Greetings Chaim
Very few things relieve the mind numbing soul draining tedium of my existence. As such could you try doing these broadcasts just a little earlier on sundays.

There has been a rash of delays as late.
Michelle Bachmann is going to enter the presidential race. If she gets the nomination, please please G-d let her get the nomination. I must strongly urge you to throw your full weight behind her. Do not dilly dally and split hairs based on some other candidates ability to win. You must line up with your principles and go for what you really want.Shoot for the stars and maybe you'll hit the moon. Why do I a briton have such vested interest in this. There is a saying, when America sneezes the world catches a cold. Our governmental wimps will do whatever the whitehouse tells them to most probably. We must all get behind Bachmann and push. Not literally of course the result could be rather disgusting. Seriously though I don't like the sound of this Rick Perry person and remember one who has a connection with Source or G-d is more powerful than millions who are not.
Not to pinch Brians spot but could you please respond to the comments here from a strange muslim on youtube who was commenting on an interview with Rabbi Kahane ZTL
Pay special attention to his last comment directed at me.
From AmirVegaman and prophetic wow... okay Islam is death cult thats why more muslims have been killed in fake terror wars and yeah thats why america and europe have highest crime rates .. i believe in G-d and i am a scientific man ,,,its stuck in 7th century ?? ?? your brain has been washed properly by media filth ,,visit brunei,dubai , oman ,qatar ,turkey ,saudi arabia saudis dont let women drive coz of there ancient rituals not coz of islam .
increase your knowledge man not hate
well sunny and shia riots had happened they are no where you have killed own christians how about carpet on germany ?? ?? how about killing nicaraguans ?? Wow coward heathen starts conflict Wow YOU ARE FULLY BRAINWASHED BY MAINSTREAM you wanna remain ignorant or you are just a muslim hater , keep believing in whatever media sells,they sell lies, i have proof that prove rape and killing are more in west than in arabia but why should i blame others we are all one .
You know what BritishSword, netanyahu wants peace with palestine yes just like hitler wanted more muslims in germany ....
Strange person.
Coming up later on,
watch Trace eat humble pie
for spouting such a vicious lie. Hee hee.
Sorry couldn't resist that