Author Topic: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters  (Read 47062 times)

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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #125 on: September 11, 2007, 11:39:13 PM »
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.

So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
Newman. I never said anything like that, and you know it. Every image involving men, women and children being tortured in any form bothers me.

So apartheid africa was better than non-apartheid africa, wasn't it?

Yes or No.
YES! I suppose.


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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #126 on: September 11, 2007, 11:41:55 PM »
Apartheid was never necessary, it was easier to dispose of/ kill people because of their differences than to deal with them head on. The 'idiots' who came up with the idea of Apartheid were cowards.

But you see Erica, the WWhite South Africans have ALWAYS tried to approach the blacks in a civilised Christian manner...we did not believe in killing them..and i think that is where our foreparents made the mistake. It's much the same as Israel's history regarding the pali's :-\
You have a point there, but killing South Africans off shouldn't have been the only answer to get them to listen to reason or opinions. It was an ugly affair.

but we didn't kill the blacks  ???
I'm sorry, I got it mixed up with someone else's thoughts about how blacks should be treated. LOL SO sorry... but separating black Africans from WHite people shouldn't have happened either. I think that if Apartheid, much like many dumb actions in America, is the reason for so much strife there now. Who knows how things would have turned out. It looked as if poor blacks were put in classes. Superior (whites) vs Inferior (Black Africans.).  Is it ever an okay idea to say to someone that they're inferior because they aren't like you ? (not you personally..) was not classyfieng them into social class, the reason why apartheid was instated, was because you now had more than 9 different african groups living together. Now, these groups hated certain groups. what happens if you put a Siamese fighter fish in a tank with another siamese fighter fish?, they will fight each other to death. So you see, the government could havse said gold-lets let them kill each other ie. divide and conquer. but NO! the whites have ALWAYS been good and civilised towards the blacks! and so, apartheid was instated, which meant that the blacks got their own seperate homelands with complete autonomy, in usually very good lands, where they would be far away from each other. and so, the whites prevented the blacks from killing each other. The best choice propably would have been to let them kill each other...but thats just me looking at present south africa.

Blacks actually got better schooling that many whites did! Not to mention that the hospitals they got, were the best in the world!

ask a black person Erica, if looking at the present, if they would prefer to go back to apartheid, the answer would surely be YES YES and YES
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.

Here is another question I answered...


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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #127 on: September 11, 2007, 11:46:23 PM »
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.

So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
And THIS is where newman shot me down when I answered no to a yes or no question. My only answer in his mind should have been yes. That's why I went for the middle ground. I wouldn't choose either or because neither went nicely with 'good living'.


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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #128 on: September 11, 2007, 11:47:20 PM »
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.

So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
Newman. I never said anything like that, and you know it. Every image involving men, women and children being tortured in any form bothers me.

So apartheid africa was better than non-apartheid africa, wasn't it?

Yes or No.
YES! I suppose.

Well done!

That wasn't so hard after several attempts, was it?


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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #129 on: September 11, 2007, 11:57:24 PM »
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.

So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
Newman. I never said anything like that, and you know it. Every image involving men, women and children being tortured in any form bothers me.

So apartheid africa was better than non-apartheid africa, wasn't it?

Yes or No.
YES! I suppose.

Well done!

That wasn't so hard after several attempts, was it?
I don't want you to think that by me typing "YES" that I'm all for it. That's why I go into explaining it.

Offline OdKahaneChai

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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #130 on: September 12, 2007, 03:43:44 PM »
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.

So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
Newman. I never said anything like that, and you know it. Every image involving men, women and children being tortured in any form bothers me.

So apartheid africa was better than non-apartheid africa, wasn't it?

Yes or No.
YES! I suppose.
Oy!  Finally!

One does not deal with terrorists; one does not bargain with terrorists; one kills terrorists.
- Rabbi Meir Kahane ZT"L, HY"D


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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #131 on: September 12, 2007, 04:56:18 PM »
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.

So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
Newman. I never said anything like that, and you know it. Every image involving men, women and children being tortured in any form bothers me.

So apartheid africa was better than non-apartheid africa, wasn't it?

