Regarding foreign policy, Ron Paul is essentially a non-interventionist. He refers to the thinking of George Washington and Thomas Jefferson that America should avoid foreign entanglements. He opposed the war in Kosovo and the war in Iraq.
Likewise, he calls the Middle East a pathological mess, an irrational inferno on which America has poured gasoline by hypocritically supporting both sides. He quotes what Ronald Reagan wrote to this effect, after the slaughter of hundreds of U.S. Marines in the Beirut suicide bombing. (Paul opposed sending them there.)
But Ron Paul is indeed an Israel-hater. He buys into the false concepts of "P_a_l_e_s_t_i_n_e" and the "West Bank", and he called the recent war in Lebanon "Israeli aggression", and was one of only eight U.S. representatives, out of over 400, to oppose a House resolution giving tacit approval to attacks on Syria and Iran.
He has also called Israel's 1980s rescue mission in southern Lebanon "occupation", and Israeli military action against the Arab Muslim terrorists of Gaza "aggression".