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Also, to add to my point earlier, Baruch Marzel was born in the US.
There are many faults for Revava and many people dislike them for different reasons. Personally, i dislike them because they banned me from their forum. Not because i spoke irrationally or vulgarly, but because i dared to argue their "stance" with a rational and logical approach. If you dare disagree with any of their moderators, you will be subjected to loshon hora, scorn, embarrasment, and in the end you will be banned from their forum where you will continue to be picked on without the ability to argue back. I have a serious bone to pick with one of their moderators; Elisha AKA Yissachar. He has said and done things that are unimaginally devestating and horrible. If you want details, here is a short one for ya. There was an American that joined a group of defenders in Kfar Tapuach (Samaria, West Bank). His name is Jeff. Jeff was caught by the shin bet for smuggling a sniper rifle into Israel. Since he was part of our community, Mike Guzofsky felt as though he would help Jeff out with the lawyer fees. Mike does this for a lot of kahanistim that are persecuted by the government. He creates fliers, posters, letters, tv shows, interviews, etc... all in effort to bring attention to the cause and of course to help fundraise. Now, when one is first arrested, there is a service called Honenu. Honenu is a group of lawyers that help out with the pretrial. Once pretrial is over you must obtain your own lawyer. When Mike was calling out for fundraising, Elisha decided to spread the rumor that Jeff already had a lawyer and Mike was unjustly fundraising. Anyone that knows mike including his enemies knows that he has never done such a thing. Now, Jeff is left without a lawyer and Mike is suffering, trying to raise money for him in lue of Elishas vicous attacks. It was a sick thing to do to Jeff as well as Mike. Everyone knows that Elisha was in the wrong and yet he still refuses to apologize or admit he was wrong.
What does this have to do with Revava? Well Elisha is praised by his leader and commander in arms, David Haivri everytime he makes a move against, jewish legion, and the rest of mikes endeavors. Not only that, but he was made moderator over an attack against Not only that but they are proclaimed to not be part of the movement and not related to was once kach or kahane chai. Not 100% of them are rotten but the goods ones are certainly the minority.
This is only one example of how sick they are. I could write a book about some of the disgusting things that go on there.
I must add one more thing. There is however, one good moderator of their forum that is a good friend of mine and should not be mixed in with this mess. He is the only left that brings logic to the table and even then sometimes his own posts are deleted by his fellow moderators. Not even the moderators are able to speak freely there.
Tzvi Ben Roshel1:
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on October 16, 2006, 08:27:13 PM ---Elisha also deleted a message I posted about Ask Yekutiel. I also happened to mention JTF in the post about how Mike got the idea from Ask JTF.
I also got this messages from Elisha:
Posts: 1021
Proud #1 on Yekutiel's hitlist!
(No subject)
« Sent to: kahanechaivekayam on: Today at 05:48:41 PM »
Items relating to Yekutiel and JTF are irrelevant to this forum. Please keep this in mind in the future.
In a bad mood, as usual
--- End quote ---
Yacov i think you just opened something unnecessary and stupid, their are obviously private problems and grudges that these diff people have against eachother, in all these quarrells no one makes sense, and people try attacking one another for stupid ego infated reasons sometimes, and then we ask why we arent helped by Hashe-m in our struggles for the greater Israel.
There better things to focus on but here are the reasons I am unhappy with Revava
Revava has made clear they are not Kahanist
Revava was in charge of the Parsha sheet which went from a weekly to a bi-monthly(at best) when they were in charge
Revava recently stopped publishing the parsha sheet
Revava used the Kahane Chai donor list to raise a lot of money that never did anything besides provide for the salaries of the people in charge
Yisrael Meir Cohen, who runs Revava with David Haivri, is by his own admission an ex-shabak agent
Revava has consistently worked to undermine any work done by Mike Guzofsky out of a personnal vendetta by Elisha against Mike
The list goes on and on. Listen Tsvi, I dont know what your relationship with Revava is, but if you are involved with them or donate money you must know that you have been warned. Eventually you will either get burnt by them or disgusted. It took about 8 months for it to happen to me. I could dig up some details and make a different arguement but i dont think it would be enough for you. after my last post, after what he did to Jeff, i dont understand how you can not see the logic to Elishas and Revavas blind hatred toward Kahanistim.
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