Author Topic: The Dumbing Down of Society.......  (Read 14634 times)

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Offline JewishTeddyBear

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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #50 on: September 16, 2007, 01:48:04 PM »
It may seem like a lack of hygiene is not related to political ideology, but these days, just about everything has become political.  One can no longer say Merry Christmas out of fear of offending the less than 10% of America that is not Christian.  A man can no longer compliment a woman's looks, out of fear of being accused of sexual harassment.  One cannot make the claim that America or the Jews are superior to any other culture or people, out of fear of being accused of I guess jingoism or some other subtle form of bigotry.  In fact, thanks to Al Bore and his global warming nonsense, we cannot even talk about the weather anymore, without it being controversial.

In short, the liberals have made our present society so thoroughly politically correct, that a free-flowing dialogue of varying opinions have been effectively shut down.  One is only allowed freedom of speech, if one goes along with liberal ideology.  The moment one rejects that in favor of good, old-fashioned conservative values, they are censored, shut down, labeled as engaging in hate speech, and otherwise vilified and margainlized in our society.


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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #51 on: September 16, 2007, 09:15:27 PM »
I think that Erica is quite right when she says that following common sense rules of hygiene has little or nothing to do with one's skin color.

I think it has to do more with the triumph of liberalism in our society.  Liberalism involves fighting against the rules, of rebelling against The Man and so forth.  Some rebellion against authority can be a good thing, but not when it is applied to the laws of nature.  It is not exactly a great idea to rebel against the rules of hygiene.   In fact, it can be deadly, as was the case with the outbreak of bubonic plague back in the middle ages.

Umm, since when does washing of ones hands have anything to do with political ideology? It's amazing how so many of you claim that liberals are guilty of generalizing yet make these enormous stretches of logic to try to link up a lack of good habits to political ideology. Astounding!

Not everything in life is connected to political ideology.
I think they say things like that because they get to use 'big' words. lol


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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #52 on: September 16, 2007, 09:16:13 PM »
Everyday, we're told what to do by various instructions or signs around us, when quite frankly its what should be done logically and morally. For example, the other day I stepped into a public bathroom, to straight away come across, signs telling me to "flush the toilet", "turn off the taps" and throw away my litter. Have people  reached the extent where they cannot think for themselves and have to constantly follow basic instructions everywhere they go.
I reckon this contributes to the dumbing down of society, along with the lack of discipline enforced in schools, the work place etc....What do you think?

This reminds me of Carlos Mencia's "Dee dee dee" video which begins with a sign saying "Open 7 days a week, Sundays too."

Carlos Mencia is one of my favorite Chicano comics!

Joe Schmo

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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #53 on: September 16, 2007, 09:17:07 PM »
Carlos Mencia is one of my favorite Chicano comics!

What the hell is a chicano?


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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #54 on: September 16, 2007, 09:26:18 PM »
I think that Erica is quite right when she says that following common sense rules of hygiene has little or nothing to do with one's skin color.

I think it has to do more with the triumph of liberalism in our society.  Liberalism involves fighting against the rules, of rebelling against The Man and so forth.  Some rebellion against authority can be a good thing, but not when it is applied to the laws of nature.  It is not exactly a great idea to rebel against the rules of hygiene.   In fact, it can be deadly, as was the case with the outbreak of bubonic plague back in the middle ages.

Umm, since when does washing of ones hands have anything to do with political ideology?
It's because liberals are facsists who believe evrybody in society needs to be told what to do by their (liberal) 'betters'.


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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #55 on: September 16, 2007, 09:29:16 PM »
Carlos Mencia is one of my favorite Chicano comics!

What the hell is a chicano?
Its another word for Hispanic, Scriabin. Only in a male tense. The Female tense would be "Chicana".


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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #56 on: September 16, 2007, 09:30:00 PM »
It is muslims who need signs like that. They are so filthy.

So according to this logic, Sarah must have stunk to high heaven until she converted from Islam :)
Listen you sniveling liberal, Sarah is a sweet little English girl who just happened to be born into a muslim family. She rebels against the evil aspects of islam. Don't lump her in with third world animals!!! >:(

Offline Hail Columbia

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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #57 on: September 16, 2007, 09:38:07 PM »
Carlos Mencia is one of my favorite Chicano comics!

What the hell is a chicano?
Its another word for Hispanic, Scriabin. Only in a male tense. The Female tense would be "Chicana".

The hell if it is.  Chicano is another word for mestizo, particularly the mestizos from Mexico and Central America.

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Offline JewishTeddyBear

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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #58 on: September 16, 2007, 09:53:19 PM »
That Limosine Liberal magazine that somebody posted is very, very funny, lol  :laugh:

Now that you mention Sarah, I have been wondering about her.  She is a moslem, but is she one of those rare good moslems?  Can she be trusted?  Might she even be talked out of being a moslem altogether?  She definitely does not sound anything like anybody out of CAIR.

Offline Daniel

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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #59 on: September 16, 2007, 09:55:53 PM »
I think that Erica is quite right when she says that following common sense rules of hygiene has little or nothing to do with one's skin color.

I think it has to do more with the triumph of liberalism in our society.  Liberalism involves fighting against the rules, of rebelling against The Man and so forth.  Some rebellion against authority can be a good thing, but not when it is applied to the laws of nature.  It is not exactly a great idea to rebel against the rules of hygiene.   In fact, it can be deadly, as was the case with the outbreak of bubonic plague back in the middle ages.

