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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #25 on: April 03, 2008, 01:31:47 PM »
Hi there Paulette,

You did a great show!  And I'm so glad you're posting on the forum.  You seem like a very perceptive, bright person.  So I hope to "see" more of you here. 

Also, can I ask how you found out about JTF?  I became a fan over ten years ago, when I was flipping through the TV channels one night and saw Chaim's show.


Hi Lisa!  :) 
~Really? I am NOT that bright, I am a humble-pie American Gal from L.I. Hampton Bays, (Good Ground). THANK YOU for the welcome.. JTF has been on my favorites since I believe 2003.. David ben Moshe- he was chatting in a political chat room- (I am a TERRIBLE chatter, BTW) David was calling a 'spade a spade' in this one particular chat room- and it seemed very right, he then told me that about he gave me a 'warning' that it was probably too hard right for me.. BUT, good thing I am American before 'political' I could see that the truth was just there on It was especially GOOD for ME, considering that I had though at one time that Ariel Sharon was a 'good thing' for Israel.. which he was not, and this is evidence enough with what he did in Gaza.  I love to post, and often post too much, I love to write, although I will probably never write a book, just not enough discipline- I was just shy and didn't join the forum.. but there just comes a time when a voice that is held up just needs to be taken out- this is new to me still at this time.. I was doing a show in paltalk, but they wanted me to change my show, and NOT do the things that were on my heart and spirit, So, basically I had to tell them NO- and 32 minutes before my very last show, the 'producer' cut me off. ~Lisa- I MISS AMERICA so terribly I cannot even take it. I get so mad, I have thought that I would have a heart attack many times.  Of course I will be seen here- I have to try to do things 100%- or I feel empty.  G-d Bless you, and tytytytyty  VERY MUCH for welcoming me- If you are in NYC- when I get on Broadway- I can give you some tickets.  8;)  ~USA USA USA USA/ I*S*R*A*E*L* !!!~   HUGS, Paulette Anne
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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #26 on: April 03, 2008, 02:02:30 PM »
Welcome to the forum and thank you for taking time to make such great programs. I am actually one of the few people on this forum who has been to Salinas. I drove through there on a trip from San Jose to LA on 101 a few years ago. I have also been to the outlets at Gilroy a few times. Driving down 101 you see how fertile California is. Lots of food being produced there and I wonder why we need to import any with so much in CA.

You talk about the plague that is Wal-mart. Well if anyone ever wants to see Wal-mart/Target infestation beyond understanding then drive to Sunnyvalle/Silicon Valley.  Those type of places are always PACKED up there.

I am also a huge baseball fan. Ever since I was very young and the Orioles won the world series in 1983.  By 1993 I was familiar with the stats of every player in the American league. It is true that there are a lot of Dominicans in Baseball but they are good players. I say let Dominicans focus on baseball and let Americans focus on getting smarter.  One reason there are so many foreigners in baseball is because American Blacks play basketball and football much more than before and no longer make MLB teams as much.  I think there are some teams now that only have 1 or 2 American born blacks on their teams now!  The Dominicans fill the void.

Your point about women voting for women just because they are women is a great one and it really plagues some inner cities on the local and state level like Baltimore.

Keep up the good work.

