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Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« on: April 02, 2008, 08:53:52 PM »

All I can say is wow!

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2008, 09:43:20 PM »
She is terrific

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2008, 09:56:59 PM »
It was good but there were few odd parts:

1. The baseball part was exaggerated and not really that important in the grand scheme of things.

2.  The e-coli story got confusing. It really was two separate stories. her appendix blew up and she was misdiagnosed, she ate some dirty food and got sick from E-coli this lead to a worse appendix problem?

3.  So many products not being made in America is a huge deal. Then she brings up computers and ironically enough to answer her question- Microsoft products are made in America.

4. The Mayor of Detroit is a gangster but he is only Mayor because his mother was a popular (and horrible) politician.

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #3 on: April 02, 2008, 10:00:29 PM »
It was good but there were few odd parts:

1. The baseball part was exaggerated and not really that important in the grand scheme of things.

2.  The e-coli story got confusing. It really was two separate stories. her appendix blew up and she was misdiagnosed, she ate some dirty food and got sick from E-coli this lead to a worse appendix problem?

3.  So many products not being made in America is a huge deal. Then she brings up computers and ironically enough to answer her question- Microsoft products are made in America.

4. The Mayor of Detroit is a gangster but he is only Mayor because his mother was a popular (and horrible) politician.

Baltimore, none of us do perfect shows. But I think she made a compelling case about what a nightmare this country is becoming unless we wake up fast.

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #4 on: April 02, 2008, 10:10:53 PM »
I agree it was very powerful. Very good points. She knows a lot more than most Americans. If even 10% of Americans were this informed we would be in better shape.

The lack of creativity of the average American that she points out is something we all need to worry about.

She has a flair for the dramatic. Her acting background is obvious.

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #5 on: April 02, 2008, 11:13:17 PM »
I'm glad that she is with us now. I hope she doesn't have to pay the doctors bills.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2008, 12:23:29 AM »

   Awesome job,   Paulette.   

  Your passion for the U.S.A.  is inspiring.      O0
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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #7 on: April 03, 2008, 12:31:26 AM »
Pardon my ignorance, but who is Paulette?

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #8 on: April 03, 2008, 12:53:33 AM »
I have to say that this was one of the best programs that she has ever done. David should do more with her
David Ben Ze'ev Aryeh

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #9 on: April 03, 2008, 12:55:07 AM »
Pardon my ignorance, but who is Paulette?

Where have you been?

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2008, 05:47:50 AM »
Paulette is right. It is the same in Europe.

I have to pay every month ca 470 Dollar for my health inshurance. / The lazy Muzzie gets all for free

I have to keep hundreds of special rules in trade law / The Muzzie get welfare

I have to pay over 1200 Dollar rent / The gouvernment pays the rent for the Muzzie

If I couldn't pay my health inshurence - they would treat me like Paulette.

Cut welfare instantly - It is time for a real change :)
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2008, 09:09:28 AM »
Paulette is right. It is the same in Europe.

I have to pay every month ca 470 Dollar for my health inshurance. / The lazy Muzzie gets all for free

I have to keep hundreds of special rules in trade law / The Muzzie get welfare

I have to pay over 1200 Dollar rent / The gouvernment pays the rent for the Muzzie

If I couldn't pay my health inshurence - they would treat me like Paulette.

Cut welfare instantly - It is time for a real change :)
Is that Euro or American dollars?

What % of your income does rent and insurance equal?
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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2008, 10:13:48 AM »
Paulette is right. It is the same in Europe.

I have to pay every month ca 470 Dollar for my health inshurance. / The lazy Muzzie gets all for free

I have to keep hundreds of special rules in trade law / The Muzzie get welfare

I have to pay over 1200 Dollar rent / The gouvernment pays the rent for the Muzzie

If I couldn't pay my health inshurence - they would treat me like Paulette.

Cut welfare instantly - It is time for a real change :)
Is that Euro or American dollars?

What % of your income does rent and insurance equal?

It is 300 Euro = 470 Dollar for health inshurence a month (inclusive sickness daily allowance and long term care insurance)

and 850 Euro = 1200 Dollar for rent (a house with a stockroom)

this together is one of my major expenses every month.

Sorry I don't want to tell in public my exact income, but after I have paid all bills, I have not much more for myself then during my days in the army.

