I cant believe this he is not leftist he his wearing black hat and dress(sry i dont know whats its called
) and he is telling hamas reporter that israel should be destroyed acc to torah why would he do that?
Just because he dresses in hasidic garb from 19th century Russia doesn't mean his interest lie in preserving the Jewish State. The Satmar and Breslov Hasidics still think the center of Jewish Life is in Poland or Austria, and even the ones who do live in Israel are exempt from Army service and live on government handouts, rather than working, which would disrupt their "Torah studies".
All of these things are myths. Maybe Satmer, okay, but definitly not Breslov. You should read a lot on what the founder of Breslev Rabbi Nachman of Breslev writes, about everything including the Land Of Israel. Their's a famous statement he made "wherever I am going, I am on my way to Israel". He also traveled to eretz Yisrael during his lifetime around 200 years ago.
The Satmer for sure dont take government handouts of any kind, not even for schools. That is something that pisses the state of actually, because they dont recognize the "achievements" of the secular entity, so that after they do something, that even seems good for Jews, they wouldn't be able to boost about it, saying look what we accomplish for the Jewish nation, so accept us as your leaders.