Hi- WOW- You have been to Salinas!! Yes, it WAS rich in fertile land, you would NOT believe what it is like now, it is TERRIBLE. Houses all over, on rich produce land- these houses were mortgaged with that STUPID idiotic 'no-interest' loans.. you should SEE all of the foreclosures- just AWFUL, and the ILLEGAL situation is FILTHY and very scary, it is much more dangerous in Salinas, CA then here, in NYC- NO JOKE..  I know the dominicans are great players, I really thought that Pedro Martinez was a FABULOUS pitcher.. I am very sad that they cannot seem to find the Americans that play baseball anymore, really? it is probably because they give trophies to ALL the kids now, so who knows who the best player is anymore?? This is REALLY affecting baseball more than any other sport.. Baseball takes a lot more skill and accuracy, a keen eye- so maybe these poor little boys can't even play anymore, because it is too mind boggling ie: playstation and x-box- who knows???!!!??? I am very bad with the teams and having a favorite now- I am either with the underdog, or the one that has the greatest pitcher- pitching is my passion, I throw FIRE- all part of that Scot in me.. we throw well-
~I could go on and on about baseball, TRULY- ~but what I would REALLY like- please.. please... see, I LOVE people that are critical, it only makes one become better if the person is open.. I am very open to any type criticism- especially negative, because negative turns to positive- at least for me- So I ask if you would oblige me in this: PLEASE tell me where I am off- because it is imperitive to JTF, Israel/America and myself- I do NOT do any type rehersing - rehersing leaves out REAL emotion that one is feeling- so please- stay the way you are and please point to me where I am off, because I WILL correct it the next time, and be MUCH more aware.. Our nation is in terrible trouble, so it matters not if my 'vanity' is a little wounded, in the GRAND scheme of things, it means nothing. Yes., Women are really RUINING things here in USA- their time is at an end.. this is NOT a 'ladies' nation anymore, it WILL take MEN to take this nation back- NOT WOMEN..Women and their FEEEEEEEEEELINGSSSSSSS have really messed this nation up so bad, just think of all the problems- (and I know that this is NOT 'popular' to say, but I can take the heat) women are just ruled by emotions and not reason which is WHY I will not EVER run for ANY type office in this date and time in history...Many people differ with me on this, and thats ok... but ever since women got in power- NOW EVERYTHING is 'social equality' and this is just NOT reality.  Women are really at their BEST when standing WITH a great man.. not as a trophy, thats not my point- but as a great helper- I am just very old-fashioned. I DO NOT condone any mistreatment of women at all, but I hope that you follow my general idea.  G-d Bless, and THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
Paulette Anne
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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #27 on: April 03, 2008, 05:34:35 PM »
Powerful is truly an understatement.

Welcome to the forum Paulette!

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #28 on: April 03, 2008, 07:03:40 PM »
  I like Paulette! She is very enthusiastic and clever! I understood her points very well, even if English is not my native language!
The whole system works because everyone is not mentally ill on the same day!!!!

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #29 on: April 04, 2008, 04:34:13 AM »
At least on forum and recordered you dont seem so shy. from holbrook li.Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)wayne jude

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #30 on: April 04, 2008, 06:04:36 AM »
Hi Paulette,
Thank You for your wonderful posts and programs.
I'm a woman from the NY area.
I'm the same age as you are.
I feel angry every day about this world I have to raise my child in.
Thanks for giving voice to those feelings...

How long have you lived in the Hampton Bays (Good Ground)?

Welcome again!
« Last Edit: April 04, 2008, 09:24:21 AM by bullcat3 »
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #31 on: April 04, 2008, 10:07:15 AM »
I re - listened to your program.
The first time I  was dead tired.
It was excellent.
Very passionate and powerful.
ps -
I found your stance on womanhood great.

I believe that women should realize the importance of who/what they are and also recognize that our role is meant to different then that of  a man.
Not less important just different!
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #33 on: April 04, 2008, 10:34:17 AM »
Paulette is very shy when she meets someone new, might even turn red.

As for bagels, she might have one in the next week---maybe.

She has the singing voice of an angel and should have a recording contract.   I hope we can get her to sing for JTF.

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #34 on: April 04, 2008, 02:11:42 PM »
Paulette is very shy when she meets someone new, might even turn red.

As for bagels, she might have one in the next week---maybe.

She has the singing voice of an angel and should have a recording contract.   I hope we can get her to sing for JTF.

 >:( THIS is what happens when a good man meets a GREAT gal.- she gets NO bagels  :o.  David is the BEST man I have EVER met in my whole ENTIRE life. His faith in me, makes me courageous, and he has been the ONLY person that has EVER gotten me to sing in front of just one person- Him- While he may not post a lot, his faith in Chaim is precious, and his love for America and Israel is very strong. HE DESERVES the HONORS not I.  O0  Paulette Anne

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #35 on: April 04, 2008, 02:13:19 PM »
She is terrific

Wolf-  *G-d* BLESS YOU.  :) I ALWAYS enjoy all of your emails on the thread, even though some of the others are just plain NUTZ. YOU ARE THE BEST.

