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Haredims and Kahanists ?

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--- Quote from: Lisa on December 04, 2009, 02:51:58 PM ---If that small group of Charedim are anti-zionist, why do they even bother living in Israel?  Why don't they go live somewhere else?

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Some communities have lived in Israel since the 18th century, some came during the late British and early independent. Essentially there has been a split in the Charedim- some chose an extreme reaction to zionism while most took a more moderate (and practical) stand.

It is important to understand that there is a whole spectrum of religious variates in Israel. Charedism itself is a large various section on the spectrum.

Kahane-Was-Right BT:

--- Quote from: Christian Zionist on December 05, 2009, 05:21:58 PM ---I heard that the Heredim has little knowledge of the Tanach and seldom read it.  Is that true?

Also another question:  Do they participate in Israel's compulsory military services?

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Chareidi women know it very well, in most cases better than Chareidi men.  Because Charedi men's education is more focused on Talmud, while the women learn more on the Torah portion and more in Tanach.   But the men do know those things as well (obviously the Torah portion because it is a mitzvah to read it several times with commentary each week).    Maybe they are not as well versed in Tanach, that is likely true.   But the Dati Leumi communities incorporated Tanach learning more into their yeshiva system so they are stronger there if less capable in Talmud relative to Charedim.   But this is only speaking in generalities.  There will always be exceptions to these general rules, there will be certain people who excel in all of these subjects and can become leaders of communities due to their expertise.

The One and Only Mo:

--- Quote from: Kahane-Was-Right BT on December 06, 2009, 03:52:59 PM ---
--- Quote from: Christian Zionist on December 05, 2009, 05:21:58 PM ---I heard that the Heredim has little knowledge of the Tanach and seldom read it.  Is that true?

Also another question:  Do they participate in Israel's compulsory military services?

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Chareidi women know it very well, in most cases better than Chareidi men.  Because Charedi men's education is more focused on Talmud, while the women learn more on the Torah portion and more in Tanach.   But the men do know those things as well (obviously the Torah portion because it is a mitzvah to read it several times with commentary each week).    Maybe they are not as well versed in Tanach, that is likely true.   But the Dati Leumi communities incorporated Tanach learning more into their yeshiva system so they are stronger there if less capable in Talmud relative to Charedim.   But this is only speaking in generalities.  There will always be exceptions to these general rules, there will be certain people who excel in all of these subjects and can become leaders of communities due to their expertise.

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There isn't Talmud learning without AT LEAST a somewhat strong background in written law.

Kahane-Was-Right BT:

--- Quote from: FreedomFighter08 on December 05, 2009, 09:29:26 PM ---You need more explanations? I can't be around men all the time. Women are a gift to the world. Plus I have a Secular approach to everything, including religion, including Judaism.  
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Jewish men are not supposed to be constantly around only other men.  We ARE supposed to devote ourselves faithfully to the woman we marry and focus our attention on her, not other women.  That does not mean you can only hang with men.   But once you are married, why would you want to be around other women?   There is something seriously wrong with an attitude like that.    And until that day when you're married, you can go on dates and try to find the right woman for you.    Not sure what exactly you are saying here when you say sausage fests.  You want to "hang out with women" ?   If you are trying to say you would do so for the sake of variety and having nothing to do with wanting to have sexual encounters with these women, I do not believe you.

--- Quote ---I question everything and never take what somebody says to me face value.
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How is that a secular approach?  Who says that religiosity is excluded by having such an approach?

--- Quote ---I can't be a Heredi because:

- They had their own people killed in the Holocaust because they didn't want to go to Israel

--- End quote ---

What you say here is just plain stupid.   No one "had their own people killed" in the holocaust except for the do-nothing worthless shmucks who looked on from the sidelines and did nothing when they could have helped.  Or Ben Gurion and the Jewish agency (Those are secularists, einstein) that sabotaged rescue of  Hungarian Jews.  All the people who were actually murdered did not ask to be, and that you blame the victims is an atrocious crime.

Do you realize how many secular or less religious/traditional (read, non-haredi!) Jews were murdered in the holocaust?   And they also refused to go to Israel, like the vast majority of Jews, religious or not.   But that attitude existed and persisted for hundreds of years in Jewish life.   Suddenly when the opportunity presented itself, the window closed very quickly and even if people wanted to go, they couldn't, beyond a certain time.   What you say here is incomprehensibly stupid and idiotic.

There were many orthodox Jews that were murdered, but there were also secular and everything in between.  And many of those "orthodox" would not be considered "haredi" by today's standards or even by the standards at that time.   Because Orthodox was the bastion of tradition, while the modern yeshivish "haredi" is really a more extreme offshoot.  Either way, what you say is illogical.


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