will always remain.  I hope you live a better life.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #103 on: April 03, 2008, 07:56:48 AM »
I agree with most of what you say Yonatan.  I too have been to Africa, Europe, the Middle East, South/Central America and also lived in many cities in Canada, US and Israel.  I do believe it is a cultural difference and am personally struggling with the possibility that there may well be racial differences as well.  It is not a case of "racism" or hate due to race but of cultural bankruptcy in my opinion.  I am settled on the fact that when speaking about negros one is not faced with a few rotton apples spoiling the batch but the reverse; the masses of rotton apples spoiling it for those rightous few. 

My two cents...  ;)
« Last Edit: April 03, 2008, 08:48:32 AM by MarZutra »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #104 on: April 03, 2008, 08:29:52 AM »
I agree with most of what you say Yonatan.  I too have been to Africa, Europe, the Middle East, South/Central America and also lived in many cities in Canada, US and Israel.  I do believe it is a cultural difference and am personally struggling with the possibility that there may well be racial differences as well.  It is not a case of "racism" or hate due to race but of cultural bankruptcy in my opinion.  I am settled on the fact that when speaking about negros one is not faced with a few rotton apples spoiling the batch but the revers; the masses of rotton apples spoiling it for those rightous few. 

My two cents...  ;)

well put
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Offline americankahanist

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #105 on: April 03, 2008, 10:46:33 AM »
Blacks in Africa surrounded by 1000s of miles of coast line never thought of building a boat to see whats out there.  Blacks in Africa never thought of harnessing the power of the many animals there to do work for them.  Blacks in Africa never thought of inventing the wheel to aid them in their daily tasks.  The best they could do was learn to use what the white colonials invented.

Offline ASHISH

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #106 on: April 03, 2008, 11:39:18 AM »
thomastucker i want to ask you something why blacks are still living poorly even after given so much aid and still blaming whites not one african country is developed instead south africa and we all know why is that.Even in developed countries like usa why is that africans come last.My suggestion is africans will now have to drop this white blaming mentality and think like india and china.India was ruled by britishers for 200 years  now we are buying british companies jaguar,landrover, and ofcource europes largest steel producing company was bought by an indian

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #107 on: April 03, 2008, 12:09:40 PM »
You take a small portion of the black population on earth and say this represents the entire black race of people.  WHy not post us the crime statistics of countries like Ghana, Senegal, Tanzania and that of most of the non-urban Africa.  You will find the crime rate is lower than even in White USA or in many european countries.

WHAT?????? are you RETARDED???????????   Those countries are demillitarized zones.   My god... Senegal is absolutely horrid.  It makes Washington DC seem like Idaho.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #108 on: April 03, 2008, 01:02:21 PM »
LOL ;)
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline dajudem

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #109 on: April 03, 2008, 01:34:57 PM »
I'm not defending the wicked acts by evil african dictators or militant blood-thirsty South African militias or gangs.  But, to single them out and say this is Africa and black people is pure stupidity and exactly what Europeans and Arabs have done to us Jews for long time.  I mean they point to one Jewish person and say this is all the Jews.  They say every Jew is Baruch Goldstein.   Yeah, Mugabe, Idi Amin are examples of dictators..  I have the chutzpath??  Maybe you have some yourself.. You forget Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin , Tzar of Russia and numerous white leaders who rounded up humans and exterminated them.  I think its pure idiocy to label all blacks as Idi Amin or Mugabe, just like it is foolishness to label all whites as Adolf Hitler. 

Yeah South Africa and Zimbabwe are the most suffering countries in all of Africa and the European South Africans did a lot to help develop South Africa.  Sad they had to treat the blacks as second class citizens.  If you think its ok, then perhaps it is ok that they treated us Christ killing Jews in Europe as poor inferior creatuers they did; segregating us and not allowing us to touch or associate with the superior gentiles.  Of course, are South Africans doing the right thing with their criminal acts and corruption?  Absolutely Not!  It doesn't mean we should excuse the bad things done by apartheid there.  Don't forget Hitler helped save Germany!  So, what does this mean, was it good that Hitler came to power and exterminated the Jews?   Just because Hitler was productive and built the economy doesn't mean that the productive society you have to show is worth bragging about.

