Author Topic: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010  (Read 13786 times)

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Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« on: January 02, 2010, 04:56:58 PM »
Dear Chaim, do you think there ever be a war involving the US in Yemen?

PS: What is your opinion on Paul Rebuens aka Pee Wee Herman?
« Last Edit: January 04, 2010, 03:10:50 PM by YimachShemotoIslam »
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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #1 on: January 02, 2010, 05:47:30 PM »
Do you think that people give too much credit to Roosevelt and Churchill? I think that they were both evil people.

Also, what is your opinion on Anastasia Michaeli? Is she a sincere convert?
« Last Edit: January 10, 2010, 11:46:51 AM by Moshe92 »

Offline Fighting For Truth

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2010, 08:19:42 PM »
Dear Chaim,

I noticed that right now on the Internet like for example Youtube, there are many people who are supporting the Iranians who are right now fighting against their Nazi Governments and they are calling it the Iranian Green movement or something like it. Now a few weeks ago I posted this topic by asking our fellow JTF members if we should support them or not and many have said that we should support them because it could bring down Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the other Nazi leaders of Iran and maybe Israel and the Western World won't be in danger from them anymore. My question Chaim is should we the JTF support this Iranian Green Movement cause or is it pointless?

Thank you Chaim and take care.

« Last Edit: January 10, 2010, 01:50:05 AM by Fighting For Truth »

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2010, 11:10:40 PM »
Shalom Chaim,

1: How many self-hating American so-called Jews (because many are converts to Deform "Judaism" or are the half-Jewish children of Jewish father/Gentile mother intermarriages) do you think would vote for schvartze candidates that speak like a dirtbike with a broken muffler and OPENLY denounce whites, Jews, and America, such as the "Revs." Sharpton and Wright?

2: What are the two biggest lies that you think will be spread during this year's Schvartze "History" Month? (And, could you please answer this question in Ebonics?  ;D )

G-d bless you,
Dr. Brennan Fan
« Last Edit: January 10, 2010, 11:08:05 AM by Dr. Brennan Fan »

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #4 on: January 03, 2010, 01:38:15 AM »
Greetings Chaim. I've watched some videos by Richard Dawkins recently. One of the points he makes to promote atheism is that religious ideas seem to be based upon where you grew up rather than what beliefs are more reasonable.

He uses as an analogy that it would be very silly if different scientists had different theories about a topic in science, such as how the dinosaurs died out, and didn't base their opinions on the evidence but only on where they lived (for example, if every scientist in North America believed it was due to a meteor, every scientist in Europe believed it was because of mammals eating the eggs, etc.). Basically he says religions are like this (If you grow up in India, you're a Hindu, in Saudi Arabia, you're a Muslim, in Israel, Jewish, etc.) and says that's silly in the same way.

How would you answer this?
« Last Edit: January 07, 2010, 01:18:25 AM by Rubystars »

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2010, 07:51:03 AM »
Shalom chaim

I was watching a movie about the cuban missle crisis the other night.

What is your opnion of jfk compared to reagan and presidents after him?  What went through your mind when this crisis took place?  What do you think the proper action should have been?  Did rabbi kahane think the same?

Thank you

Dr. Dan
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Offline Jorje15

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2010, 03:07:32 PM »
Dear Chaim,

Why wasn't the forums closed on Frieday night? How can I add an HTML to this site? Who is the webmaster of this website? Why are japanese people doing better in school than Americans? What do you think of Obamas new Airport policys?
« Last Edit: January 09, 2010, 04:55:53 PM by Jorje15 »

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2010, 04:41:01 PM »
Dear Chaim

When you are allowed Israel {because I believe you will be this year}, what is the first thing you will do? Will you visit the heroic hilltop community's and possibly live there? Do you have a plan of action?
Also what do people mean when they call you Reb Chaim?

G-d Bless you, your family, your loved ones and every Jewish person in the world.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2010, 01:53:34 PM by Irish Zionist »
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Offline Nekama

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #8 on: January 04, 2010, 01:06:07 AM »
Dear Chaim:

Hope all is well.  Thank you for your continued dedication of your shows to my father, Meir ben Yechezkel, who was a true Kahanist.  My father inculcated in me from a very early age that the Jews right to Eretz Yisrael was based on Hashem's promise and the Balfour Declaration, the UN Partition Plan and all the other nonsense emanating confirming, contradicting Hashem promise is irrelevant.  As long as we don't believe our rights are derived from the promises made to the Patriarchs by Hashem, we Jews are doomed!  My father was also in favor of the forced removal of the Arabs.

