Author Topic: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?  (Read 34081 times)

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #50 on: January 28, 2008, 11:48:33 PM »

What so good about a 67% out of wedlock "breeding" rate?  The majority of blacks dropping out of High School?  The invention of affirmative action?  The idea that over 80% identify as New Deal Demonrats?

What happened to the humble Republican Uncle Tom who fancied himself a half-wit! :( ^-^

Good point!

I always like that nice ol' Uncle Tom character wearing denim bib overalls and saying things like....."Yassim, it sho' gonna be a nice day". Oh for the days when the world was right. :'(
Get out of the 1930's guys. If you don't like the way some blacks speak, stop repeating it. It doesn't sound (or look) any better when you type it.

What about the 70s then?

Why can't blacks behave like the Evans Family on Good Times?

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #51 on: January 29, 2008, 12:08:01 PM »
Erica quickly defends no matter what, I called the ones in the fighting video over a hamburger a bunch of savages and she goes there and say no they just stupid.... THEY ARE SCHVARTZAH SAVAGES stop sugar coating.

Just Erica

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #52 on: January 29, 2008, 04:36:44 PM »
It does happen and all the time, and it is long over due that people stop hiding their heads in the sand.  And Erica stop making excuses for these creature like behaviors that these beasts do engage in. And it is not just Chicago or New York,,, It is everywhere.
What did I say that was an excuse, Masterwolf? I never defended anyone... Why do you constantly do this?

Just Erica

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #53 on: January 29, 2008, 04:38:38 PM »

What so good about a 67% out of wedlock "breeding" rate?  The majority of blacks dropping out of High School?  The invention of affirmative action?  The idea that over 80% identify as New Deal Demonrats?

What happened to the humble Republican Uncle Tom who fancied himself a half-wit! :( ^-^

Good point!

I always like that nice ol' Uncle Tom character wearing denim bib overalls and saying things like....."Yassim, it sho' gonna be a nice day". Oh for the days when the world was right. :'(
Get out of the 1930's guys. If you don't like the way some blacks speak, stop repeating it. It doesn't sound (or look) any better when you type it.

What about the 70s then?

Why can't blacks behave like the Evans Family on Good Times?
You are helplessly stuck, newman. Constantly comparing blacks to black fictional characters on tv. Do you have some kind of disassociative problem? What about the 70's?

Just Erica

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #54 on: January 29, 2008, 04:41:28 PM »
Erica quickly defends no matter what, I called the ones in the fighting video over a hamburger a bunch of savages and she goes there and say no they just stupid.... THEY ARE SCHVARTZAH SAVAGES stop sugar coating.
So just calling them stupid is not good enough for you. I HAVE to call them savages? And then after I insult  them, you say I'm defending them? WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON IN YOUR HEAD, MAN? Are you serious? There was no sugar coating. I don't associate with stupid more than you associate with savages. I'm SO tired of you making it seem as though I'm in some damned love fest with people who act this way , just because I'm black. You're pathetic, Masterwolf.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2008, 04:44:48 PM by Just Erica »

Just Erica

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #55 on: January 29, 2008, 04:43:50 PM »
You forgot Cleopatra Jefferson's Mayonnaise Dip Heaven ^-^

Not 2 mention Cripp's fried Chicken & Biscuits across the street from Blood's Fried chicken & Ribs.Talk about cut-throat competition ! :::D
Man I wish you guys knew what I know.

 & what would that be ? Please enlighten Us !
Not that youwould believe it but not all blacks like fried chicken. There are no Crip owned chicken places, nor do any bloods own them. But for those blacks who do own restaurants or diners, it's a good living for them. Food shouldn't be racially trivial.
Fried chicken and watermelon ISN'T a BLACK food. French fries and mayo is NASTY and no black person I know would eat them both together.

For the life of me, I don't know why some of you speak about certain foods as if blacks have a patent on it and that's what is consumed by blacks 24/7. There are blacks who are vegan..but you wouldn't know that because you're consumed with blacks eating fried chicken and watermelon. There are blacks who are health concious and wouldnt' dare eat fried chicken but would eat certain parts of the chicken (breast) baked with healthy seasonings. But you wouldn't know that because your memories are littered with old pictures of bug-eyed blacks salivating over a bucket of chicken.