Yes or No.
YES! I suppose.
Oy!  Finally!
Again, don't get that answer mixed up in context. I didn't say that I'd like to live there in that situation. I just KNOW someone's going to use that answer against me at some point in time.


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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #132 on: September 12, 2007, 10:22:04 PM »
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.

So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
Newman. I never said anything like that, and you know it. Every image involving men, women and children being tortured in any form bothers me.

So apartheid africa was better than non-apartheid africa, wasn't it?

Yes or No.
YES! I suppose.
Oy!  Finally!
Again, don't get that answer mixed up in context. I didn't say that I'd like to live there in that situation. I just KNOW someone's going to use that answer against me at some point in time.

Offline ChaimBenMordechai

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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #133 on: September 17, 2007, 05:17:32 AM »
Schools, swimming pools, malls, cinemas...everywhere the shvartza goes becomes unfit for humans.

What scares me, is us Jews are the ones that gave shvartzes civil rights in the first place. They truly are King Midas in reverse anything they touch turns to drek!

Btw when I said "us" I meant those darned liberals, not me. I went to college and graduate school, I'm not that stupid! I am mischuga though! ;)

I was one of those self-hating Jews who believed in civil rights for apes. I learned my lesson and I regret my previous actions everyday.

Because of those apes (and their Liberal/Muslim pals, one in particular named Dr. Larry Z. Leslie of U/South Florida), I never was able to get into graduate school...

Offline ChaimBenMordechai

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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #134 on: September 17, 2007, 05:24:29 AM »
Apartheid was never necessary, it was easier to dispose of/ kill people because of their differences than to deal with them head on. The 'idiots' who came up with the idea of Apartheid were cowards.

I used to think like you, Erica. I was active in anti-apartheid groups until one of your fekllow apes backstabbed me "for the cause." You can bet that some of the South African Boer students on campus straightened me out real fast and told me what happened was typical ape behavior.

If only apartheid was back in South Africa and here in the USA..I would have gotten my Masters...


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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #135 on: September 17, 2007, 05:25:04 AM »

I was one of those self-hating Jews who believed in civil rights for apes. I learned my lesson and I regret my previous actions everyday.

Because of those apes (and their Liberal/Muslim pals, one in particular named Dr. Larry Z. Leslie of U/South Florida), I never was able to get into graduate school...

Lemme guess,

"Sorry Mr Joo but we already full up wid' Joo-boys who study hard & got brains & sheeet, we gots to keep sum places fo' da bros who don' do so good. mmmm hmmm".


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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #136 on: September 17, 2007, 05:25:59 AM »
Schools, swimming pools, malls, cinemas...everywhere the shvartza goes becomes unfit for humans.

What scares me, is us Jews are the ones that gave shvartzes civil rights in the first place. They truly are King Midas in reverse anything they touch turns to drek!

Btw when I said "us" I meant those darned liberals, not me. I went to college and graduate school, I'm not that stupid! I am mischuga though! ;)

I was one of those self-hating Jews who believed in civil rights for apes. I learned my lesson and I regret my previous actions everyday.

Because of those apes (and their Liberal/Muslim pals, one in particular named Dr. Larry Z. Leslie of U/South Florida), I never was able to get into graduate school...
Man, go to another school! You're hating on blacks because you didn't get into ONE SCHOOL?

Offline ChaimBenMordechai

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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #137 on: September 17, 2007, 05:26:36 AM »
Apartheid was never necessary, it was easier to dispose of/ kill people because of their differences than to deal with them head on. The 'idiots' who came up with the idea of Apartheid were cowards.

But you see Erica, the WWhite South Africans have ALWAYS tried to approach the blacks in a civilised Christian manner...we did not believe in killing them..and i think that is where our foreparents made the mistake. It's much the same as Israel's history regarding the pali's :-\

Liberals like to ignore the fact that apes had better health care under apartheid


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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #138 on: September 17, 2007, 05:32:05 AM »
Apartheid was never necessary, it was easier to dispose of/ kill people because of their differences than to deal with them head on. The 'idiots' who came up with the idea of Apartheid were cowards.

