Of all the Haredi groups, although still very far from Kahanism, Chabad is somewhat the closest.
They do sterling work in
mekareving Jews worldwide, and even attracting not a few geirim.
But by having more and more Chabad Houses everywhere from Katmandu to Timbuktu, from Alaska to Patagonia, whilst not detracting from the
mesirus nefesh of Chabad
shlichim, are they not in a sense extending the Galut and delaying the Geulah?
I have heard Shifra Hoffman heavily criticize Chabad on this.
The Torah is the only land-centered religion, and ALL Jews are ideally meant to live in Eretz Yisrael.
Chabad have many mitzva
mivtzas: Tefillin campaign, Kashrus campaign, Candle lighting campaign, Family Purity campaign etc; but no "Kibbutz Galuyot Ingathering campaign" - and no Lubavitcher advocates the most important mitzva of Jews going to live permanently in Israel - least of all their local financial donors- i.e. are Chabadniks and their devotees becoming just
too comfortable and Golus-centered in their luxy Chabad Houses, and making the Exile "a home away from home"?
If Chabad had appointed an 8th Rebbe it might have been different. The 6th Rebbe, like most rabbis of his era, was strongly opposed to Zionism. The 7th Rebbe strongly supported the security of the State of Israel and opposed "Land for Peace", but
only on grounds of
pikuach nefesh, and R.Kahane never went to see him, nor the Rebbe request to see him.
Although many average Chabadniks were somewhat sympathetic to R.Kahane, most Lubavitcher leaders of congregations labelled him "a