I am saying that the Idi Amin, Malcolm X mentality does not exist to most black people in this world.  African Americans and South Africans are actually a small percentage of black people on this earth.  Personally, I don't see the acts of blacks aany more savage than that of whites in Europe.  By the way , there would have not been any Idi Amin or Mugabe if it was not for liberal white scum who supported him and gave him money to fund his regime.  Didn't Idi Amin get a lot of his training in Israel?? Hmmm....  You also forgot the Kenyan government who helped assist Israel in the operation of Entebbe to rescues the hostages.  If all blacks were savages I think they would have assisted Idi Amin, like the Europeans, who condemn Israel for going to Entebbe.

My first post is to agree with everything you have said here.  One does not smear a whole race with the actions of some.  Blacks have had their share of misery in the U.S. and while I don't for one minute excuse black bigotry which exists in spades (pardon the pun) --- nevertheless there are many wonderful Blacks who have spoken out for Jews and Israel, including Martin Luther King, Thomas Sowell, Juan Williams and many, many others.  We will never win allies when we stereotype a whole race with negatives.  I hope some people here will reconsider!

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #110 on: April 03, 2008, 01:56:22 PM »
The plain fact is that people who study, work hard act morally and save do not live in the filth and squallor that the black and central American countries do. Their cultires are INFERIOR to ours.

Then why plagiarize your religion (in its entirety) the Egyptain book of the dead?  Why deny this hisorical fact?  Why is Israel massively murdering PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis?

It was only a few thousand years ago that Chinese explorers wrote about going up into the Caucus mountains and finding your kind still walking around on their hands & feet... cannibalizing miscarriages and the deceased.  They even wrote how you all didn't know how to bury your dead.

After that, even some African explorers wrote about the atrocious cavemen that lived in the caucus mountains.  They called them BARBARIANS.  So either the entire world id out to get you guys, or you all are denying yourselves.  The choice is yours, but truth will always remain.

GEEEE... I wonder if you are a Muslim!!!!    HMMMMMM!!!!   I wonder

Offline abdithefaithful

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #111 on: April 03, 2008, 07:39:25 PM »
I've told many people in my daily life how I was brutally attacked by members of the "minority" simply for putting Gary Coleman rightfully ahead of Mike Tyson on a scale measuring the blacks in modern history who have "shined" the "brightest" and set a positive example to other minorities... When I told some folks they shrugged it off, but others did find it appalling that often the minority communities will embrace a "role model" who is more "thuggish" like Mike Tyson instead of one who is more "huggish" like Gary Coleman... Some blacks prefer the "street thug" mentality of a Mike Tyson over a mature and responsible black fellow like Gary Coleman... I think that pretty much sums up a big part of the problem... They prefer the "bad guys" over the "good guys" for some sick and twisted reason....
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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #112 on: April 03, 2008, 10:38:57 PM »
This is a very disturbing post.  There are no ritual 'baby-rapes' in Africa... that's propaganda probably spread by your rabbi in an attempt to keep you misinformed.  If you're under 25, then I would be highly disappointed with your ignorance twords research.

No, it is your post that's disturbing.  Are you a freaking moron?  Baby rapes do happen in Africa, particularly in South Africa, and it is done under the belief that it is to cure the rapist of AIDS.  Research?  You have a lot of bloody blue nerve to call me ignorant for citing a well-known fact.  And do you dare call the reporting of those crimes propaganda?  Wow, for someone under 25, I know so much more than you.  Anyway, here's some research for you:

White british nurses have been infecting African children across the continent with the HIV virus for years and years and years.  It's just sad that instead of taking time and intelligence into account, you wallow in your self-hatred and pity which causes jealousy and ency for those not in your situation.  I hope you live a better life.

