Anyone else who feels insulted having to endure a movie that claims blacks beat the Harvard debating team, Please speak up.
How is the movie insultulting your intelligence, judea? Why is it so hard to believe that there are, in fact, great debaters who are black in our country?
Yes, it's extremely hard to beleive.
Erica, being perfectly honest. I have NEVER met a black person who I considered my intellectual equal. Most that I meet are illiterate and stupid as the day is long.
And it's not because I shut myself off from black people. I am one of the only whites at my company that even SPEAKS to the black people at my company.
And to be honest, Erica. They are all borderline retarded.
So now you know ALL black people? LOL Are you serious? ALL BLACKS are borderline retarded? Any proof?
Plenty of Proof. Scientific Proof.
Read the Bell Curve.
That bell curve only proves that there are intelligent people and there are people who aren't doesn't prove that G-d hates blacks and made them inferior to whites to prove that blacks are unintelligible idiots.
Hopefully Scraibin can provide some THEOLOGICAL proof that blacks are less intelligent than whites. After all, G-d's will decided that 'blacks would be unintelligent'. 
Did I claim that?
Why are you answering Scriabin through me?
Answer him and me seperately.
According to the data in the Bell Curve, African Blacks average 70IQ.
That is considered retarded. Forrest Gump got higher than 70.
An entire continent dumber than Forrest Gump. Amazing.
Does that mean that ALL blacks were "Bell-curve" tested? As far as me answering Scriabin...I'm sorry, I'll answer him when he comes back.
I think you look at stats way too much. I think the entire point of statistics like that to even be tested is so that some people in the white race can feel superior to everyone else. I don't consider anyone affiliated with the KKK, intelligent at all because if they knew what I know, schooling is out there for everyone to get a peice of the pie. Sometimes these conversations make me angry, but now I'm becoming bewildered because this seems to be what makes people happy. "Blacks are retarded...the bell curve proves it!" All it proves is that THOSE TESTED have a low IQ.
Ok, so are there any statistics that you WOULD trust in these matters?
I don't go by statistics because judging people by statistics doesn't work for me. I judge people by how they treat others and me. An ignorant black person (mentioned him before in another thread) says that ALL white people are evil. I know that not to be true because I know outstanding white people who have had a positive effect on my life. They greatly outnumber the white people who were evil towards me.
Well, Erica when I combine both statistics and personal experience which I have had then I can't help but come to the conclusion that Blacks are intellectually inferior. I have not met one black that I consider to be my intellectual equal. Most are simply dumb as the day is long and the stats back up what I have seen on the street.
But didn't you tell me just yesterday that no blacks have actually hurt you, but that you are tired of seeing Millions and Millions of whites being victimized by blacks?
Aside from that, I'm not inferior to anyone, nor am I superior to anyone. I do think that for anyone to say (eventhough I said that evil blacks are inferior to those who are not evil...) that they are superior or "BETTER" than anyone else is a really egotistical view.
Humor me though, what is the extent of your intellectual prowess?
You are once again confusing me with someone else.
And by the way, intellectually certain people are superior or inferior to other people. Just the facts maam.
As far as my IQ, on certain tests I have tested as high as 160 but my general average is 140.
That is 70 points higher than the average Black African,
55 points higher than the average Black American,
48.5 points higher than the average Hispanic,
40 points higher than the average White,
35 points higher than the average Asian,
and 25 points higher than the average Jew.
I also know Four languages, English, Yiddish, Hebrew and Aramaic.
I can read atleast 5 different Alphabets. I am quite proficient in ancient northern semitic texts as I can read ancient canaanite. I am fairly well read therefore I do quite well on answering Jeopardy questions.
What else would you like to know, Erica?