I wont forget the arguments of HinduZionist, I admit that a part of Jane Mandir was damaged in 1992 in the fury that erupted in retaliation to the destruction of Baburi Mosque in india, and khiljis are not mughals and even I am not the blood thirsty mongol any more, even you are not those hindus any more who use to burn alive the wives of the deceased along with the corpses of their husbands. We are not living in the history any more and not repeating the mistakes of our elders. The point of claiming royalty pun as you are doing so much to get decent rights to Zionist perhaps you could have done something for me ). No hard feelings intended friend.
If someone could help me in my quest further do feel free to contact me [email protected].
1992 we destroyed a muslim mosque which was built by an invader on our Holiest shrine, and in retaliation you people destroyed a Jain(NOT Hindu,But Jain) temple. And the Jain Temple stood there before even Islam came to Sindh(Pak). Yet you seem to defend it by claiming it was done in retaliation. Man, you crack me up.

ok Khiljis was a Turk and not Moghul, but he was Muslim anyway.. who followed the Quran. What about Moghul Muhammad Gazni who destoryed our Holy Temple of Somnath 18 TIMES?? You people till present day worship these people as Islamic heros of SOuth Asia(your earlier post revealed that you wish to claim royalties to the acts of Moghuls who ruled India for 800 yrs), yet you LIE by saying you people have moved on, Taqiyya at its best!!
Quote: "you are not those hindus any more who use to burn alive the wives of the deceased along with the corpses of their husbands" Yes its unfortunate we had to burn our women along with their deceased husbands, in the past" Which was only to protect the dignity of the women, who else would have been kidnapped by Muslim Kings and stored in Harem, and abused sexually by hungry muslim soldiers.
Even Sikhs did that watch this (
) The Sikh father had to slaughter all his daughter, just so that they are saved from kidnapping of Muslims.
there may be certain things in Hindu scriptures like caste system,sati..etc which maybe unsuitable.. but understand that our books are philosphical, and not ordained or commandments for Hindus, we have thousands of philosphical scriptures, we can follow any one of them, and ignore others or We can easily discard any verse and move on, Can you edit parts of Quran and sell it?? Can you accept certain parts of quran are wrong and need to be revised? Absolutely Not. Which makes you rigid and wicked.
And i can see your jealously of seeing Hindus co-operating with Jews,Zionists and benefiting. This is just the beginning, a time will come when the whole world will corner Islam. You keep saying that Islam has 1.5 billion followers and so it is powerful,blah blah. Remember that many bigger and wealther civilizations have gone, like Greeks,Egyptions,Persians,Mongols who wanted to conquer continents, in the end each one of them imploded. Islam is only existing cause of Oil. Islamic countires who dont have oil resources have pathetic conditions (Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia..etc).