But you see Erica, the WWhite South Africans have ALWAYS tried to approach the blacks in a civilised Christian manner...we did not believe in killing them..and i think that is where our foreparents made the mistake. It's much the same as Israel's history regarding the pali's :-\

Liberals like to ignore the fact that apes had better health care under apartheid
Who cares? We are PAST the apartheid period and now in the here and now...2007 with a few months left to spare until the next new year. Its a shame that after all this time, no one wants a positive change at all. People are happy with hating others because its easier than putting forth the effort  of actually NOT hating someone. If there was no hate, half of you would die from boredom.


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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #139 on: September 17, 2007, 05:37:14 AM »
Apartheid was never necessary, it was easier to dispose of/ kill people because of their differences than to deal with them head on. The 'idiots' who came up with the idea of Apartheid were cowards.

But you see Erica, the WWhite South Africans have ALWAYS tried to approach the blacks in a civilised Christian manner...we did not believe in killing them..and i think that is where our foreparents made the mistake. It's much the same as Israel's history regarding the pali's :-\

Liberals like to ignore the fact that apes had better health care under apartheid
Who cares? We are PAST the apartheid period and now in the here and now...2007 with a few months left to spare until the next new year. Its a shame that after all this time, no one wants a positive change at all. People are happy with hating others because its easier than putting forth the effort  of actually NOT hating someone. If there was no hate, half of you would die from boredom.

Typical black / liberal non-argument.

Highlight the failures & crimes of a dysfunctional culture & it's 'hate'.

Blacks riot, murder & loot and it's a 'rainbow revolution'. ::)

Offline ChaimBenMordechai

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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #140 on: September 17, 2007, 05:40:10 AM »

I was one of those self-hating Jews who believed in civil rights for apes. I learned my lesson and I regret my previous actions everyday.

Because of those apes (and their Liberal/Muslim pals, one in particular named Dr. Larry Z. Leslie of U/South Florida), I never was able to get into graduate school...

Lemme guess,

"Sorry Mr Joo but we already full up wid' Joo-boys who study hard & got brains & sheeet, we gots to keep sum places fo' da bros who don' do so good. mmmm hmmm".

Close...this Larry Leslie guy is one of those who feels that Jews are "privileged and advantaged" and are "oppressing" his Palestinkian brothers (Leslie is a white convert to Islam which explains why he hates Jews). He also told me that if i dared to try to get into any graduate program in Florida, I would not get in and that I should go to school out of a "privileged and advatanged" person i could afford all anti-Semites he assumed all Jews are rich.

Should we be surprised he's friends with Sami Al-Arian and those two Muslim pigs in jail for carrying explosives in SC who are USF students?


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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #141 on: September 17, 2007, 05:42:38 AM »
Apartheid was never necessary, it was easier to dispose of/ kill people because of their differences than to deal with them head on. The 'idiots' who came up with the idea of Apartheid were cowards.

But you see Erica, the WWhite South Africans have ALWAYS tried to approach the blacks in a civilised Christian manner...we did not believe in killing them..and i think that is where our foreparents made the mistake. It's much the same as Israel's history regarding the pali's :-\

Liberals like to ignore the fact that apes had better health care under apartheid
Who cares? We are PAST the apartheid period and now in the here and now...2007 with a few months left to spare until the next new year. Its a shame that after all this time, no one wants a positive change at all. People are happy with hating others because its easier than putting forth the effort  of actually NOT hating someone. If there was no hate, half of you would die from boredom.

Typical black / liberal non-argument.

Highlight the failures & crimes of a dysfunctional culture & it's 'hate'.

Blacks riot, murder & loot and it's a 'rainbow revolution'. ::)
People like you, newman poison the world and the minds of children who (may) come from you. I told your dumb behind that I agree about the statistics but you don't want to read that. I MUST be your enemy at all costs because I look like the animals who [censored] you off so much.  WHat I am angry with is that you CONSTANTLY highlight the failures that we ALL know exist, and never give respect to those who arent' doing the evil deeds. YOU don't see good black culture because you're in your own world. YOU don't know what good black culture is at ALL. I could list them for the 7th time and you'd click right over it without glancing because if good in black culture REALLY exists, you'd have to slightly change your position on whether there are good blacks/culture at all!