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #36 on: April 04, 2008, 03:29:10 PM »
I just sent your audio you did and the one you did with David to my big mailing lists and and the responses I am getting is overwhelming in your support and beliefs they love you sweets.

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #37 on: April 04, 2008, 03:32:37 PM »
She is terrific

Wolf-  *G-d* BLESS YOU.  :) I ALWAYS enjoy all of your emails on the thread, even though some of the others are just plain NUTZ. YOU ARE THE BEST.

Anytime there is anything from this forum I can send out I now open 3 new mailing lists for those that also use other ISP either then AOL so keep bringing me good stuff folks we can some how some way do every little bit.  And Paulette   O0 as always.. Wolfie

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #38 on: April 04, 2008, 03:41:08 PM »

All I can say is wow!

The American Natives:  :(
                                                               <BTW..I saw your Question re: the indians, Chaim and could not find it, so will copy and paste this when I find it again  :) >

~The American Natives, or Indians- WHICHEVER (who cares).. have turned their backs on America.  In WW2, there were the code-breakers that LOVED this nation.. they were honorable, and NOT leftists bleeding hearts- the American Natives now, live off of govt. handouts, and this is NOT the way of their ancestors- AT ALL.  Their ancestors were powerful people that had faith in the 'Great Spirit' which we know as G-d.. As I always say, our fight with islam is a long one, even before the start of the nation.. the American Natives, the Iriquois Nation fought this before we even did..  It is a belief amongst many REAL GOOD American Seneca Iriquois that the Seneca tribe from Upstate, NY gave  Thomas Jefferson the version of the qu'ran that is still in DC to this day..See, UNFORTUNATELY MANY of the American natives, especially East Coast gave way to islam  :o- which is why they 'celebrate' the "moon 'g'od".. American natives were WARNED by a righteous tribe, from the midwest- Ohio I believe, this tribe told most of the American Natives that they were serving another 'g'od, and if they did not stop- a "STRONG MAN" would come and overtake the whole land, this was in the late 1600's..they did not listen.. so, the nations that they once were in USA are NO more.. Now like black people they believe that someone 'owes' them. The ONLY thing that the Natives produce now, is casinos..pretty PATHETIC since they were once some of the greatest warriors that have ever existed, not only posessing a very powerful and strong fighting spirit, but mentally and psychologically very SMART.. The natives could pick up a foriegn language FAST.. the term 'body language' that these nutty psychiatrists us now, is from the American Natives.  Where do you think the term "HIPPIE" came from?  THATS RIGHT- NATIVE AMERICAN INDIANS- THANK YOU VERY MUCH you bad terrible indians- they let this nation go BEFORE- and they DO IT AGAIN.. Most natives vote:    DEMOCRAT AND LEFT. If anyone wants to see how RIDICULOUS, silly, and DUMB the natives are now, just go and read:   The Lost Tablet of the Hippie OR..lack of a better term.. "The lost Tablet of the Hippie."     ~go and see for yourself how screwy their agendas are- right up there with GORE.  These folks are not REAL Native Americans that will FIGHT FOR this nation!!!! GRRRRRR.  >:(
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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #39 on: April 04, 2008, 05:56:38 PM »
Damn, your country is REALLY in the shitter.
Free Javakh!!!
I defecate on Stalin's grave.

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #40 on: April 04, 2008, 06:09:11 PM »
I disagree with this woman that women should get out of the way, she wants an Islamic caliphate??
Women are part of everything including politics.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2008, 06:12:08 PM by IslamIsCancer »
Free Javakh!!!
I defecate on Stalin's grave.

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #41 on: April 06, 2008, 11:41:53 AM »
I disagree with this woman that women should get out of the way, she wants an Islamic caliphate??
Women are part of everything including politics.

It is ok to disagree, but please understand where I am coming from.... for 40 yrs, the liberal leftist agenda (which is a female agenda) has screwed this nation up- I by NO MEANS am into islam AT ALL, nor am I into treating women terrible. Women are going to have NO choice in the USA BUT to get out of the way- see- I am in Calif.. They are letting rapists and murderers go FREE.. Do you now understand what I am talking about?? This is NO longer a 'womans world' here in is a violent place now- womane are going to HAVE to come under the protection of good men.. women and childrens lives are now in terrible danger. Paulette Anne  PS- LOOK at the message as a WHOLE, not a 'part' ~I have gotten many emails from WOMEN that 100% AGREE WITH ME.
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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #42 on: April 06, 2008, 11:50:53 AM »
I re - listened to your program.
The first time I  was dead tired.
It was excellent.
Very passionate and powerful.
ps -
I found your stance on womanhood great.

