His Evil Inclination is too strong to allow him to be a Noahide and he says he doesn't even have free will.
Is it an evil inclination also that keeps me inside on weekends instead of going out dancing and doing all the other stuff THEY do?
To have thouhts and give them expression is only sinful if one is a Catholic. Do actually do those things really is sinful. I have never done them. A ministering angel does not permit me to do those things which is why I say I have no choice in the matter. I have a very specific place in Gehinnom reserved for me. El Shaddai, the Almighty, has seen my affliction and is going to be lenient on me: for this reason I have committed only all of the minor sins and none of the grave, mortal ones: thank G-d.
This is good enough for me.
I can have an individual relationship with the Almighty without being a Christian idolater.
That is ideal.
I've read the Bible several times and know that it is the Divine plan for the Universe and His people are his main agents here on Earth. I believe this very strongly. The great battles between Christian and Muhammadan throughout European history were prophesied. G-d is now going to cause great capricious winds of change to sweep the world and eventually Israel and the Noahide laws will become the light of the world.
Howbeit that has nothing to do with me and I have my own personal relationship with the Almighty.
He views me as totally insignificant and he is right about that.