Ty CJD,, I read that myself and as you can see from my Icon what are the 2 flags. But you can't compare newman what the Irish and Italian immigrants that came through Ellis Island to the Mexican Illegals. The Irish, Italians and the Slavs came to the U.S. as their new home and left all their old world custom behind. They cherished their heritage but America was their new home and they were not here to become parasites or a burden on people. They wanted nothing more but to be Americans and give to their children what they didn't have, it was actually concidered a complete shame and disgrace to even think of going for handouts aka welfare. My grandpa came to this country with his wife (my grandma) they didn't know English, but they learned it. They left Italian back in Italy, even in the harshest times during the Great Depression welfare was never an option, my grandpa tried everything he could to find end jobs here and there, factory or selling produce on the street to bring home the bacon. My grandma raised her babies one happens to be my mama now and to help with money for the house she would sew all the neighborhood women their dresses. Mexicans illegals and other third world Illegals are completely opposite, they want to install Mexico into the U.S. And it is not just the Catholic Church doing this.