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I wish I could pause the video. It would be a lot easier to watch that way. Anyway I think that the person is right that Obama could set up a scenario where he could alter the constitution to get more than 2 terms if the conditions are right. More than half of the American voting public don't care about the Constitution anymore anyway or they wouldn't have voted for someone not qualified to be president in the first place.
The Twenty-second Amendment of the United States Constitution sets a term limit for election to the office of President of the United States. The Congress passed the amendment on March 21, 1947. It was ratified by the requisite number of states on February 27, 1951.
Muman, the amendments are part of the Constitution. That's why they're amendments to the constitution. A lot of really important Constitutional protections are in the amendments including the bill of rights.
Yes, and an Ammendment can change the constitution. As I said above, we have had presidents who have served 4 (I stand corrected) terms. Thus it is not against the will of the founding fathers to have a president who serves more than 2 terms. All it would take is another ammendment, or annulling the current ammendment.If there is the desire to go around the Constitution then there will be hell to pay...
Please use some critical thinking when listening to this guy. He just said that Woodrow Wilson moved us towards paper money. That immediately sent up a red flag. Let's not forget about the nutcases who want to move us back to a precious metal money standard like we had in the dark ages before the renaissance. This guy also said that he spent $100,000 in research at the begining of the video.There's a reason why there's not time index adjustment or sound adjustment in the presentation. In my opinion this man is a charlattan and is trying to brainwash people. Bubbe Maises.
Fiat currency is not based on any commodity as a standard but rather on the idea that the power of the fiat is enforced by the strength of the country militarily. This is the proper way to issue currency. It doesn't need to be backed by anything. The fact that the process is abused doesn't mean the structure is incorrect.If we based currency on gold, based on all the gold that is already extracted from the earth's crust, there would only be enough gold to give each person in the world 5 small gold rings.Explain to me how you would buy groceries... Would you go to the local shop and barter a big heavy sack of barley for a big heavy sack of oats!?
It's impractical. That's why we have money. People cannot go about carrying wagonloads of produce to exchange with eachother.
I think that there were some amendments added that shouldn't have been, but on the other hand I think the 2 term limit is a very good thing. When I took my government classes they mentioned the reason for it, the very thing the video talks about, that more than 2 terms allows a president to become too powerful. God forbid Obama is able t do this.
Limiting the power of the president and preventing it from becoming excessive is definitely in line with the principles of the founders. So although it's an amendment, it's an amendment that fits within the scope and purpose of the constitution.
FDR served 4 terms... well just barely... since he died shortly after being inaugurated in 1945....
Actually FDR had had enough by the end of his third term and had given serious consideration of not running again... His mother had who he was very close to had passed away and the family money which they all depended on was running low... FDR realized he was in poor health and wanted to go back home and work in the private sector while he still could... It was the Democrat party that pushed him to run a 4 term although I don't believe they had to push very hard... I think it was almost an unspoken given in the administration that FDR would never survive to see the end of his term... The end however came sooner than anyone suspected because when FDR died suddenly Truman who was new to the administration was tossed into the presidency totally unprepared to deal with Stalin at the Potsdam conference and the birth of atomic bomb... If anyone reads enough about the Roosevelt presidency they will clearly come away with the understanding that two terms is about all any president should have.
When FDR run for a 3rd term America was still out of the war, more then a year before pearl harbor. I think FDR wanted to rule like a dictator, and dictators have a habit of clinching to their seat of power till their last breath.
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