*Those pictures are actually scary to me because they look obsessed and almost demon-like. It upsets me when people like you joke about what you think you know about black culture (sans the evil culture we all dispise). The more I tell you about the good, the more you refute it and hang on to the negative aspect of black culture.

What so good about a 67% out of wedlock "breeding" rate?  The majority of blacks dropping out of High School?  The invention of affirmative action?  The idea that over 80% identify as New Deal Demonrats?

What happened to the humble Republican Uncle Tom who fancied himself a half-wit! :( ^-^
I never denied that that happens in the black community. I WAS SPEAKING OF THE GOOD CULTURE IN OUR COMMUNITY. Can you read?

First off you weren't "speaking" you were typing.  Secondly, enough wit your pejorative interlude and mention something constructive about the great cultural African experience in America! 
And "I'se been workin' on the railroad" and "Camptown Lady" don't.  So stop wasting "hot air" and get to the point of black greatness! 8;)
When some of you type here, you explain..."What I was saying was...." and YOU were typing so why pick on me? Of COURSE I wasn't literally "speaking".

Also learn to spell correctly. I mentioned a lot of great things about the black community but everytime I do, it either goes unnoticed or you try to debunk it by overshadowing the positivity with negativity. I'll tell you about the greatness in the black community *again* but I want to ask a question first. What have you done to enrich the lives of YOUR people?
« Last Edit: January 29, 2008, 04:49:24 PM by Just Erica »

Just Erica

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #56 on: January 29, 2008, 04:58:51 PM »
Erica quickly defends no matter what, I called the ones in the fighting video over a hamburger a bunch of savages and she goes there and say no they just stupid.... THEY ARE SCHVARTZAH SAVAGES stop sugar coating.
So just calling them stupid is not good enough for you. I HAVE to call them savages? And then after I insult  them, you say I'm defending them? WHAT IN THE HELL IS GOING ON IN YOUR HEAD, MAN? Are you serious? There was no sugar coating. I don't associate with stupid more than you associate with savages. I'm SO tired of you making it seem as though I'm in some damned love fest with people who act this way , just because I'm black. You're pathetic, Masterwolf.
You forgot Cleopatra Jefferson's Mayonnaise Dip Heaven ^-^

Not 2 mention Cripp's fried Chicken & Biscuits across the street from Blood's Fried chicken & Ribs.Talk about cut-throat competition ! :::D
Man I wish you guys knew what I know.

 & what would that be ? Please enlighten Us !
Not that youwould believe it but not all blacks like fried chicken. There are no Crip owned chicken places, nor do any bloods own them. But for those blacks who do own restaurants or diners, it's a good living for them. Food shouldn't be racially trivial.
Fried chicken and watermelon ISN'T a BLACK food. French fries and mayo is NASTY and no black person I know would eat them both together.

For the life of me, I don't know why some of you speak about certain foods as if blacks have a patent on it and that's what is consumed by blacks 24/7. There are blacks who are vegan..but you wouldn't know that because you're consumed with blacks eating fried chicken and watermelon. There are blacks who are health concious and wouldnt' dare eat fried chicken but would eat certain parts of the chicken (breast) baked with healthy seasonings. But you wouldn't know that because your memories are littered with old pictures of bug-eyed blacks salivating over a bucket of chicken.

*Those pictures are actually scary to me because they look obsessed and almost demon-like. It upsets me when people like you joke about what you think you know about black culture (sans the evil culture we all dispise). The more I tell you about the good, the more you refute it and hang on to the negative aspect of black culture.

What so good about a 67% out of wedlock "breeding" rate?  The majority of blacks dropping out of High School?  The invention of affirmative action?  The idea that over 80% identify as New Deal Demonrats?

What happened to the humble Republican Uncle Tom who fancied himself a half-wit! :( ^-^
I never denied that that happens in the black community. I WAS SPEAKING OF THE GOOD CULTURE IN OUR COMMUNITY. Can you read?

First off you weren't "speaking" you were typing.  Secondly, enough wit your pejorative interlude and mention something constructive about the great cultural African experience in America! 
And "I'se been workin' on the railroad" and "Camptown Lady" don't.  So stop wasting "hot air" and get to the point of black greatness! 8;)
When some of you type here, you explain..."What I was saying was...." and YOU were typing so why pick on me? Of COURSE I wasn't literally "speaking".
Is that all you've got? :o PATHETIC, Feeble Response! :laugh: O0 ^-^
I modified the post. Re read please.

