called Bachmann names for skipping a debate, he blackmailed the media to cover him how he likes. You hate it from Obama, you love it from Trump. We already have a president that will not talk to FOX news
""No, I will NOT meet with Netanyahu. I told him Israel has to make tough choices and they didn't, so I will be skipping the meeting"-President Trump, 2018."
Facebook roundup concludes with funny pictures after my comment.
It's a complicated issue for me here. The way Megan Kelly asked questions to Cruz in the debates sounded like a bratty child before the parents smacked her to teach her respect.
I don't like her, I don't think she's conservative, and it's shameful she brings Micheal Moore on to talk about it.
That being said, Trump knows the more he debates, the less chance he has of getting support, he has nothing but rhetoric.
I don't honestly have a problem with him skipping the debate, though obviously it shows he can't stand to tough criticism from an opponent, something Cruz has proven to be a master of (link, more up on request), because she is biased and the questions may just be designed to attack his campaign.
If he refuses Ted Cruz's offer to debate one on one, the way debates used to be done, which I'd prefer more than the current style, then I'll have something to say on the issue. personal attacks on her are textbook egomaniac narcissism. In the business world, he's used to everyone bending over, and if they won't, he talks to them like they are already, he doesn't know how to communicate with someone standing up.
He is immature, but I'm not sure this is the best sign of that, like trolling everyone with schoolyard attacks on Twitter is. If I was running his campaign, I'd know he has nothing of substance to offer in a debate, and would tell him to avoid as many as possible, it could just be political strategy.