Sarah: "whoever cannot "handle" it, is a baby."
I totally agree.
I also believe it a good thing that our forum was reduced to a shambles.
It was long overdue.
It would seem that some here take others' posts or threads as "personal affronts", when the correct thing to do would be to simply ignore them, or to engage the poster with facts countering their statements.
With some posts, it is clearly best to laugh quietly to oneself, and continue on to others.
Lastly, there is no more childish behavior than to find "allies" among other members, for the explicit purpose of public calls for the banishment of another member of long standing.
Not only is this a violation of Torah prohibition against public humiliation, but is in fact the actual cause of division and turmoil.
A questionable or ridiculous post does not in and of itself destroy this forum.
Of course my views do not apply to a common opposition to Nazis or others with a truly nefarious purpose for joing the forum.
If this forum and JTF is to serve only as a "mutual admiration society", then it serves no purpose, and our stated goals and vision will be of no more importance than is a junior high school "slam book".