If you actually believe that HIV/AIDS is spread in Africa by nurses deliberately infecting African children, then you are completely insane.  Your definition of "intelligence" involves accepting some wacko conspiracy theory, and bashing anyone who doesn't acknowledge it to be true as being "self-hating".  From where are you writing your post, from a nut house?  Besides, why should I envy you?  Why should I lower myself to your mode of demented thinking?  My life is just fine, if you must know.

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In thy power Almighty, trusting,
Did our fathers build of old;
Strengthen then, O Lord, their children
To defend, to love, to hold
That the heritage they gave us
For our children yet may be:
Bondsmen only to the Highest
And before the whole world free.
As our fathers trusted humbly,
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Guard our land and guide our people
In Thy way to do Thy will.

Offline Shlomo

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #113 on: April 04, 2008, 12:30:57 AM »
Then why plagiarize your religion (in its entirety) the Egyptain book of the dead?  Why deny this hisorical fact?  Why is Israel massively murdering PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis?

It was only a few thousand years ago that Chinese explorers wrote about going up into the Caucus mountains and finding your kind still walking around on their hands & feet... cannibalizing miscarriages and the deceased.  They even wrote how you all didn't know how to bury your dead.

After that, even some African explorers wrote about the atrocious cavemen that lived in the caucus mountains.  They called them BARBARIANS.  So either the entire world id out to get you guys, or you all are denying yourselves.  The choice is yours, but truth will always remain.  I hope you live a better life.

No to waste much time on this joke, I chose to respond. For someone who claims we are "not educated" and claims we are "racist", you sure seem to fit the profile. Exactly who is "your kind"? Interesting... were did you find this made up nonsense? You want to talk about BARBARIANS? Look no further than Africa. It's a freak show. A good chunk of the population don't wear any clothes and some still eat themselves.

Yes, the truth will always remain.

Plus, it doesn't look like you really mean it when you wish us a better life. That seems very insincere to me. I wonder why?

This is a very disturbing post.  There are no ritual 'baby-rapes' in Africa... that's propaganda probably spread by your rabbi in an attempt to keep you misinformed.  If you're under 25, then I would be highly disappointed with your ignorance twords research.

White british nurses have been infecting African children across the continent with the HIV virus for years and years and years.  It's just sad that instead of taking time and intelligence into account, you wallow in your self-hatred and pity which causes jealousy and ency for those not in your situation.  I hope you live a better life.

Yes, the white British nurses have had nothing better to do than go to a hell hole to spread AIDS. It's like a hobby. They don't really have anything better to do plus they are obsessed with Africa even if it's a country that produces nothing located on a totally different spot on the globe. It's an "obsession hobby"... like collecting stamps or trading baseball cards. They just grab a vial of AIDS from the drug store and buy plane tickets for Africa thinking about how to get it into the blood stream. Makes sense.

Wallow in self-hatred? Sure... we call those self hating Jews that don't defend themselves. It's sad that instead of taking time and intelligence into account, you would spell a little better and form complete sentences that actually make sense. You'd realize that your own jealousy, idiocy, and self-hatred show through in your posts.

The only reason Africa isn't even on the map in the news is they are too incompetent, lazy, and ignorant to actually create missiles or weapons that could do any serious harm to surrounding countries... so people usually just ignore Africa. Africa is the armpit of the world.
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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #114 on: April 17, 2008, 03:51:25 AM »
Some people do irritate me, like people who claim white people spread AIDS to Africa..  Its like the Nazis say Jews brought poverty to Germany.  Some people, regardless of skin color, cannot accept responsibility for their own stupidity.  Africans brought lot of their own suffering on themselves, there is no denying that.  But, as with all people on the earth, they love to point the fingers at others.  Let us not hate black people, because they will blame whites for their suffering or hate Germans because they blame Jews for their suffering.  Rather, lets hate stupid people who just have their head up their behind and never realized their own lack of critical thinking, intellect, ambition, governance, virtue, economic planning, etc etc was the reason for their country's demise.  As of now, Congo is caught in a civil war and the world blames the British and French for sticking enemy tribes next to each other.  Yet, these people were fighting since ancient times, they just didn't have as big of guns.  Personally, I do not see how blacks came blame white people for black people killing one another for their minerals and wealth.  Just a simple matter of greed and corruption and each group doesn't want to unite, but hog all their wealth for their specific ethnic group.  Anyhow, sooner or later Africa will step out of its dark age, like Europe stepped out of its dark age.  People just never owe up to their actions and always blame others, race exclusive.