Just Erica

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #57 on: January 29, 2008, 05:12:42 PM »
MY "People" don't need to be enriched! If anything THEY have enriched me ! ::)

Now stop trying to make everything said about blacks personal and hinting at other's bigotry.   Instead, Finally "speak" about the greatness of the black "community"? :-\ :-\ :-\
Then it is you who is avoiding the question. I've listed MANY MANY times here what great blacks have done and what wonderful things are represented in the black community. LOTS of times. I've posted videos and such but no one here is impressed...they always say "YEah, but where are the doctors and inventors." When I posted info on such subjects, no one paid attention to it. So at the risk of wasting my time again, I'll RE-post what I think it wonderful about the GOOD part of black culture... it's up to you whether you accept it or not.

Just Erica

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #58 on: January 29, 2008, 05:28:49 PM »
This is only a short list of black inventors...didn't want to take up too much space...

Patricia Bath
The first African American woman doctor to receive a patent for a medical invention.

Andrew Jackson Beard
Beard received a patent for a railroad car coupler and a rotary engine.Andrew Jackson Beard - Patents
The original patent drawings of Andrew Jackson Beard.

Miriam E. Benjamin
Benjamin was the second black woman in history to receive a patent. She received a patent for an invention she called 'a Gong and Signal Chair for Hotels.'

Henry Blair
Henry Blair was the second black inventor in history to be issued a patent by the United States Patent Office.

Bessie Blount
Blount invented a device to help disabled persons eat.

Sarah Boone
An improvement to the ironing board (U.S. Patent #473,653) was invented by African American Sarah Boone on April 26, 1892.

Otis Boykin
Boykin invented an improved 'Electrical Resistor' used in computers, radios, television sets and a variety of electronic devices.

Charles Brooks
C. B. Brooks invented a street sweeper truck for which he was issued a patent on March 17, 1896.Phil Brooks
Black inventor, Phil Brooks patented a disposable syringe.

Henry Brown
Henry Brown patented a "receptacle for storing and preserving papers on November 2, 1886" It was special in that it kept the papers separated. Perhaps an early forerunner in filofax history?

Marie Brown
Invented a video home survelance security system.J

ohn Albert Burr
Patented an improved rotary blade lawn mower.

George Washington Carver
Agricultural chemist, George Washington Carver invented three hundred uses for peanuts and hundreds more uses for soybeans, pecans, and sweet potatoes. More than anyone else in history.

George Washington Carver - Help for the Hard Times - Pamphlet
George Washington Carver wrote the pamphlet Help for the Hard Times

George Carruthers
Carruthers was the black inventor of the far-ultraviolet camera and the spectrograph.

* Understand something though, before you come in here saying (ahem, typing  ::)... "Oh those are lies!" , just because these black inventors did what they did, it dosen't mean that that's what EVERY black person was meant to do. We all have different purposes in life...and I'm not talking about what evil blacks do. I'm talking about those who are part of the solution.*

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #59 on: January 29, 2008, 07:12:57 PM »
You don't like the world "Savages" How about Barbaric Beasts?

Just Erica

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #60 on: January 29, 2008, 07:37:47 PM »
This is only a short list of black inventors...didn't want to take up too much space...

Patricia Bath
The first African American woman doctor to receive a patent for a medical invention.

Andrew Jackson Beard
Beard received a patent for a railroad car coupler and a rotary engine.Andrew Jackson Beard - Patents
The original patent drawings of Andrew Jackson Beard.

Miriam E. Benjamin
Benjamin was the second black woman in history to receive a patent. She received a patent for an invention she called 'a Gong and Signal Chair for Hotels.'

Henry Blair
Henry Blair was the second black inventor in history to be issued a patent by the United States Patent Office.

Bessie Blount
Blount invented a device to help disabled persons eat.

Sarah Boone
An improvement to the ironing board (U.S. Patent #473,653) was invented by African American Sarah Boone on April 26, 1892.

Otis Boykin
Boykin invented an improved 'Electrical Resistor' used in computers, radios, television sets and a variety of electronic devices.

Charles Brooks
C. B. Brooks invented a street sweeper truck for which he was issued a patent on March 17, 1896.Phil Brooks
Black inventor, Phil Brooks patented a disposable syringe.

