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I strongly applaud the support of the "settlements" and Yeshivas and hilltops by JTF. Very nice. We are starting a new hill top near Tapuach and are in desperate need for funds for tents and to build a shul in memory of Rav Kahane there, if you know any people who would like to help. The programs you mentioned are all very nice as well. I was unaware that you had these programs in place to help implement the teachings and views expressed here. Now I know about the families on the hills an dthe Torah classes that you sponsor. These are al lvery nice programs and God should grant you much success teaching Torah and expanding those hilltops.
--- Quote from: jsullivan on October 19, 2006, 11:36:41 AM ---jdl4ever, don't give me this hypocritical "unity" talk. Yekutiel is the one who split the movement to begin with. We would have real unity today if not for what Yekutiel did.
--- End quote ---
Actually, the split is very complicated and it started occuring during R' Kahane's life time. For example, the JDL in America started swaying in one direction and the Rav disagreed with it on some issues. R' Kahane's son's views were not liked by some Kahanists (like JTF I think) and that led to another split. Then after his son died, more splits happened. I respectfully think that the split you refer to happened during R' Kahane's life time when he decided to abolish the Kach party and move on to the revolution or referendum idea.
Yukutiel was just a follower of the Rabbi and his son and stuck to their ideas. It is splinter groups such as JTF that in fact split off. But who the hell cares about the split, it is ancient history and just brings up animosity. There are many paths that lead in the same direction .
yekutiel suffice it to say i whole heartedly agree with you and your adoption of rav meir's endeavor to bring a bloodless revolution to am yisroel and eretz yisroel thru the referendum process... first of all it engenders love... ahavat yisroel not to right away go for the jugular... something shevet yehudah was punished for in their initial attacks upon shevet binyamin in sefer shoftim... (the whole vort not for now)... i concur... this IS the right approach... especially now after the failed war and the disasterous retreats from lebanon (twice now) and from gush katif and amona with dire threats of much, much more of the same to come... if we can do this without having to shed blood we should... especially since as you stated no one is stepping up to the plate thus far to launch either a coup d'etat from the army or an open revolt, rebellion and actual civil-war... so it is ludicrous to jump to this option alone and make it our primary focus and our l'chatchilla, preferred choice of action... this is absolutely absurd and makes us appear to be ridiculous and not to be taken serious... and we then just look like a bunch of raving lunatics and idiots... besides... rav meir's book and movement on this issue stipulates loud and clear... warns and threatens... that... EITHER AM YISROEL WILL BE ALLOWED TO VOTE UP OR DOWN ON ALL THIS MADNESS OR WE WILL RISE UP AND REBEL... AS THEN YOU (THE STATE) WILL HAVE GIVEN US (THE PEOPLE) NO OTHER VIABLE OPTIONS TO VOICE OUR OPINION AND MAKE OUR FEELINGS AND DESIRES FOR OUR LIVES AND THE SOUL OF OUR NATION AND LAND KNOWN, HEARD AND REGISTERED... PASHUT THIS IS THE PLAN AND THE WARNING TO THE POWERS-THAT-BE... besides rav meir wrote in that sefer that this is the natural outcome and course of history for all totalitarian and despotic regimes... EVENTUALLY THE PEOPLE ARE PUSHED TOO FAR... AND SICK AND DISGUSTED AND OUTRAGED THEY RISE UP TO FIGHT AND TAKE BACK WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY THEIRS... THEIR G-D GIVEN, INALIENABLE RIGHT TO BE FREE AND THE LIBERTY TO EXPRESS THEMSELVES AND MAKE THEIR WILL KNOWN AND AT LEAST TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION...
i will answer the rest of your queries that you raise for the inquiry yet to come to handle in a separate thread... herein we are speaking about revava... and i wish to conform to this central theme... as anyone seeing my profile over there i have been posting and otherwise involved with revava for a while now... i was absolutely shocked but grateful to discover the truth and to have been shown this site and thread by a chaver of mine from both forums... you know who you are and thanks... and oh yeah send me again here info how to put rav bulman's picture up on my new deal here...
i have been upset at my treatment over there on revava for sometime now... since the regime change bringing lt~kn or yissacher or elisha or whomever to power there to be in charge of moderating the site... it has seemed right from the start that he had it in for me... and i did not understand until today why... as i thought we were mostly pro-kahane people... and after i had met and befriended yisroel, david and lenny... i thought we were all together on the same page... but strange thiongs started to occur...
