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Haredims and Kahanists ?
--- Quote from: muman613 on December 30, 2009, 03:04:51 AM ---
--- Quote from: 18chai on December 30, 2009, 02:29:09 AM ---
--- Quote from: ✡ Hindu Zionist ॐ on December 27, 2009, 11:38:32 PM ---
--- Quote from: Zelhar on December 15, 2009, 10:06:46 AM ---
--- Quote from: ✡ Hindu Zionist ॐ on December 15, 2009, 09:11:18 AM ---
--- Quote from: Zelhar on December 06, 2009, 08:25:41 AM ---It is important to understand that there is a whole spectrum of religious variates in Israel. Charedism itself is a large various section on the spectrum.
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i really hope their numbers grow, but i read somewhere here mention that Charedim men cannot interact with women? does that mean they have to live a celibate life? THen its really difficult for their numbers to grow.
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They are strict about interacting with women that are not family, again to various levels according to their affiliation. But when it comes to marrying and producing children the Charedim are the Jewish champions.
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i find nothing wrong in that, and i also read that liberal Jews are protesting against this. Let me tell you... In India 70% of the schools/colleges have segregated seating arrangements for boys and girls. While 90% of public transport services in India too have segregated seating arrangements. Maybe this is because of Hindu culture/ethics. But, we never felt it restricts our freedom or that it is too strict.
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Its not as simple as you think. Did you know that in the bet hamikdash (Solomons temple) men and women were not segregated. Its not about ethics. In Hamadan it was unheard of for a man and his wife to be separated in social functions like weddings yet, many charadi do this. I understand the topic of the "sausage fest" , yet I do agree we should not be animals. But if you think about it, if one is married, he will be with his wife (or should be if they like each other lol) If they are single, all the more reason for segregation not to be implemented so one can find his soul mate. Segregation for me personally is more for modesty such as bathrooms, changing rooms etc, not for being separated from your wife during dinner at a wedding.
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Men and women did not dance together, even in the times of the Torah. You realize at the song of the sea that Miriam danced with the women... But aside from that, the only time that there should be separate seating is during davening, with a kosher mehitza.
I think if you look at the Halacha, and what we learn in the Shulchan Uruch {Code of Jewish law} you will discover that there is something wrong with even an unmarried man having unpure thoughts about an immodest woman.
I know that the seperation issue is a divisive one... But I do understand that there is danger in what we look at, as we are tempted by our eyes and our hearts, another reason that we should wear our tzit-tzits out so that we should see them and remember.
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But Why the Mechitzah?
There remains one burning question: If woman is the essence of prayer and song, why is she silent? Where is her creativity and inspiration? Where is her song? Fine, she won't be part of the protocol management. But why can't her voice and presence be an inspiration in the shul?
Things weren't always this way. In the tabernacle and in the First Temple, there was no separation between men and women. Only after matters got out of hand in the Second Temple, was the community forced to create a balcony for women above, while men stayed below. Perhaps, in the messianic era, when we return to our former spiritual status and more, we will return to the original format.
However, as human nature stands today, the reasoning of the sages of the Talmud is still very apparent: Men mingling with women, or listening to a woman's voice -- especially a woman that they know and can see -- are not necessarily carried to spiritual heights, but unfortunately often in the opposite direction. Women don't seem to understand this -- they seem to have very high opinions of us. But if you ask men, and if they're honest with you, they'll admit that they would not be able to pray with proper concentration in a situation where they can see and hear the fairer sex. (But this is a man speaking. Why not read this intriguing woman's view of how the mechitzah looks from her side?
There is a deeper perspective to all this: This is galut. Exile. The Shechinah is in captivity, not in her place. She is ignored and despised. And she is quiet there. But in the world-yet-to-come, the messianic era that we are poised to enter, then we will hear, "Once again in the cities of Judah and the streets of Jerusalem, the voice of joy and the voice of rejoicing, the voice of the groom and the voice of the bride."7
The Shechinah will sing once again.8
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I never mentioned Dancing. This is a problem when people jump to conclusions , it is ironic the less one knows the more strict they have
to be to ensure not making a sin. It is interesting that you add That Aspect of the first temple this is why
there are places such as in Hamadan that ultimately came from the era of the first temple and not the second ,which is why they do not
segregate their women, however people in the second temple era were indeed so corrupt and immoral that the temple had
to be destined indefinably... you made an amazing point The Truth Is The Truth... And The Truth Hurts .....but i digress. on a lighter
side , if a woman really will disrupt a mans concentration in praying ..well , there are drugs to help with attention like aderall stratera or
ritalin haha.
And yes i agree in the messianic era things will return to the original Judaism if you like women you better get your act together so
the Moshash will come.
✡ Hindu Zionist ॐ:
--- Quote from: wonga66 on December 30, 2009, 02:17:28 AM ---Haredim are tough, heavyweight, strapping, healthy men. This is just a tiny fraction of the Belzer community in Jerusalem alone.
And here a small part of the Viznitz community
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wow,great to see them united, focused to protect their culture. I hope they support Kahanists. I know they have some strong views, but that is what i admire about them(Haredims).
What is Hamadan ?
an area in Persia ..(unfortunately now Islamic republic )were Mordecai and Ester lived
And not forgetting the 5% of Haredim who actually side with our mortal enemies!
Ultra-Orthodox anti-Zionist Jews protest the Gaza siege at the Erez border crossing on Thursday
These are referred to in the Zohar as the Erev Zeir (Mixed Minitude) as opposed to the Erev Rav (Mixed Multitude). The Erev Zeir are nominal Jews who believe in the Torah and keep the mitzvos, but are still dangerous mortal internal enemies of the Am Yisroel!
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