Offline ChaimBenMordechai

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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #142 on: September 17, 2007, 05:43:26 AM »
Schools, swimming pools, malls, cinemas...everywhere the shvartza goes becomes unfit for humans.

What scares me, is us Jews are the ones that gave shvartzes civil rights in the first place. They truly are King Midas in reverse anything they touch turns to drek!

Btw when I said "us" I meant those darned liberals, not me. I went to college and graduate school, I'm not that stupid! I am mischuga though! ;)

I was one of those self-hating Jews who believed in civil rights for apes. I learned my lesson and I regret my previous actions everyday.

Because of those apes (and their Liberal/Muslim pals, one in particular named Dr. Larry Z. Leslie of U/South Florida), I never was able to get into graduate school...
Man, go to another school! You're hating on blacks because you didn't get into ONE SCHOOL?

Correct. In fact, no doubt apes like you took my slot and most likely got the job that was rightfully mine "because dey be playin dat race card"


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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #143 on: September 17, 2007, 05:48:13 AM »
Schools, swimming pools, malls, cinemas...everywhere the shvartza goes becomes unfit for humans.

What scares me, is us Jews are the ones that gave shvartzes civil rights in the first place. They truly are King Midas in reverse anything they touch turns to drek!

Btw when I said "us" I meant those darned liberals, not me. I went to college and graduate school, I'm not that stupid! I am mischuga though! ;)

I was one of those self-hating Jews who believed in civil rights for apes. I learned my lesson and I regret my previous actions everyday.

Because of those apes (and their Liberal/Muslim pals, one in particular named Dr. Larry Z. Leslie of U/South Florida), I never was able to get into graduate school...
Man, go to another school! You're hating on blacks because you didn't get into ONE SCHOOL?

Correct. In fact, no doubt apes like you took my slot and most likely got the job that was rightfully mine "because dey be playin dat race card"
Don't get your underwear in a bunch man..I didn't take ANYTHING for you. I have a student loan of my OWN to pay off after I get MY degree. Get angry with that person and move on! Plus, from your explanation, you're not hating on blacks, You're hating on blacks didn't take ANYTHING from you at all. The evil SOB who told you that he hated Jews ruined your chances of getting into college... why did you give up so've just given him power over your life.


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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #144 on: September 17, 2007, 05:49:07 AM »

Lemme guess,

"Sorry Mr Joo but we already full up wid' Joo-boys who study hard & got brains & sheeet, we gots to keep sum places fo' da bros who don' do so good. mmmm hmmm".

Close...this Larry Leslie guy is one of those who feels that Jews are "privileged and advantaged" and are "oppressing" his Palestinkian brothers (Leslie is a white convert to Islam which explains why he hates Jews). He also told me that if i dared to try to get into any graduate program in Florida, I would not get in and that I should go to school out of a "privileged and advatanged" person i could afford all anti-Semites he assumed all Jews are rich.

Should we be surprised he's friends with Sami Al-Arian and those two Muslim pigs in jail for carrying explosives in SC who are USF students?

That "privileged and advatanged" thing is really gonna P__off the Jews I know who bust their humps 50+ hours a week in crappy jobs on modest salaries like everybody else.

I suppose in the AA world if your parents aren't junkie, misfit, criminal, slut, lazy, loser apes you are considered "privileged".

Offline ChaimBenMordechai

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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #145 on: September 17, 2007, 05:53:53 AM »
Schools, swimming pools, malls, cinemas...everywhere the shvartza goes becomes unfit for humans.

What scares me, is us Jews are the ones that gave shvartzes civil rights in the first place. They truly are King Midas in reverse anything they touch turns to drek!

Btw when I said "us" I meant those darned liberals, not me. I went to college and graduate school, I'm not that stupid! I am mischuga though! ;)

I was one of those self-hating Jews who believed in civil rights for apes. I learned my lesson and I regret my previous actions everyday.

Because of those apes (and their Liberal/Muslim pals, one in particular named Dr. Larry Z. Leslie of U/South Florida), I never was able to get into graduate school...
Man, go to another school! You're hating on blacks because you didn't get into ONE SCHOOL?

