A good muslim, is a dead muslim!
Maybe. Even the dead ones take up space.
A good muslim, is a dead muslim!
"Moderate" Muslims only want to kill you once. Radical Muslims want to kill you over and over.
"Moderate" Muslims only want to kill you once. Radical Muslims want to kill you over and over.
There are no "moderate" and "extermist" Muslims, there are only dumb and smart Muslims. The "moderate" (smart) Muslims have murdered way more many Jews than the "extremist" Muslims did.
A good muslim, is a dead muslim!בס"ד
There are no "moderate" and "extermist" Muslims, there are only dumb and smart Muslims. The "moderate" (smart) Muslims have murdered way more many Jews than the "extremist" Muslims did.
That's actually a brilliant way to look at it.
Extremist muslim = muslim who blows himself up and takes as many infidels as he can with him
Moderate muslim = muslim who finances and supports extremist muslims
exactly to why there is no such thing as a moderate muslimor a fart that doesn't smell.בס"דIf a muslim believes in everything jtf and kahanism believes in then I wouldn't mind that muslim. I'm sure he would eat a ham sandwich on a regular basis.
Americanpatriot, come on. Please WTF?! Wake up and smell the coffee. Turkey supports gaza. That's not moderate. If you can't see that then you need to be debrainwashed
That Muslim would be slaughtered and considered "Ibn Warraq".
those existIncorrect.exactly to why there is no such thing as a moderate muslimor a fart that doesn't smell.בס"דIf a muslim believes in everything jtf and kahanism believes in then I wouldn't mind that muslim. I'm sure he would eat a ham sandwich on a regular basis.
Americanpatriot, come on. Please WTF?! Wake up and smell the coffee. Turkey supports gaza. That's not moderate. If you can't see that then you need to be debrainwashed
That Muslim would be slaughtered and considered "Ibn Warraq".
I've brought this up before, but it is worthy of attention once again... especially with the forum filling up with Ron Paul supporters and Muslims, I thought it would be fair to share my two cents also. Please don't ban me; I am honored to be a part of the JTF and hope to see you prove how much conservatives value free speech and open dialogue.
I joined the JTF desperate to find a political organization to support to help us radically step up the War on Terrorist Groups, in order to win it. To strike out Iran's, even China and N Korea's, nuke facilities. I also wanted to solve illegal immigration and the moral and cultural deterioration America is experiencing. The Constitution Party seemed cool, but their vice was not supporting the WoTG and being anti-semitic conspiracy nuts, for the most part.
So I joined the JTF. But, I found that the JTF's views... didn't exactly match my carefully formulated views...
From a moderate Muslim regarding Turkey:
"Turkey is one of the countries that depend and shows to the world the real islam about not the fake. G-d bless turkey and all of those that hate the terrorists and the Racists"
From a moderate Muslim regarding the Iraqi Military Tribute:
"woow thanx dude for this video ^_^ deleted the insurgents "
And I'm supposed to believe the demagogic lie that "you can't be a moderate Muslim"?
those existIncorrect.exactly to why there is no such thing as a moderate muslimor a fart that doesn't smell.בס"דIf a muslim believes in everything jtf and kahanism believes in then I wouldn't mind that muslim. I'm sure he would eat a ham sandwich on a regular basis.
Americanpatriot, come on. Please WTF?! Wake up and smell the coffee. Turkey supports gaza. That's not moderate. If you can't see that then you need to be debrainwashed
That Muslim would be slaughtered and considered "Ibn Warraq".http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flatulence
By the way, since you seem interested in dialogue, what percentage of Muslims do you believe are 'moderates' ? Just curious.
Islam is Muhamadism, a violent, subversive, expansionist political, legal and spiritual ideology. No one who calls himself muslim is a friend of mine. If he is welcome in mecca, we don't want him here.
What a great example in Turkey you bring. What a loyal and reliable ally it is.... NOT. Even most of the secular turks are savages in western suits. Just ask them something more specific like say... the Armenian genocide, the invasion of Cyprus, "Palestine", and see what answer they give you.
Also I want you to give an example of one moderate muslim party, one moderate muslim leader, can you name just one example and show it to be true ?
בס"דPlease pick up the Quran and see for yourself.
I have read all the Jihadi verses, but things other, pacifist verses negate those.
True Muslims only believe in war as self-defense. The early conquest-driven Muslims? Those guys were radical, my friend.
Notice, one verse says "fight them as they fight you."
See Verse 5:32
Muslim don't believe any of this nonesense cause it's not relavent.