Exept the stockroom a welfare recieving parasite would have this all without working in my country. :(
« Last Edit: April 03, 2008, 10:37:41 AM by Golden Pheasant »
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2008, 10:32:24 AM »
Arent the best Microsoft and Intel products made in Israel???

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2008, 11:09:12 AM »
Paulette is Great!  O0
    Is she a  registered member on the Forum ?

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2008, 11:10:13 AM »
Not to be rude but who is Paulette?

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2008, 11:30:43 AM »
Paulette is Great!  O0
    Is she a  registered member on the Forum ?


Thecancangal is her name.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2008, 11:35:24 AM by Scriabin »

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #17 on: April 03, 2008, 11:32:31 AM »
It was good but there were few odd parts:

1. The baseball part was exaggerated and not really that important in the grand scheme of things.

2.  The e-coli story got confusing. It really was two separate stories. her appendix blew up and she was misdiagnosed, she ate some dirty food and got sick from E-coli this lead to a worse appendix problem?

3.  So many products not being made in America is a huge deal. Then she brings up computers and ironically enough to answer her question- Microsoft products are made in America.

4. The Mayor of Detroit is a gangster but he is only Mayor because his mother was a popular (and horrible) politician.

~Thank you VERY MUCH, Baltimore for your opinion and words. It is NOT easy to do a show, or a story of events that take place, without a script. I didn't bring up microsoft. Baseball was a love I USE to have, (At 16 yrs of age, I was clocked with a 84 MPH HARDBALL, and was 'accepted' on the boys baseball team in H.S., so this is a close-to-home subject for- me plus the fact, that I am a FEMALE.) Perhaps it was not that important- but it is in the grand scheme of things, Baseball is an AMERICAN game, that the big leaguers should have NEVER brought the Dominican Republican into- its ALL about the BUCK. The e-coli story is confusing to myself to this very day, (this happened to me about 8 mos. ago now.) what I was saying, and still stick to- was the fact that I was sick because of illegal 'workers' that do not wash hands, that is what makes for dirty filthy disgusting 'food'. I am NO great orator, like Chaim ben Pesach, he is 10,000 times the person that I will ever be, or should hope to be.

~I am a TERRIBLE 'actress' *AWFUL*- I have not EVER gotten a part in a dramatic production, (only musical & comedy delivery) I am not capable of 'pretending' fake dramatic acts.. I do not have a flair for the dramatics as well, I have a righteous indignation- this OFTEN gets mistook for 'dramatics'- in life, I am a very quiet person, and VERY shy, you may feel free to ask David about this, he is witness to my embarassing-looking beet RED face- OFTEN.  ~Please forgive if this is taken as 'defensive', because it is not, I believe that it is important for people to know who I am as a person. I am American Schnectady, Portuguese Jewish extention, and because of my deep roots in being a Scot, I have embraced Christianity, church and bible, although I much rather prefer Judaism the Synogogue and Torah (the books of the Prophets, especially) Israel is just as important to me as is America, other than all of that background, I am just a little Long Island Gal from Hampton Bays (Good Ground) I grew up AMERICAN, and the America I grew up in, is non-existant, which is VERY painful to me, to say the very least.. David ben Moshe is my total inspiration, outside of Chaim ben Pesach.

~~I thank you VERY MUCH for listening carefully enough to point out things that were said out of anger, which many times can stand in the place of reason, which is why I FIRMLY believe that a female must NEVER take the highest office in the land. ~Baltimore- I APPRECIATE YOU more than you know..SHALOM/PEACE.  ~Paulette Anne  :)
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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #18 on: April 03, 2008, 11:48:55 AM »
Paulette is Great!  O0
    Is she a  registered member on the Forum ?