Here are my questions for the week.

(1) What is your opinion of the recently deceased Shvartze impersanario, Percy Sutton (m.m.m.)  Was he married to a Jewish woman?
« Last Edit: January 07, 2010, 04:15:49 PM by Nekama »

Offline dreidelhead

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #9 on: January 04, 2010, 04:06:57 AM »
Shalom Chaim,

Thanks for your hard work.

1)  Which do you think will be the bigger story of 2010—the economy or terrorism?

2)  What do you think could be the “black swan” event of 2010?

3)  Can you treat us to your award-winning affirmative action story of the week?

Thanks and Chazak v’emahtz!
« Last Edit: January 05, 2010, 10:55:00 PM by dreidelhead »

Offline Sefardic Panther

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #10 on: January 04, 2010, 10:19:29 AM »
Shalom Mr Ben Pesach,

Who is your favorite Mizrahi singer? Do you follow the qol isha prohibition?

Toda raba

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Offline davinci

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #11 on: January 04, 2010, 11:08:21 AM »
Shalom Chaim

In Catholicism and in the Eastern Orthodox churches there is an old tradition of mysticism.
That means that Christians who want to follow this path can follow it by prayers and meditation in order to reach the highest spiritual level called the "unio mystica", the union of the individual human soul with the Godhead.

In Judaism there is a similar tradition called Kaballah.

My questions:

1. Are only rabbis allowed to follow Kaballah?
2. How many years does it take in Kaballah until the individual human soul is united with G-d.


« Last Edit: January 10, 2010, 11:00:29 AM by davinci »
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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #12 on: January 05, 2010, 10:07:51 AM »
Shalom rav Chaim,

What do you think about Phil Spector- the man and his work ?

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #13 on: January 05, 2010, 02:18:03 PM »
Shalom Chaim,

Can you describe your time in NYC around the Son of Sam killings? I think someone was murdered even in Forest Hills, right by the LIRR. Were you nervous to be walking around at night? Were you packing heat or taking any extra precautions?


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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2010, 11:10:15 PM »

I recently read the book "The Year of Living Biblically".  The author is apparently a secular Jew living in New York City and is an editor for that disgusting magazine "Esquire".  He takes a kind of "reality show" approach to living out every tiny law and rule of the Bible - growing a beard, blowing a shofar, practicing tellefin binding, etc..  He seemed to learn something from the experience, but seemed to end up still agnostic at the end.  I'm curious if you have heard of this book.

Also, I am curious about shatnez  From what I have heard, the reason for the commandment not to wear mixed-thread clothing is not known.  Observant Jews practice shatnez out of faith and duty to the commandments of God, but do not know why they do it.  What are your thoughts on shatnez and its purpose?

God bless you, Chaim.  I often think that you have given so much for the movement, Israel, and the Jewish people.

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2010, 11:26:23 PM »

What's up Chaim?

What do you think are the best things we can learn from the Jewish rebellions against the Nazi Roman  and the Nazi British occupation of the Land of Israel, and the internal struggle within the Jewish people throught the mentioned time periods (Lehi and Irgun VS Haganah, Proshim VS Tzaddokim VS Christians VS Ka'naim VS Sicari'im and other groups)?

Thanks as always and G-D bless you and your loved ones, Ron Ben Michael.

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2010, 05:57:29 PM »
Dear Chaim,

A penny for your thoughts. 

1)  How would you suggest that I deal with working so many foreign national Arabs?  I am in medicine and I have found many of these foreign medical graduates are up to the ceiling with chips on their shoulders.  I had a confrontation with one earlier in the year and he sucessfully badmouthed me to all of his Syrian and Arab, foreign-born, colleagues.  This has made my life as a resident increasingly difficult.  I think I was right to confront him, but I paid a price for it.  The sad thing is that America keeps importing foreign natrional physicians from Arab lands by the thousands each year because we are too lazy and too cheap to train more native-born Americans. What is the best way to advocate for American values and ways of interacting in a work setting that predominates with foreign nationals who insist on calling Israel 'palestine' and such?

