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Wow. My account there is now deleted.

who were you on Revava?

The same username as on here -- I just rarely posted there.

To set the record straight:

1- I dont think HaIvri or Y Cohen have any bad intentions.
2- They are both dedicated Jews who have done good things, even great things for Jews.
3- The parsha was coming out every other week when Rav Binyamin was murdered not weekly.
4- Yisrael Cohen never admitted to working for Shin Bet or police against right wing Jews, as far as I know. He had said that in the past he worked against Leftist Jews, just as Federman had admitted working for police but in his opinion to give disinformation re Kahane activities, kind of a doubleagent type of thing. I am not judging or justifying either here. However, both claim that it was  an issue of the past and that they never harmed good Jews. I have no way of measuring this and only have their own words to go by. I would work with both on various levels and do continue to do so.
5- In ideology I am probably closer to Federman today than to HaIvri. There are three main camps of philosophy among the Kahane people who count. One is strictly political activism like Marzel and Ben Gvir. Another is anti the system and believes that it all has to fall and that we should have nothing to do with the army or elections like Federman, Lenny and Baruch Ben Yosef. And then there are those who think that they can reinvent the wheel, make cosmetic changes more applicable for today, I think Revava falls into that side, where they think that a newand fresh focus or a different way of presenting and packaging the views will get further than the Rav got. In their new search they often make mistakes and contradict old and tested tactics and ideology.

If Rav Kahane focused on the removal of the Hillul Hashem on the mount, they might focus on the building of the Temple and not the immediate need to erase the Hillul Hashem. Seems like a small nuance but it is not from a halachic perspective. It is consensus to say nice positive things about Moshiach and building Temples, but it is rare, dangerous and more halachically obligatory to address the immediate Hillul Hashem or immediate threat to Jewsih survival. I am not condemning Revava for joining the many who will talk about ascending the mount and building Temples. It is wonderful. However, I as a Kahanist will concentrate on the immediate threat and the immediate Hillul Hashem. I chose this as one example.

It is kind of like the debate with Yesha and gush emunim wether we focus on settlement building or on the second side of the mitzva- expeling our enemies. Revava leaders HaIvri and Cohen clearly stated in an interview that they did not see the need to focus on that anymore. While it is true Haivri was ironically tried for having shirts that read "no arabs no terror" this is clearly not his focus, by his own admission. The article and others are full of the idea that they will come to rescue the day, stop falling in the pitfall of nostalgia andmove forward with new and innovative ideas and tactics. I have not seen the new and innovative ideas or tactics. It is more like old stuff that had  been rejected by Rav Kahane or used by Rav Kahane in this form or another and if anything focusing on the stuff that was rejected by the Rav.

I dont have much of a problem with Revava though. They shouldlive and be well. I truly wish them the best of luck and appreciate much of what they do. My problem was that the group was born and built out of the Kahane data bases and people and that HaiVri and Cohen conveniently would wear the Kahane cap when it facilitated their needs and then the unKahane cap when it did not. My problem was building people and groups out of existing groups and data bases. It is like a lawyer in a law firm, making his own firm and taking the old files to do so. No doubt some of those files were his own new contacts but the idea was that there was no disclosure here and no permission granted and there was a blur over the divisions between the groups and it wasKahane=Haivri-Revava=hameir Ldavid=darka shel Troah in people's eyes.

So then joining Revava was like joining Kahane or staying in Kahane and that is simply not the case.

This non disclosure and mixing has led to confusion and distortion on many fronts.

It was clear and obvious that at some point the new revava would shed the Kahane, the parsha sheets etc..but that would be done when there is enough of a base for HaIvri and Cohen outside of the Kahane circles. They would reatin the new people and the old donors but part ways with the Kahane liabilities. That has now been done. After years of peddling Revava and themselves through the Kahane institutions as well as through their new vehicles, they now feel that the new vehicle can stand alone and actually healthier without the legal and financial liabilities of paying the legal and financial price for a weekly parsha sheet or whatever...

And so I have no current problem with Haivri. He should go his own way, we should go our own way and he should have all of the success and happiness in the world. H ei snot the enemy. And people here as well as on the Kahane forum should not waste time attacking him. he is a not a leftist as someone said here. That is outrageous.

Yes, I have a problem with his twisted moderator who does in fact undermine any and every vital program and appeal I make for prisoners and other good people. There should be accountability on the part of HaIvri for allowing this tormented soul to continue to hurt Jews but other than that, Haivri should not be attacked or maligned. If he says something that is stupid or false he should be confronted like anyone else. And if he has a bolshovic style forum that bans people who question the wisdom of his ideas and programs he should be confronted for that or for the loshon Harah spread by his forum moderators. There is nothing wrong with demanding accountability. But let us not attack him for false reasons and let us give the man credit for the wonderful things he has done. Those things dont grant him immunity. Even Avraham Avinu, the first HaIvri had no immunity and we learn from his great deeds as well as his mistakes.


--- Quote ---To set the record straight:

1- I dont think HaIvri or Y Cohen have any bad intentions.

--- End quote ---

they dont have bad intentions? Haivri was caught on many occasions stealing property and money from you, Joel B and many others. he has taken over a parsha sheet and ran it to the ground until you took it iver again and started to rebuild it. maybe he didnt do that on purpose and hes just stupid?
Yisroel cohen was working for the shin bet at some point or another if he isnt still that is yet to be known but there is someone named chaim perlman who is pretty sure he spent 6 months in jail because of cohens "disinformation" to the authorities.

--- Quote ---2- They are both dedicated Jews who have done good things, even great things for Jews.
--- End quote ---
so did sharon and many other Jews but what does that say? they have a right do what they want because they did a few good things in their life?

--- Quote ---3- The parsha was coming out every other week when Rav Binyamin was murdered not weekly.
--- End quote ---

and when he took it over the list of people recieving it went down to half and it cme out in some cases once every few months.

--- Quote ---4- Yisrael Cohen never admitted to working for Shin Bet or police against right wing Jews, as far as I know. He had said that in the past he worked against Leftist Jews, just as Federman had admitted working for police but in his opinion to give disinformation re Kahane activities, kind of a doubleagent type of thing. I am not judging or justifying either here. However, both claim that it was  an issue of the past and that they never harmed good Jews. I have no way of measuring this and only have their own words to go by. I would work with both on various levels and do continue to do so.

--- End quote ---

he may not have admitted to working for the authorities against right wing Jews but he did against left w ing jews and federmans own brother as well as a man by the name of Gershon Barcella both swear that they spent a long time in jail because of federmans disinformation he gave to the shin bet. so much for disinformation i guess.


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