Hi Mr. Troll

Why don't you and the other self-hating Jewish trolls carry your african president around on your shoulders. Does it bother you that DADA Obama's pastor says that Israel and Jews are a dirty word. WHy don't you and other Negroized COmmunist Jews build a shrine to your negro messiah. As far as negros being resentful for slavery, well I think they are biggest group of lazy, violent, racist, whining, hypocritical morons on the earth. Did any of these negroes you met ever wear chains? WHile they go around whining and b*tching about slavery, they are sucking away the tax money of hard working white people, so we can feed their alcohol and crack addictions. The biggest number of welfare recipients and financial aid in the country goes to blacks and these m0nkeys are never thankful. Why don't us Jews just sit on an our arsses and cry and whine about what Germans did to us and that we are incompetent and filled with rage. I bet if a Jew knocked off a liquor store and said it was because of Germany, everyone would just laugh. But if some black buffoon knocks off a liquor store and cries slavery, everyone will cry for him and send money to his family, pay for his attorney fees. Our prisons are filled with black people, not because of slavery , you moron!
Hey, I found a pic of you carrying your black messiah, you're doing a great job!