Henry Brown
Henry Brown patented a "receptacle for storing and preserving papers on November 2, 1886" It was special in that it kept the papers separated. Perhaps an early forerunner in filofax history?

Marie Brown
Invented a video home survelance security system.J

ohn Albert Burr
Patented an improved rotary blade lawn mower.

George Washington Carver
Agricultural chemist, George Washington Carver invented three hundred uses for peanuts and hundreds more uses for soybeans, pecans, and sweet potatoes. More than anyone else in history.

George Washington Carver - Help for the Hard Times - Pamphlet
George Washington Carver wrote the pamphlet Help for the Hard Times

George Carruthers
Carruthers was the black inventor of the far-ultraviolet camera and the spectrograph.

* Understand something though, before you come in here saying (ahem, typing  ::)... "Oh those are lies!" , just because these black inventors did what they did, it dosen't mean that that's what EVERY black person was meant to do. We all have different purposes in life...and I'm not talking about what evil blacks do. I'm talking about those who are part of the solution.*

The solution began with the American Colonization Society and the transportation of forced labor into Cuba, Haiti and Santo Domingo.  Are any recommending that? (Any Marcus Garvey's about?) 8;) O0  If not they are only assisting America into becoming a Welfare State.
Thank you for proving my point. I post a page-full of positive things that black inventors did, you go on speaking of how blacks are making America a welfare state. Progressive.  ::)

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #61 on: January 29, 2008, 07:41:19 PM »
Mickey D's McChickeheads!

Dat beez good eatin!  Da mayo is ready Braaaaaaaaaaazilllia!  MMHMMM

Just Erica

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #62 on: January 29, 2008, 08:10:21 PM »
This is only a short list of black inventors...didn't want to take up too much space...

Patricia Bath
The first African American woman doctor to receive a patent for a medical invention.

Andrew Jackson Beard
Beard received a patent for a railroad car coupler and a rotary engine.Andrew Jackson Beard - Patents
The original patent drawings of Andrew Jackson Beard.

Miriam E. Benjamin
Benjamin was the second black woman in history to receive a patent. She received a patent for an invention she called 'a Gong and Signal Chair for Hotels.'

Henry Blair
Henry Blair was the second black inventor in history to be issued a patent by the United States Patent Office.

Bessie Blount
Blount invented a device to help disabled persons eat.

Sarah Boone
An improvement to the ironing board (U.S. Patent #473,653) was invented by African American Sarah Boone on April 26, 1892.

Otis Boykin
Boykin invented an improved 'Electrical Resistor' used in computers, radios, television sets and a variety of electronic devices.

Charles Brooks
C. B. Brooks invented a street sweeper truck for which he was issued a patent on March 17, 1896.Phil Brooks
Black inventor, Phil Brooks patented a disposable syringe.

Henry Brown
Henry Brown patented a "receptacle for storing and preserving papers on November 2, 1886" It was special in that it kept the papers separated. Perhaps an early forerunner in filofax history?

Marie Brown
Invented a video home survelance security system.J

ohn Albert Burr
Patented an improved rotary blade lawn mower.

George Washington Carver
Agricultural chemist, George Washington Carver invented three hundred uses for peanuts and hundreds more uses for soybeans, pecans, and sweet potatoes. More than anyone else in history.

George Washington Carver - Help for the Hard Times - Pamphlet
George Washington Carver wrote the pamphlet Help for the Hard Times

George Carruthers
Carruthers was the black inventor of the far-ultraviolet camera and the spectrograph.

* Understand something though, before you come in here saying (ahem, typing  ::)... "Oh those are lies!" , just because these black inventors did what they did, it dosen't mean that that's what EVERY black person was meant to do. We all have different purposes in life...and I'm not talking about what evil blacks do. I'm talking about those who are part of the solution.*

The solution began with the American Colonization Society and the transportation of forced labor into Cuba, Haiti and Santo Domingo.  Are any recommending that? (Any Marcus Garvey's about?) 8;) O0  If not they are only assisting America into becoming a Welfare State.
Thank you for proving my point. I post a page-full of positive things that black inventors did, you go on speaking of how blacks are making America a welfare state. Progressive.  ::)

This topic is listed under the sub-category "Affirmative Action Crisis".  You can harp on inventors but unless they are elemental in getting the majority of blacks to do something decent with their lives, how do you weigh their influence?
You see, that's the point, those inventors didn't need ANYTHING but the desire to make a difference. Who knows, maybe they were influenced by someone or something but the same idea remains in the black community today. There people in the black community who inspire each other to be better. There are people in the black community who inspire themselves. You dont' see them because you're not looking hard enough.