the last time i showed up to pick david up to take him around l.a. he did not use me... true my car was not available then... but he rented and i just assumed that he would ask me to drive for him... he did not... i was lucky to bump into him right before he departed to find out what had happened... no call and no goodbyes would have been forthcoming otherwise but for this bit of hashgacha pratis occuring..
next i learned as reported on arutz sheva that shortly after david's community service sentence was complete that tours of jewish-american and probably non-jewish college students as well... were being brought by the ministry oif tourism to tapuach to be greeted by and spoken to by david... and i said to myself... "wait a minute... hold on here... he was just punished for 'racism' and now the state is bringing him kids to have an influence on...?" no way did and does this make any sense given what i thought was the struggle going on between david and our guys with the slime erev-rav unjewish jews unfortunately running the roost in our land... why would they do that... would they have let rav meir or rav binyamin do that...? no way... of course not... so why all of a sudden are they letting david do so when after all he's binyamin's brother-in-law for crying-out-loud...? mindblowing...
and if all of the above was not bad enough... recently... very recently we have carried on a bitter and a passionate debate on revava on their shifting of policy to not mention rav meir's torah or political views by name but supposedly just continue them without quoting the kahane shita by name... besides the 'b'shem omru' difficulty here i just did not understand why all of a sudden it was decided that they were now taboo for discussion in their outreach and other politicasl and spiritual endeavors to fight for the jewish state and a torah state with har habayit as our main focus as revava's mission statement and david's new book on the subject seemed to imply as to their movement's goals and objectives... again things just were not adding up anymore...
and to conclude the problem segment of this post... i began to be banned for expressing my displeasure at the moderators iron-hand at cutting off debate on certain threads prematurely... or deleting my offerings... etc. it felt like a concerted effort and campaign to derail me from my communicating with the tzibur over there and no appeal to david seemed to work... especially puzzling since it wasdavid who asked me to begin writing for revava in the first place... besides today's banning... last time... david actually suggested that i start my own blog... which is strange 'cause no one really knows me or who i am since i write anonymously... so what good is my own spot if no one knows that i'm out there...? damn crazy stuff going on... no...?
i also hvae been a bit surprised up until now as to why revava had met with only minor resistance in their endeavors for har habayit... why for example are they not harassed like the kahanes were...? why do they get the kid-glove treatment of just the appearance of detaining and arresting without any of the harsh jail terms or riot-police beatings at their mass gatherings and thier attempts to go up en masse...? all of this bothered me... especially when yisroel told me he was called in to some police org. and told "you just have to stop this campaign and let this idea go..." that's it...? that's the extent of the interrogation...? almost begging him... and not ordering him...?
and so all taken together i think i now start to understand what's really going on here... they sold out... and their cover is the appearance of a movement for har habayit which is allowed to thrive in israel unmolested when the official policy of the gov't. is that all of this is off the table for official consideration as it along with the whole of yesha are and were on the chopping blocks of oslo... thus proving the existence of 2 secret clauses (unwritten) as barry chamish exposed for us... yerushalayim and har habayit to be given over to the vatican for control and for the erection of an eventual temple for a one-world religion domination (another time i will reveal here what i discovered to be the root meaning of this concept)... and of course the other hidden agenda, secret clause for a palestinian state on 95+% of yesha as barak revealed to us in his failed initiative for
"peace"... and not just on the 65 or so% stipulated in the above-board written clauses of the original document of oslo...
and there you have it... when they say they are working for a beit hamikdash... it is the british/vatican model of one... a satanic, masonic idolatrous one... and this is what they really mean to refer to... as per ben gurion's original plan and mandate to bring to pass for the then british-controled world order back in the 40"s... see on-line the interview he gave to look magazine or life... wherein he "predicted" this structure... (really he knew all along about these plans of the nwo)... and so our two heroes david and yisroel have sold out or bought in for whatever they were ooffered to control the debate on this issue and steer it toward the nwo direction just as the yesha council has been doing all along legabi the west bank and gaza...