~Hi- and THANK YOU- yes, I am a registered guest. I am really a VERY shy lady  ::)..I have been listening to JTF for MANY years, just was embarassed to post- Other than being a 43 yr old woman, my heart is that of a little girl, that is getting ROBBED by the 1%ers in America, and I am MAD AS HELL AND NOT GOING TO TAKE THIS ANYMORE.
~I WANT to always say: Shalom, but America really is no more a land of Peace.  :'(  America is now up for auction to the highest bidders, WITHOUT permission from its OWNERS- WE THE PEOPLE.  So, I am 100% WITH Chaim ben Pesach in the FACT that we HAVE to save Israel ASAP- Save Israel from this debaucherous turncoat treacherous 'so-called' leadership that is seated in high places, and acting as a PHAROH in G-ds promised land for the Jews-this IS THE GREATEST HOPE that I posess. If these leaders REPENT and turn to G-d- America will follow, if they REFUSE to repent, G-d will just unseat them. Israel needs to STOP listening to the oligarchs here in USA, and hear WE THE PEOPLE of the USA.        NO TERROR.   NO ISLAM in G-ds holy LAND!!! And NO ISLAM in USA!!!!  Islam- you need to GET OUT, and go where you belong- SAUDI.
Sorry- see? this is WHY I hate to post, I am all over the place- typical female.  ;)  ~Paulette Anne
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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2008, 11:52:21 AM »
Pardon my ignorance, but who is Paulette?

HAHA!! :::D no, no ignorance... I was on the radio in paltalk- a radio chat server- ~~But, I wake up every AM, and say the SAME thing- WHO IS PAULETTE?!?!? hahhaha
 I am just an American Gal, and very angry- hopefully my rage will make others enraged, and please take my nation back.
Paulette Anne
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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #20 on: April 03, 2008, 11:58:45 AM »
I have to say that this was one of the best programs that she has ever done. David should do more with her

~David really does need to treat me to a bagel more than once a week, bagels are CHEAP!!!  :(. He did take me to KATZ's for a Pastrami Sandwich, but did not even let me eat the other half of my sandwich, until the next night, because he put me on the atkins diet, and I am the one that paid for this luncheon- (I gained a lot of weight from this surgery).
I am an un-rehearsed indignant American Girl- David is MY HERO. O0
Paulette Anne   
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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #21 on: April 03, 2008, 12:08:43 PM »

All I can say is wow!

THIS IS A HUGE COMPLIMENT FROM Chaim ben Pesach, the future Prime Minister of Israel. ~WOW back  :)  :)

~Come on, Israel- GET A GRIP- Chaim is YOUR MAN, and YOU KNOW IT, it is just a matter of time. LET CHAIM back in, and STOP this NONSENSE! G-d has raised up a JOSHUA generation- the YOUTH are the future of Israel, and CHAIM IS their 'Passover' if you think about it, in that sort of term.  Death WILL pass over Israel, should Chaim become PM, the CHOICE of REAL Jews that LOVE G-d in Israel- NO MORE TERROR. NO MORE LAND FOR PEACE.

~Paulette Anne
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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2008, 12:17:16 PM »
 :::D Dang- thats what I say every day!! HUGS.
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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #23 on: April 03, 2008, 12:42:06 PM »
Hi there Paulette,

You did a great show!  And I'm so glad you're posting on the forum.  You seem like a very perceptive, bright person.  So I hope to "see" more of you here. 

Also, can I ask how you found out about JTF?  I became a fan over ten years ago, when I was flipping through the TV channels one night and saw Chaim's show.


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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #24 on: April 03, 2008, 12:44:04 PM »
Welcome to the forum and thank you for taking time to make such great programs. I am actually one of the few people on this forum who has been to Salinas. I drove through there on a trip from San Jose to LA on 101 a few years ago. I have also been to the outlets at Gilroy a few times. Driving down 101 you see how fertile California is. Lots of food being produced there and I wonder why we need to import any with so much in CA.

You talk about the plague that is Wal-mart. Well if anyone ever wants to see Wal-mart/Target infestation beyond understanding then drive to Sunnyvalle/Silicon Valley.  Those type of places are always PACKED up there.

I am also a huge baseball fan. Ever since I was very young and the Orioles won the world series in 1983.  By 1993 I was familiar with the stats of every player in the American league. It is true that there are a lot of Dominicans in Baseball but they are good players. I say let Dominicans focus on baseball and let Americans focus on getting smarter.  One reason there are so many foreigners in baseball is because American Blacks play basketball and football much more than before and no longer make MLB teams as much.  I think there are some teams now that only have 1 or 2 American born blacks on their teams now!  The Dominicans fill the void.

Your point about women voting for women just because they are women is a great one and it really plagues some inner cities on the local and state level like Baltimore.

Keep up the good work.