*snip* Soon USA will stand for : United States of Africa.
Soon? Blacks have good jobs, nice cars, stability, no chance of ever getting fired, no matter how poor their performance is, like the rest of us. When they don't feel like working, they go home. The rest of us have to break our necks to hang onto jobs, go to work sick, can't buy new cars, don't have pristine credit like blacks do.....everything, and I mean everything, has been handed to them on a silver platter. There is no USA anymore, in name only. Louse Obama has attempted to change everything about the USA because he hates it here. He's attempted to change the constitution. His pals are thugs. He has run his campaign in an underhanded way. On the other hand, John McCain has been honest. Look at the beating he's taken. Still, to this day, they are saying Sarah Palin is not qualified to be VP or G-d forbid, President. There is no way they will win the election. The media hates them. All this money that Obama has managed to obtain, from unknown sources, much of it, should be investigated by following the money trail, and just maybe, some of that money has been given to the mainstream media. David Axelrod got the first black governor elected in Massachusetts. That state is now bankrupt. I grew up there and although it was always a democratic state, it wasn't bankrupt. Axelrod, as long as he gets paid, has no conscious. He knows Biden and Obama are screw ups. Since he has no conscious, he has no trouble shoving these 2 morons down our throats and putting the USA in jeapordy, as far as safety, bankrupting it, changing it's culture, traditions, telling us we are not patriotic unless we go along w/getting our taxes raised so the crooks in Washington can steal our tax dollars for their opulent lifestyles.