2)  Have you ever seen the Masada2000 website?  Is this a JTF website?  About three years ago I exchanged many emails with a person who ran it and he said he had the toughest time keeping his ISP.  What do you think of his self-hating Jews list?   I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw some fo my Leftist friends from my teenage years on that list  :laugh:

3)  What is the best way to find your new videos?  When I type 'jtf' and the usual keywords (e.g.: chaim ben Pesach) into the YT search engine, I see the old videos only.  Thanks!

« Last Edit: January 07, 2010, 06:38:39 PM by JTFenthusiast2 »

Offline Gimatria

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #17 on: January 08, 2010, 08:15:54 AM »
Dear Chaim,
once again, I need your wisdom to guide me!
I recently got into a fight with my brother. He is planning a trip to Disney World, and I felt that it was my moral obligation to tell him what an evil, satanic organization Disney is. I also told him that giving them money is a serious averah, and that such evil acts cannot be dismissed. He reacted as most people do - telling me I am crazy and asking what about Disney is so evil? I told him about the malevolent, nazi nature of Walt Disney (yemach shemo!), and of movies like "The lion king", a cinematic abomination that seeks to glorify africa while suggesting in a not-so-subtle way that blacks are superior to whites.
What a shame that american families revere disney products the way they do. My brother remains unconvinced and is going through with his plan to visit. What can I say to him that might dissuade him, or at least make him regret this decision?

Your faithful disciple,

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #18 on: January 08, 2010, 11:46:31 AM »
What is your opinion of Bill Maher?

Shavua tov.

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #19 on: January 08, 2010, 01:06:24 PM »
Shalom Chaim, what is your opinion of Helen Thomas? My opinion is she is a self hating senile old white woman.

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #20 on: January 09, 2010, 01:28:46 PM »
Shalom Chaim,

You can add actor John Malkovich to the very short list of admirable people in Hollywood. Malkovich is extremely conservative and he spoke out against the evil British PM George Galloway. He called him a "vile anti-Semite" and actually said that he would like to personally kill Galloway. I was pleasantly surprised to read this and it certainly gives him points in my book. He is not Jewish, however. (Why can't there be a single Jew like this in Hollywood?)

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #21 on: January 09, 2010, 05:12:08 PM »
Hello Chaim,

do you have any religious ideas about the attempt to recreate the big bang at the CERN facility?

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #22 on: January 09, 2010, 07:04:23 PM »
Dear Reb Chaim,

thank you for answering my question last week.

This week I have a great idea. We all know how the Nazi animals support their Muslim friends and the other way around. In fact they get at least where I live huge money support from them. If they are that close, they should get a package deal. Imo they should be both part of the transfer. What do you think about this?

I wish you health and lots of success with your plans.


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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #23 on: January 09, 2010, 11:17:33 PM »
Shalom Chaim,

My question this week is connected to my question a week ago regarding Rand Paul.   

There's another U.S. Republican Senate Candidate who has caught my attention,     Peter Schiff,   who is running in the State of Connecticut.     Schiff was the financial advisor to Ron Paul's 2008 Presidential Campaign.      Schiff appears to be a controversial figure,   even amongst Ron Paul supporters.    Some Ron Paul supporters have contributed to Schiff's U.S.  Senate campaign.     On the other hand,   some have called him a NeoCon.   

What can you share with the JTF members and others listening to this program regarding Peter Schiff?

And what course of action should JTF members take regarding Peter Schiff's U.S. Senate campaign if you believe it's a priority for Schiff to be defeated?     Basically,  do you believe JTF should be proactive against Peter Schiff in the manner that JTF should be against Rand Paul?

Thanks as always,   eb22.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2010, 11:23:05 PM by eb22 »
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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday January 10, 2010
« Reply #24 on: January 09, 2010, 11:30:50 PM »
Shalom brother Chaim

How big of a sin is to to really go to a regular beach (such as Jones beach in LI NY )  and have a swim sin just swim trunks. I want to be a good Jew but it looks like im not if i continue this.  I have been thinking about this and im a little confused what to do.

I i also have a friend that does not go to weddings were a husband and wife are permitted to sit with each other. i have heard of not going to ones with mixed dancing but this is even new to me. what do you think of this?

ps. do you think affirmative action sorties happen more to you in the cold or summer?

Thanks so much for all the time you give to us.