There are two main versions of the Qur'an - Suraht il-Madinah and Suraht il-Mahckia. Suraht il-Mackia is the more "peaceful one" --- that was written down by Muhammad's slave when he was in Mecca, and wanted support from the Jews and the local Arab Pagans, that's why he wanted to copy Judaism so much and he took various ideas from Judaism (Monotheism - "All-aht" is the name of the Babylonian Mythological idol "of moon", just like the Greeks had Zeus and the Romans had Jupiter, and he had many "children" in the Babylonian Pantheon, so he summarized it up by choosing "Allah" [an Arabized version of "All-aht"] and "his daughters" "il-Uzzah" and "Il-Mannaht", and he saw the Jews didn't like it either, so he changed it to Monotheism).
The Jews didn't like him and didn't accept his false religion - and so did most of the local Arabs. He wanted money, power, booty, etc and they didn't want to give it to him. That's why he went to Il-Yathrahb (il-Madinah) and when he got enough power, he wrote the more violent version of the Qur'an --- Suraht il-Madinah.
Now there's a major basic "rule" in the Qur'an. It's called "Wa'Nasach Wa'Il-Mansuch" - "the invalid and the irralevnt". When the verses are changed and edited, the ones they are placing are irrelavant according to the "Muslim law".
That means that the verses you posted, yes, the same il-Taqqiyah verses the Saudi government makes all of its efforts to spread it in non-Muslim countries, are irrelavant for the Muslims.
RBM is absolutely correct about this. There are some 'moderate' verses (i.e. 'no compulsion in religion') in Mohamhead's earlier ramblings.
However, any Islamic scholar would agree thay are abrogated by the post-Mecca revisions and contradictions found in the Aholy Koran.
One of the most common forms of Moozie taqqiya is to cite these mellow passages in the Aholy Koran as proof that Islam is a 'religion of peace', knowing full well that they are abrogated by the later, post-Mecca text.
One other addendum I'd like to add to this thread:
Anyone using the moniker 'Mr Patriot 1776' invokes the memory and spirit of the founding fathers of America.
Someone using a screen name like that should be aware of how Jefferson, Franklin and Adams dealt with Islamic terrorists.
It's a little known fact that America's first war (after the Revolutionary War) was with Islamic terrorists known as the Barbary Coast Pirates.
In fact, the U.S. Navy was built up expressly to combat these Islamic terrorists who for centuries preyed on European shipping in the Mediterranean, pillaging cargo, taking crews as hostages, torturing them, and demanding ransom.
Unlike the Europeans, Jefferson decided he wasn't going to tolerate this Islamic terror and blackmail. No, he didn't look for 'moderate' Muslims for support or try to appease these Islamic terrorists. He sent the Navy to the 'shores of Tripoli' and kicked some Moozie tail.
Over 200 years later, we're still combating Islamic jihadists, except now we've got a Moozie President and a population of brainwashed fools looking for the mythical moderate Moozie.
Our founding fathers are spinning in their graves.
I think what you mean by moderate Muslims is Muslims that aren't religious.
You know why Ahmad Shah Massoud was a "good" muslim (sort of), because he was too busy fighting other muslims. The northern alliance, to which he belonged and which is now in power thanks to American and allied soldiers fighting for them, are ungrateful corrupt incompetent regime. And how do they return a favor ? by exporting heroine and constantly trying to limit the effectiveness of the American forces at the cost of American casualties.Islam is Muhamadism, a violent, subversive, expansionist political, legal and spiritual ideology. No one who calls himself muslim is a friend of mine. If he is welcome in mecca, we don't want him here.
What a great example in Turkey you bring. What a loyal and reliable ally it is.... NOT. Even most of the secular turks are savages in western suits. Just ask them something more specific like say... the Armenian genocide, the invasion of Cyprus, "Palestine", and see what answer they give you.
Also I want you to give an example of one moderate muslim party, one moderate muslim leader, can you name just one example and show it to be true ?
Possibly Ahmad Shah Massoud, leader of the Afghan Northern Alliance. Here is his 1998 address to the American people. It seems pretty moderate to me.
BTW, the Northern Alliance has never fired a single bullet at the Coalition. That is the Taliban that does that.
I think what you mean by moderate Muslims is Muslims that aren't religious.
Yes. I mean secular and pro-West and pro-Israel Muslims.
I can't say... but where I live, in California, 99% of them love America, pay taxes, and even drink beer.
By the way, since you seem interested in dialogue, what percentage of Muslims do you believe are 'moderates' ? Just curious.
I can't say... but where I live, in California, 99% of them love America, pay taxes, and even drink beer.
Please pick up the Quran and see for yourself.
I have read all the Jihadi verses, but things other, pacifist verses negate those.
True Muslims only believe in war as self-defense. The early conquest-driven Muslims? Those guys were radical, my friend.
Notice, one verse says "fight them as they fight you."
See Verse 5:32
Please pick up the Quran and see for yourself.
I have read all the Jihadi verses, but things other, pacifist verses negate those.
True Muslims only believe in war as self-defense. The early conquest-driven Muslims? Those guys were radical, my friend.
Notice, one verse says "fight them as they fight you."
See Verse 5:32