There are churches that are constantly welcoming reformed gangbangers off of the street to clean their lives up and be productive in their community. There are blacks who help the homeless and never ask for anything in return because in their minds its their "Christian Duty" to help those in need. There are people who open up their homes to battered black women in need of safety from abusive husbands or boyfriends. There are even clinics that help to reform drug addicts, prostitutes, and also help to send run-away teens to supportive homes.

You think that nothing is really going on in the black community...and I can see where you're coming from. When I lived back home, I didn't see much progress, that is until I actually  met people who were making  difference. For every 5 gang bangers who AREN'T doing anything, there are 10 POSITIVE blacks making a difference.

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #63 on: January 29, 2008, 08:13:22 PM »
For every 5 gang bangers who AREN'T doing anything, there are 10 POSITIVE blacks making a difference.

Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Just Erica

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #64 on: January 29, 2008, 08:19:00 PM »
For every 5 gang bangers who AREN'T doing anything, there are 10 POSITIVE blacks making a difference.

Why the sarcasm?

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #65 on: January 29, 2008, 08:20:48 PM »
For every 5 gang bangers who AREN'T doing anything, there are 10 POSITIVE blacks making a difference.

Why the sarcasm?
Because I don't believe you.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Just Erica

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #66 on: January 29, 2008, 08:22:26 PM »
For every 5 gang bangers who AREN'T doing anything, there are 10 POSITIVE blacks making a difference.

Why the sarcasm?
Because I don't believe you.
Because  you don't want to believe there is any good in the black community. As far as your opinions are concerned, ALL blacks are gang bangers and crack heads.

You don't want blacks to do anything good, do you?

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #67 on: January 29, 2008, 08:30:51 PM »
For every 5 gang bangers who AREN'T doing anything, there are 10 POSITIVE blacks making a difference.

Why the sarcasm?
Because I don't believe you.
Because  you don't want to believe there is any good in the black community. As far as your opinions are concerned, ALL blacks are gang bangers and crack heads.

You don't want blacks to do anything good, do you?
I want blacks to live in Africa. We will never get along.
I live in Belgium,  Europe, and the last decade thousands of blacks have moved in my city.
I wish them all a safe return to Africa.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Just Erica

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #68 on: January 29, 2008, 08:37:44 PM »
For every 5 gang bangers who AREN'T doing anything, there are 10 POSITIVE blacks making a difference.

Why the sarcasm?
Because I don't believe you.
Because  you don't want to believe there is any good in the black community. As far as your opinions are concerned, ALL blacks are gang bangers and crack heads.

You don't want blacks to do anything good, do you?
I want blacks to live in Africa. We will never get along.
I live in Belgium,  Europe, and the last decade thousands of blacks have moved in my city.
I wish them all a safe return to Africa.
You're in Belgium and you're demanding that blacks in America go 'back to Africa'? That's insane. You're not getting along with blacks in America because you aren't here.

Offline Ambiorix

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #69 on: January 29, 2008, 08:41:27 PM »
For every 5 gang bangers who AREN'T doing anything, there are 10 POSITIVE blacks making a difference.

Why the sarcasm?
Because I don't believe you.
Because  you don't want to believe there is any good in the black community. As far as your opinions are concerned, ALL blacks are gang bangers and crack heads.

You don't want blacks to do anything good, do you?
I want blacks to live in Africa. We will never get along.
I live in Belgium,  Europe, and the last decade thousands of blacks have moved in my city.
I wish them all a safe return to Africa.
You're in Belgium and you're demanding that blacks in America go 'back to Africa'? That's insane. You're not getting along with blacks in America because you aren't here.
at least seggregate, but better to put back those that complane about "discrimination", etc.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Just Erica

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #70 on: January 29, 2008, 08:45:23 PM »
For every 5 gang bangers who AREN'T doing anything, there are 10 POSITIVE blacks making a difference.

Why the sarcasm?
Because I don't believe you.
Because  you don't want to believe there is any good in the black community. As far as your opinions are concerned, ALL blacks are gang bangers and crack heads.

