Sim city 2000 on the computer was great. I think that was the one i played. That was the one with the "arco's" right? Is that what they were called? The really tall futuristic looking things that were the highest level
it was a city building game, you basically had to create a successful city, set up taxes, law enforcement, fire department, medical, schools, it was a city planning game. The last one Maxis released was Sim City 4.

this is sim city 4

unfortunately Maxis was sold to EA so there haven't been any new ones except sim city societies which isn't even like the original. Yes as part of the cheats you could have stuff happen to your city like UFOs destroying the town, volcanos popping up, meteors, etc.
other things could happen in your city like if you didn't maintain a nuclear reactor, it would blow and destroy a chunk of your city, or fires can start, riots, etc.