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #115 on: April 17, 2008, 04:03:07 AM »
The black slaves benefited most of all from slavery. The white slavetraders spared these Africans from early deaths caused by starvation or execution at the hands of their savage tribesmen. Slavery was the greatest thing to happen to these people.

Do I think slavery ever should have happened? No, but I don't think we should apologize for it either. We should have sent them back ASAP like Lincoln wanted to.

Just as the entire world benefited most from the Holocaust?

Thomastucker, I don't know why boneheads like you are allowed to post on this site, since we have so many uneducated, backward, racist, brainwashed thugs like you on StørmFrønt and other blogs for the socially and mentally impaired.  The people who benefited the most from the Holocaust were Nazis, Anti-Semites,  and Muslims.  That is 6,000,000 less Jews they have to worry about.  Not to mention, I am sick of Germans and Arabs whining about how they have given Jews so much money.  The amount of money given back to Jewish people, I am not sure if that even equates to that what was stolen.  Stolen Jewish money helped fund the Nazi war machine and the creation of the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi state, through the nazi leader Mufti Al-Husseini.  Go to a real school that teaches you more than the Koran, Hadith and Mein Kampf is the answer to all physics, biology and world history.   

Who is slaughtering the bloodsucking Pali-stinians?  Go blame your fat greedy prophet named Mohammad!  He told all Muslims to kill all those who insult the moon G-d Allah..  So now these maniacs are doing all they can to rip apart of every Jewish ape/pig.  They teach little Mohammad and Aisha how to bear a gun so they can kill a Jew.  Arab Muslims, I am sorry to say, and this may sound bigoted, but they are a weak race of people.  These people are not good fighters and are the greatest cowards in the sense of the word.  During a gunbattle the first thing they do is run into a crowded area of civilians so that Israeli military can fire into the area.  These militants then evacuate the area before the strike occurs, but are honored to watch their people die, so they can report it to the media.  Usually, the militants do not get to survive their goal and they will die along with the so-called innocent civilians who shield them.  Sometimes they escape and then, of course, evil Israel is at fault, for killing innocent civilians.  Paleshitians dont care about their men, women , children.  If they are splattered all over the ground, they will run immediately to the media so they can show how bad Israel is.  This means more support and money from Europe, UN and of course Israel so that they can be forgiven.

There is no Pal-estinian innocent civilian.  My opinion, is all of them that get in the way must die until every militant is dead and the country of Gaza ends its wickedness..   Mr. Muslim, one day President Olmert, Mr. Ki-Moon and Ms. Rice won't be there to protect you and you will have to face the penalty for your crimes against G-d!

After that, even some African explorers wrote about the atrocious cavemen that lived in the caucus mountains.  They called them BARBARIANS.  So either the entire world id out to get you guys, or you all are denying yourselves.  The choice is yours, but truth will always remain.