You don't want blacks to do anything good, do you?
I want blacks to live in Africa. We will never get along.
I live in Belgium,  Europe, and the last decade thousands of blacks have moved in my city.
I wish them all a safe return to Africa.
You're in Belgium and you're demanding that blacks in America go 'back to Africa'? That's insane. You're not getting along with blacks in America because you aren't here.
at least seggregate, but better to put back those that complane about "discrimination", etc.
Most of you here have had a run in or a few with negative back people. I'm sorry about that however, don't step on the dreams of good blacks because you don't like the ones that are around you.

Offline Ambiorix

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #71 on: January 29, 2008, 08:54:31 PM »
For every 5 gang bangers who AREN'T doing anything, there are 10 POSITIVE blacks making a difference.

Why the sarcasm?
Because I don't believe you.
Because  you don't want to believe there is any good in the black community. As far as your opinions are concerned, ALL blacks are gang bangers and crack heads.

You don't want blacks to do anything good, do you?
I want blacks to live in Africa. We will never get along.
I live in Belgium,  Europe, and the last decade thousands of blacks have moved in my city.
I wish them all a safe return to Africa.
You're in Belgium and you're demanding that blacks in America go 'back to Africa'? That's insane. You're not getting along with blacks in America because you aren't here.
at least seggregate, but better to put back those that complane about "discrimination", etc.
Most of you here have had a run in or a few with negative back people. I'm sorry about that however, don't step on the dreams of good blacks because you don't like the ones that are around you.
sorry? I don't like the current politics of letting blacks migrate to europe,
I believe this will end in civil war.
It is bad for Africa too.
Especially if they import educated blacks, that are needed more in Africa than here.
the uneducated Africans here are largely surviving on welfare.
Unfortunatley , the negative stereotypes, do fit the majority of blacks I see in my city.

I understand, being a minority of blacks that are not as racist as other blacks,
but open for positive , civilisation, is hard.

But you still defend blacks too much by stating " For every 5 gang bangers who AREN'T doing anything, there are 10 POSITIVE blacks making a difference. "

I find that untrue.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Just Erica

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #72 on: January 29, 2008, 09:01:38 PM »
For every 5 gang bangers who AREN'T doing anything, there are 10 POSITIVE blacks making a difference.

Why the sarcasm?
Because I don't believe you.
Because  you don't want to believe there is any good in the black community. As far as your opinions are concerned, ALL blacks are gang bangers and crack heads.

You don't want blacks to do anything good, do you?
I want blacks to live in Africa. We will never get along.
I live in Belgium,  Europe, and the last decade thousands of blacks have moved in my city.
I wish them all a safe return to Africa.
You're in Belgium and you're demanding that blacks in America go 'back to Africa'? That's insane. You're not getting along with blacks in America because you aren't here.
at least seggregate, but better to put back those that complane about "discrimination", etc.
Most of you here have had a run in or a few with negative back people. I'm sorry about that however, don't step on the dreams of good blacks because you don't like the ones that are around you.
sorry? I don't like the current politics of letting blacks migrate to europe,
I believe this will end in civil war.
It is bad for Africa too.
Especially if they import educated blacks, that are needed more in Africa than here.
the uneducated Africans here are largely surviving on welfare.
Unfortunatley , the negative stereotypes, do fit the majority of blacks I see in my city.

I understand, being a minority of blacks that are not as racist as other blacks,
but open for positive , civilisation, is hard.

But you still defend blacks too much by stating " For every 5 gang bangers who AREN'T doing anything, there are 10 POSITIVE blacks making a difference. "

I find that untrue.

What in the hell are you talking about, I'm defending blacks too much? Did something get lost in the translation? If so, allow me to break it down for you. "FOR EVERY 5 gang bangers who are USELESS there are 10 positive blacks who are making a difference."  I have a feeling that no matter if I said 1 postive black person is making a difference that  you wouldn't believe that either. That's sad.

Offline Ambiorix

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #73 on: January 29, 2008, 09:07:00 PM »
For every 5 gang bangers who AREN'T doing anything, there are 10 POSITIVE blacks making a difference.

Why the sarcasm?
Because I don't believe you.
Because  you don't want to believe there is any good in the black community. As far as your opinions are concerned, ALL blacks are gang bangers and crack heads.

