Erica : <<I'm not blaming even them at this point. I'm blaming our generation of people acting as if these are the slavery times and someone is actually holding them back. It's them holding back themselves, not the other way around in the year 2008. And for you to present sending blacks BACK to africa as a plan to get them out of your space... it's really weird.>>
But the fact is , blacks will never forget the slavery, so they will never totally trust whites.
USA is a heterogene empire.
You cannot build a succesful Nation on a heterogene society.
I see now, that the USA hegemony will be finished in 3 generations.
And then what?
You're projecting when in reality you don't know what's going to happen in 3 generations. All you know is that you hate blacks, you want them to go to another part of the world to get out of your space. Blacks will never forget slavery like Jews will never forget the holocaust. But that doesn't mean that we both get to blame each other for crap we didn't do to each other.
With all respect Erica, but when i see, what level of english these boys and girls in the video speak at the end, ...
That is not normal. How does it comes they swap "I ask", with "I aks"?
Is that the normal language at home "I aks"?
Or is the general english they learn in school , to much different from their language at home? So they should better properly learn to spaek and write their afro-USA variant of English?
I feel ashamed in their place. How do they score on maths??
I did not even know they were so backward.
Do these people have a place in the Western World? They will end as sheap labor slaves, or as aff. action welfare consumers.
Maybe some people like this man can help them, but his level of English is also very bad. you see, if this is a professional teacher...
he speaks with a horrible accent. I mean, nobody is perfect, but his level was also not too sophisticated.
But OK, the biggest danger for the USA are not the blacks baby boom, (will not happen) but he mexican invasion.
USA is finished, unless the borders with mexico are closed Now...
Aff.action needs to be abolished.
But i think you agree with the abolishment of "positive discrimination"