African explorers, what African explorers?  What did they explore with, a raft?  Who were the barbarians?  How about the Ashanti tribesman who would capture and make sex slaves out of little 10 year old Ewe girls.  How about people in Africa would consume human bodies as part of voodoo rituals?  Ever hear about the tribes in Zambia who engage in witchcraft using the humane bone of children?   As far as our kind being in the Caucus mountains, your theory is so far fetched, that only a Neanderthal brain like yourself, would be able to support it.  Jews are spread out through all the world and the original Jewish inhabitants of Israel, are not all that far from this area called Khazaria that you speak.   As a matter of fact, Israelites , Russians and Turks are very close.  Many Jews immigrated up north during diaspora rather than south through the hot rugged deserts of Africa.  I know most Arabs and Afro Americans say that all Israelites went to Africa and none of them would ever dare venture to Europe.  This is a bogus theory that is popular amongst uneducated ghetto crackheads and neo-nazi bus drivers who have little going for them in their life, but need to derive a conspiracy theory to prove that Israel is not for the Jews.  However, if you examine the Jewish people and their history closely, you will see they intermixed very infrequently with their neighbors and their appearance differs from that of Russians, Turks and other Persians.  They have more semitic features that cannot be explained by the native Persians, Turks, Eastern Europeans.  Armenians and Turks have large noses, but they are not hooked.  It is common to see very pronounced hook noses on many Russian Jews, yet you will never see a Russian, Khazar, Mongoloid, Turk, Armenian with such a hook nose.  It is true that Turks, Syrians and Israelis share certain features and all are Caucasian/White in appearance.  If modern day Jews are Khazars and natives from Caucus mountains, how come so many of us have hooked noses that are common only amongst people in desert regions?   You will not be able to answer, but just hold your ears and say it is not true, that is alright, people of your mindset are inept.  Those people claiming Israelites were pure Arabs or Africans are ludicrous and strictly denying history and anthropology of the region.

As far as savage people, the Khazars were not savage at all, but a civilized society with a smart mind and gave refuge to Jewish people who were oppressed by a brutal Spanish dictator.   However, in those times Africans were very uncivilized and I can share with you some stories of practices that were performed by these tribes at the time.  I, myself have been to Africa and know there is good and bad.  But for you to go playing a stupid game that Europeans and Jews were savage people at the time, I think you will be more shocked to know what Africans and Arabs were doing.   Lets just say, in those days, we did not have the UN to go to Africa to prevent a tribe from enslaving another tribe and genociding them.  Rwanda genocide was a common occurrence in those days, where tribes would massacre one another and enslave the others.  Tribal wars were a constant problem in Old Africa.  The problem is, most of the world has become more civilized and has stopped the fighting, but Africa is still living in the past, acting barbaric.  Of course you will merely point out that Khazars were barbaric people, which is a lie.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2008, 04:28:56 AM by Yonatan777 »

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #116 on: April 17, 2008, 05:15:15 AM »
The cause, why Hitler and the Nazis would be forever rightfully the ideal-picture of evil is not because they slaughtered man, woman and child without mercy and not because of how many of them, but because of the nature of the perpetrator and their victims.

There is a western Jewish Christian civilisation in this world - The only civilisation which had existed and is existing. But there are many cultures in this world.

The difference between civilisation and culture is simply explained:

Culture is if you kill a man and you made from his head a ashtray.

Civilisation is if you have done this and got now the maximum penalty for you barberous act.

Hitler and the Nazis were descendants of this western civilisation and rejected her G-d and her values totally.

They break this civilisation in Europe, through the Holocaust into pieces and now all Europeans - not only the Germans have to suffer because of it.

If some members of an African culture decide to murder other Africans is this perhaps not nice, but no "Break of Civilisation", because they have none.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2008, 05:17:13 AM by Golden Pheasant »
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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #117 on: April 17, 2008, 07:20:24 AM »
The difference between Jews and blacks is that if there were another Holocaust against Jews, I'd hide them in my house. If blacks were running from the authorities en masse it's probably because they just came from a riot.

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Re: About Black People and this Site
« Reply #118 on: April 17, 2008, 01:16:42 PM »
Golden Pheasant, I agree with most of what you said, except that there's only only civilization. There are India, china, Mongolia, and other Buddhist civilizations like Thailand and Tibet. I actually think that today there is a regression from civilization to barbarism due to the spread of Islam (and clearly Nazism is also responsible for such a regression).