I believe that women should realize the importance of who/what they are and also recognize that our role is meant to different then that of  a man.
Not less important just different!

EXACTLY.. America is SO violent now, that women and childrens lives are in danger- Our role as women can affect a whole nation if we are doing it right.. Look at Esther in the bible- and Deborah- look at Margaret Thatcher.. women are strong forces in this earth..heck- I am usually madder than ANY man I even know.. I am not even in good shape after my surgery- and can bench press more than I would like to say, b/c it is EMBARASSING lol- Thank You for understanding what glorious roles we have as women..  When women stand on the side of a good man, HE CAN DO ANYTHING. THAT is how IMPORTANT we are.. and think if the man is someone like David ben Moshe, or Chaim ben Pesach.. we are the biggest part of changing the whole planet when we stand side by side with great men such as these.. and our names will be written in books.  8;)  Yes, I am from way out on the east end of LI- it was a very small town I grew up in- still a fear of G-d and the ten commandments were hanging in the back room, I MISS MY AMERICA.  >:(   Paulette Anne
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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #43 on: April 06, 2008, 11:51:44 AM »
I disagree with this woman that women should get out of the way, she wants an Islamic caliphate??
Women are part of everything including politics.

It is ok to disagree, but please understand where I am coming from.... for 40 yrs, the liberal leftist agenda (which is a female agenda) has screwed this nation up- I by NO MEANS am into islam AT ALL, nor am I into treating women terrible. Women are going to have NO choice in the USA BUT to get out of the way- see- I am in Calif.. They are letting rapists and murderers go FREE.. Do you now understand what I am talking about?? This is NO longer a 'womans world' here in is a violent place now- womane are going to HAVE to come under the protection of good men.. women and childrens lives are now in terrible danger. Paulette Anne  PS- LOOK at the message as a WHOLE, not a 'part' ~I have gotten many emails from WOMEN that 100% AGREE WITH ME.

Paulette, you are G-d-sent.  This is what I have been saying on this forum for the past two years.  

No one listens to me.

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #44 on: April 06, 2008, 11:56:32 AM »
Scriabin:  "...No one listens to me..."

Almost no one!

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #45 on: April 06, 2008, 12:02:37 PM »
Scriabin:  "...No one listens to me..."

Almost no one!

Geniuses listen.

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #46 on: April 06, 2008, 12:15:23 PM »
I disagree with this woman that women should get out of the way, she wants an Islamic caliphate??
Women are part of everything including politics.

It is ok to disagree, but please understand where I am coming from.... for 40 yrs, the liberal leftist agenda (which is a female agenda) has screwed this nation up- I by NO MEANS am into islam AT ALL, nor am I into treating women terrible. Women are going to have NO choice in the USA BUT to get out of the way- see- I am in Calif.. They are letting rapists and murderers go FREE.. Do you now understand what I am talking about?? This is NO longer a 'womans world' here in is a violent place now- womane are going to HAVE to come under the protection of good men.. women and childrens lives are now in terrible danger. Paulette Anne  PS- LOOK at the message as a WHOLE, not a 'part' ~I have gotten many emails from WOMEN that 100% AGREE WITH ME.

Paulette, you are G-d-sent.  This is what I have been saying on this forum for the past two years.  

No one listens to me.