and this is why they are also striving so hard to distance themselves from the kahane legacy and to win over and to co-opt the strong protestant, evangelical american-chrisitian population who are pushing for and have been demonstrating their total and near-unanimous backing of the jews in this struggle and war over the position and side of the disgusting, filthy arabs as well as their on-going rallying to our settler cause over the slime erev rav gov't. policy to judenrein the country and these goyim have been doing so for quite a while now and in ever-increasing and greater numbers and in crescendoing and ever-higher pitched and shrill voices... scaring the pants off of the powers-that-be here in the u.s. and in israel as to who will prevail here... because with their throwing their support for our claim to eretz yisroel we just might have a chance... unless the wrong jewish "leadership" wins over their confidence and garners their power, support and clout... and so revava unsuspected by everyone... are actually working against us as they have been sent in to make it appear that they are the central address for this crucial movement in order to blunt its powerful effect and significant and sizeable political and economic clout which should be engendered and employed by us to enable us to finally realize our dreams... ansd with their christian numbers and with our jewish citizenry all over the world and in israel pulling together we should be empowered to carry the day... but instead revava is succeeding to deflect and to stimie this powerful union and jugernaut from even taking off and being launched... and instead of our dreams for the third and final beit hamikdash coming true... coming to pass... they will subvert everything and deny us victory and just make themselves and the other insiders of revava wealthy and powerrful instead and sell us all down the river... and in the end rationalizing all of this to be for the best... thus really.... actually... they are all fast becoming downright traitors!!!
unfortunately this is the conclusion i have been forced to draw from all that has been happening on the scene there and in light of my personal experiences on revava's site... it saddens me to no end to think the worst of these jews but i cannot and i will not shy away from whatever the truth exposes to the light of day nor flee from the ramifications and consequences which this truth brings forth naturally from the weight of its own evidence and from the depths of its own integrity and ability to put all of the pieces of the puzzle together and answer all the enigmas and finally start makeing some clear sense out of all of the pure insanity swirlling around us these past 13-16 years... and this latest breakthrough works for me to help sort out key problems which otherwise to date have remained fathomless events that i have been unable to perceive and to clearly penetrate their seemingly inscrutable vaneer which until now cast a totally different perspective on things which now appears to have been altered and to be forced finally to emerge from the shadows of obscurity where they formerly have been purposively laid and hidden... sometimes like today seemingly miraculous and out of nowhere comes new clarity in my pursuit of truth and my pursuit of our people's salvation... and each and every time these new perceptions yield fresh perot which always cast the same strong light on the hidden agenda(s) deceptivelly being kept from us little guys... the hamoan am... which we are continuely denied access to and which to our minds and hearts we are never consulted and to which when a lit bit more of the truth is finally discovered... grants us yet further breakthroughs to overcome many more of the obstacles put in our way by their purposeful acts of deceit against us... of attempting to leave us in the dark until it is too late for us to do anything to save our selves and our cause... and thus each new revelation of truth sheds stronger light and truth in its wake driving sheker back underground and righting our sense of control and perception so that we can continue to fight for our peoiple and our homeland... and our torah and our G-d... amen... boruch Hashem!!!
and in conclusion here... as one great author once penned... "let justice be done though the heavens fall..." and so let our erstwhile heroes lenny, yisroel and david fall if they have failed to live up to the kiddush Hashem and mesirat nefesh which our cause which is true demands and requires of us all... and if they have sinned against our cause... the cause of rav meir and rav binyamin... the cause for which they gave the full measure of their final devotion and which they both paid the penultimate self-sacrifice... and which above all is the cause of our G-d... if they have sinned... let them and a thousand like them all fall (myself included if i too dare sin against the cause, G-d forbid)... so let them all fall and let not a one of us shed a tear nor feel sorry for their betrayal and perfidy... for they will have brought their downfall upon themselves by their own volition even if only done under extreme duress from all of the various factions of the slime which sad to say rules this earth... so let all of their reputations be broken but let not perish one iota of the cause which is the essence of our Divine destiny as jews... nik. out...
Tzvi Ben Roshel1:
Yaakov to be fair, the people on the revava forum got fed up with you becuase every sentence you posted was from Jtf and you spammed alot which is annoying. ( not that im saying negative about jtf , but that some 1 spamming it again and again, made some ppl hate the spamming and bc of it jtf.
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