Correct. In fact, no doubt apes like you took my slot and most likely got the job that was rightfully mine "because dey be playin dat race card"
Don't get your underwear in a bunch man..I didn't take ANYTHING for you. I have a student loan of my OWN to pay off after I get MY degree. Get angry with that person and move on! Plus, from your explanation, you're not hating on blacks, You're hating on PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim blacks didn't take ANYTHING from you at all. The evil SOB who told you that he hated Jews ruined your chances of getting into college... why did you give up so've just given him power over your life.

Listen here Mammy

After that Muslim convert told me that, I was then told a few days later by your fellow apes that it would be best if I left the anti-apartheid group. Seems that the advisor to the group at my school (different school from where Leslie was) was pals with Leslie and he told her that Jews should not be involved in the anti-apartheid movement..on that he was right, since your fellow apes BACKSTABBED me. Some Boer students on campus sought me out and told me that I was a dupe..they were right.

Offline ChaimBenMordechai

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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #146 on: September 17, 2007, 05:56:25 AM »

Lemme guess,

"Sorry Mr Joo but we already full up wid' Joo-boys who study hard & got brains & sheeet, we gots to keep sum places fo' da bros who don' do so good. mmmm hmmm".

Close...this Larry Leslie guy is one of those who feels that Jews are "privileged and advantaged" and are "oppressing" his Palestinkian brothers (Leslie is a white convert to Islam which explains why he hates Jews). He also told me that if i dared to try to get into any graduate program in Florida, I would not get in and that I should go to school out of a "privileged and advatanged" person i could afford all anti-Semites he assumed all Jews are rich.

Should we be surprised he's friends with Sami Al-Arian and those two Muslim pigs in jail for carrying explosives in SC who are USF students?

That "privileged and advatanged" thing is really gonna P__off the Jews I know who bust their humps 50+ hours a week in crappy jobs on modest salaries like everybody else.

I suppose in the AA world if your parents aren't junkie, misfit, criminal, slut, lazy, loser apes you are considered "privileged".

You got it..certainly POd me. I studied...maintained grades.juggled p/t work with taking care of a sick parent. Didn't know I was more privileged than apes who wear more gold than Fort Knox...


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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #147 on: September 17, 2007, 05:57:29 AM »

Listen here Mammy

After that Muslim convert told me that, I was then told a few days later by your fellow apes that it would be best if I left the anti-apartheid group. Seems that the advisor to the group at my school (different school from where Leslie was) was pals with Leslie and he told her that Jews should not be involved in the anti-apartheid movement..on that he was right, since your fellow apes BACKSTABBED me. Some Boer students on campus sought me out and told me that I was a dupe..they were right.

As an ex-liberal, you're what's known as a three day old kitten........Your eyes are open NOW.


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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #148 on: September 17, 2007, 06:00:02 AM »

That "privileged and advatanged" thing is really gonna P__off the Jews I know who bust their humps 50+ hours a week in crappy jobs on modest salaries like everybody else.

I suppose in the AA world if your parents aren't junkie, misfit, criminal, slut, lazy, loser apes you are considered "privileged".

You got it..certainly POd me. I studied...maintained grades.juggled p/t work with taking care of a sick parent. Didn't know I was more privileged than apes who wear more gold than Fort Knox...

They'll have to forgive me too for not getting teary eyed about black 'poverty'.........especially when it wears 25lbs of gold, $800 track suits and $250 sneakers.

Offline ChaimBenMordechai

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Re: Loud inconsiderate apes in movie theaters
« Reply #149 on: September 17, 2007, 06:01:10 AM »

Listen here Mammy

After that Muslim convert told me that, I was then told a few days later by your fellow apes that it would be best if I left the anti-apartheid group. Seems that the advisor to the group at my school (different school from where Leslie was) was pals with Leslie and he told her that Jews should not be involved in the anti-apartheid movement..on that he was right, since your fellow apes BACKSTABBED me. Some Boer students on campus sought me out and told me that I was a dupe..they were right.

As an ex-liberal, you're what's known as a three day old kitten........Your eyes are open NOW.

My eyes have been open for close to 17 years now...