Scriabin,  ;)
~It must NOT have fallen on deaf ears- if I am really sent by G-d..  it is not a 'popular' thing to say nowadays, is it? there is NOTHING that I love more than uplifting excellent men.. I remember when I was young, my mother was a "Vashti" she was so dishonorable to my father- BUT, my father had me, and the sun rose and set on my father as far as I was concerned.. A woman is BEAUTIFUL and at her level BEST when standing WITH her mate/man.. I am 100% SERIOUS about this.. I have seen the evils of women that get in 'power' they are incredibly cutthroat, and will think NOTHING of ruining a man altogether.. I am not discounting that there are bad men, because there are.. BUT liberalism that is a feminine thing, has really taken a GRAVE toll on the USA.. because of feelings and emotions, we now have so many weak minded men- and it breaks my heart- I LOVE when I go into chat rooms and EXPOSE the female liberal lefty agenda- they think men are nothing.. just NOTHING.. I expose this, and liberal men get very saddened, and THAT makes ME HAPPY. NO REAL MAN will EVER follow this liberal agenda, and when men WAKE UP to this- perhaps America CAN be taken back.  It does take a STRONG woman to humble herself though, in this time, when women are so cruel and vicious..So- that is a HUGE part of what I am, because when it comes time for me, to 'bow out' I WILL DO IT gracefully, and let men fight this battle that is coming.. Shalom- Paulette Anne
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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #47 on: April 06, 2008, 01:28:47 PM »
At least on forum and recordered you dont seem so shy. from holbrook li.Welcome!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)wayne jude

hi Wayne- Holbrook near Patchogue? I am VERY shy- Until I am mad- and then I turn into a warrior. I believe that is normal though, considering I am an American Patriot.  The Patriots were modest until their liberty and freedom was threatened.  Shyness really leaves when one sees what is happening.. Don't you think so?
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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #48 on: April 06, 2008, 03:27:10 PM »
I disagree with this woman that women should get out of the way, she wants an Islamic caliphate??
Women are part of everything including politics.

It is ok to disagree, but please understand where I am coming from.... for 40 yrs, the liberal leftist agenda (which is a female agenda) has screwed this nation up- I by NO MEANS am into islam AT ALL, nor am I into treating women terrible. Women are going to have NO choice in the USA BUT to get out of the way- see- I am in Calif.. They are letting rapists and murderers go FREE.. Do you now understand what I am talking about?? This is NO longer a 'womans world' here in is a violent place now- womane are going to HAVE to come under the protection of good men.. women and childrens lives are now in terrible danger. Paulette Anne  PS- LOOK at the message as a WHOLE, not a 'part' ~I have gotten many emails from WOMEN that 100% AGREE WITH ME.

Paulette, you are G-d-sent.  This is what I have been saying on this forum for the past two years.  

No one listens to me.

Scriabin,  ;)
~It must NOT have fallen on deaf ears- if I am really sent by G-d..  it is not a 'popular' thing to say nowadays, is it? there is NOTHING that I love more than uplifting excellent men.. I remember when I was young, my mother was a "Vashti" she was so dishonorable to my father- BUT, my father had me, and the sun rose and set on my father as far as I was concerned.. A woman is BEAUTIFUL and at her level BEST when standing WITH her mate/man.. I am 100% SERIOUS about this.. I have seen the evils of women that get in 'power' they are incredibly cutthroat, and will think NOTHING of ruining a man altogether.. I am not discounting that there are bad men, because there are.. BUT liberalism that is a feminine thing, has really taken a GRAVE toll on the USA.. because of feelings and emotions, we now have so many weak minded men- and it breaks my heart- I LOVE when I go into chat rooms and EXPOSE the female liberal lefty agenda- they think men are nothing.. just NOTHING.. I expose this, and liberal men get very saddened, and THAT makes ME HAPPY. NO REAL MAN will EVER follow this liberal agenda, and when men WAKE UP to this- perhaps America CAN be taken back.  It does take a STRONG woman to humble herself though, in this time, when women are so cruel and vicious..So- that is a HUGE part of what I am, because when it comes time for me, to 'bow out' I WILL DO IT gracefully, and let men fight this battle that is coming.. Shalom- Paulette Anne

G-d bless you.  You're a Lady.

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Re: Paulette does a POWERFUL program for JTF!
« Reply #49 on: April 06, 2008, 03:58:34 PM »
Cancan,yes the long Island one.But had my parents stayed In NY I would not be who I happen to be today.On LI I had a great youth.Then we moved down south.Before I had never encountered African americans.I had only lived among Jews, Italians and the Irish.Their beatings{The blacks}{Some times 5 on 1}and stealing and bullying of a young Christian white little boy changed me forever.I forgive them and the heathen imports we have but I will God Jesus willing never forget!Never Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Keep up the good work
wayne jude