You don't want blacks to do anything good, do you?
I want blacks to live in Africa. We will never get along.
I live in Belgium,  Europe, and the last decade thousands of blacks have moved in my city.
I wish them all a safe return to Africa.
You're in Belgium and you're demanding that blacks in America go 'back to Africa'? That's insane. You're not getting along with blacks in America because you aren't here.
at least seggregate, but better to put back those that complane about "discrimination", etc.
Most of you here have had a run in or a few with negative back people. I'm sorry about that however, don't step on the dreams of good blacks because you don't like the ones that are around you.
sorry? I don't like the current politics of letting blacks migrate to europe,
I believe this will end in civil war.
It is bad for Africa too.
Especially if they import educated blacks, that are needed more in Africa than here.
the uneducated Africans here are largely surviving on welfare.
Unfortunatley , the negative stereotypes, do fit the majority of blacks I see in my city.

I understand, being a minority of blacks that are not as racist as other blacks,
but open for positive , civilisation, is hard.

But you still defend blacks too much by stating " For every 5 gang bangers who AREN'T doing anything, there are 10 POSITIVE blacks making a difference. "

I find that untrue.

What in the hell are you talking about, I'm defending blacks too much? Did something get lost in the translation? If so, allow me to break it down for you. "FOR EVERY 5 gang bangers who are USELESS there are 10 positive blacks who are making a difference."  I have a feeling that no matter if I said 1 postive black person is making a difference that  you wouldn't believe that either. That's sad.
The community of Ganese people here, are ruled by one man, that is a drug-dealer maffia king.
All others live from his handouts(many are ilegals) , and social benefit.
I cannot agree that the 5/10 ratio is correct.

I'd rather say 10/5.
North Africans, are even worse...
lots worse...
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Just Erica

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Re: Why do schwartzas looovvve McDonalds?
« Reply #74 on: January 29, 2008, 09:10:20 PM »
For every 5 gang bangers who AREN'T doing anything, there are 10 POSITIVE blacks making a difference.

Why the sarcasm?
Because I don't believe you.
Because  you don't want to believe there is any good in the black community. As far as your opinions are concerned, ALL blacks are gang bangers and crack heads.

You don't want blacks to do anything good, do you?
I want blacks to live in Africa. We will never get along.
I live in Belgium,  Europe, and the last decade thousands of blacks have moved in my city.
I wish them all a safe return to Africa.
You're in Belgium and you're demanding that blacks in America go 'back to Africa'? That's insane. You're not getting along with blacks in America because you aren't here.
at least seggregate, but better to put back those that complane about "discrimination", etc.
Most of you here have had a run in or a few with negative back people. I'm sorry about that however, don't step on the dreams of good blacks because you don't like the ones that are around you.
sorry? I don't like the current politics of letting blacks migrate to europe,
I believe this will end in civil war.
It is bad for Africa too.
Especially if they import educated blacks, that are needed more in Africa than here.
the uneducated Africans here are largely surviving on welfare.
Unfortunatley , the negative stereotypes, do fit the majority of blacks I see in my city.

I understand, being a minority of blacks that are not as racist as other blacks,
but open for positive , civilisation, is hard.

But you still defend blacks too much by stating " For every 5 gang bangers who AREN'T doing anything, there are 10 POSITIVE blacks making a difference. "

I find that untrue.

What in the hell are you talking about, I'm defending blacks too much? Did something get lost in the translation? If so, allow me to break it down for you. "FOR EVERY 5 gang bangers who are USELESS there are 10 positive blacks who are making a difference."  I have a feeling that no matter if I said 1 postive black person is making a difference that  you wouldn't believe that either. That's sad.
The community of Ganese people here, are ruled by one man, that is a drug-dealer maffia king.
All others live from his handouts(many are ilegals) , and social benefit.
I cannot agree that the 5/10 ratio is correct.

I'd rather say 10/5.
North Africans, are even worse...
lots worse...
I'm sorry that all of that mess is happening near you... but I'm in America and I'm just telling you what I see here. Where you see no progress, I see some. My glass isn't always half-empty, I try to have a half- full view of what's going on around me because I can't afford to sit up in depression wondering 'what am I going to do? How can I raise my kids in this world?" I'm going to try to do the best I can with the positivity I have in me to pass it on to my daughters so that when my grandchildren are born my wisdom would have gotten to them too.