Umm, since when does washing of ones hands have anything to do with political ideology? It's amazing how so many of you claim that liberals are guilty of generalizing yet make these enormous stretches of logic to try to link up a lack of good habits to political ideology. Astounding!

Not everything in life is connected to political ideology.
I think they say things like that because they get to use 'big' words. lol

They say that because they like to blame everything and anything negative on blacks and liberals.

Offline Daniel

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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #60 on: September 16, 2007, 09:56:36 PM »
It is muslims who need signs like that. They are so filthy.

So according to this logic, Sarah must have stunk to high heaven until she converted from Islam :)

Oh Thanks a lot! :laugh:

Btw I never converted to anything.

True, but you no longer identify as a muslim anymore, right?

Offline Daniel

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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #61 on: September 16, 2007, 09:59:33 PM »
As it turns out, Amercia knew this as well and did nothing....  I think George Tennet had something to do with this oversight.... but could be wrong..

There's a whole bunch of things that went wrong. I just saw the 9/11 commission DVD a couple of weeks ago and it gives lots of info on all of the intelligence failures. George Tennet is one factor. Another big factor is the failure of the FAA and NORAD communicating with each other effectively while the attacks were taking place.

Offline JewishTeddyBear

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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #62 on: September 16, 2007, 10:04:35 PM »
Speaking of blaming everything on the Blacks and the liberals, let me expand that group to include islamofascists and gay homos as well.  Then that pretty much covers it.

Offline Daniel

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Re: The Dubyaing Down of Society.......
« Reply #63 on: September 16, 2007, 10:08:15 PM »
All the points made on this thread are true but there is another reason for the incessant use of signs that display common sense information.  LAWYERS.  Don't forget that in the U.S. you can sue for anything, including your own stupidity or laziness.

Hot coffee scalded you?  Sue the restaurant that served it.  So coffee cups need to say "HOT".
Smoking two packs of cigarettes a day for 40 years gave you cancer?  Sue the tobacco company.  So cigarette packs need to say "DANGER".
Severely injure yourself in a car accident because you're too drunk to operate the seat belt?  Sue the automobile manufacturer.  While you're at it sue the liquor company too.  So automobiles need to be placarded with "PULL TO RELEASE" signs and liquor bottles need to say "DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE".

This is very true. Even for the most obvious things, businesses need to do whatever they can to cover themselves from potential lawsuits. There was actually a lady who won a multi-million dollar lawsuit when she put McDonalds coffee between her legs while she was driving and ended up scalding herself with it. Seinfeld did a takeoff on this when Kramer did a cup of coffee in his pocket to sneak it in the theatre and ended up burning himself and sued the company with the Johny Cochran type lawyer.

How about for Ambien and other rx sleep aids which state, "may cause drowsiness"? Shucks. I really hate those odds!

Offline Daniel

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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #64 on: September 16, 2007, 10:09:52 PM »
Has anyone here watched the Aviator?

I have.
Leonardo DC kept washing his hands until they bled at times!

Howard Hughs was a whacko.

See As Good As It Gets with Jack Nicholson. He has OCD and he does that too.
Both very good movies. What happed to Hughs was a sin. All that money and in the end he died like an animal. He became drug addicted to pain killers in real life. I honestly believe that in the end the people managing things for him kept him drugged out so they could do as the pleased with his money. His life is a real eye opener of what to beware of for people with that sort of money.

Howard Hughes might have been treated successfully with Luvox and cognitive-behavior therapy.

Offline Daniel

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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #65 on: September 16, 2007, 10:14:04 PM »
It may seem like a lack of hygiene is not related to political ideology, but these days, just about everything has become political.  One can no longer say Merry Christmas out of fear of offending the less than 10% of America that is not Christian.  A man can no longer compliment a woman's looks, out of fear of being accused of sexual harassment.  One cannot make the claim that America or the Jews are superior to any other culture or people, out of fear of being accused of I guess jingoism or some other subtle form of bigotry.  In fact, thanks to Al Bore and his global warming nonsense, we cannot even talk about the weather anymore, without it being controversial.

In short, the liberals have made our present society so thoroughly politically correct, that a free-flowing dialogue of varying opinions have been effectively shut down.  One is only allowed freedom of speech, if one goes along with liberal ideology.  The moment one rejects that in favor of good, old-fashioned conservative values, they are censored, shut down, labeled as engaging in hate speech, and otherwise vilified and margainlized in our society.

I disagree with this assessment. This type of closeminded behavior is more commonly found around conservatives than liberals. Liberalism is about being openminded to listening to and debating different viewpoints. If liberals are actually engaging in what you claim they do, then liberalism has now become the new conservatism. Strange paradox there  ???

Offline Daniel

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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #66 on: September 16, 2007, 10:16:28 PM »
I think that Erica is quite right when she says that following common sense rules of hygiene has little or nothing to do with one's skin color.

I think it has to do more with the triumph of liberalism in our society.  Liberalism involves fighting against the rules, of rebelling against The Man and so forth.  Some rebellion against authority can be a good thing, but not when it is applied to the laws of nature.  It is not exactly a great idea to rebel against the rules of hygiene.   In fact, it can be deadly, as was the case with the outbreak of bubonic plague back in the middle ages.

Umm, since when does washing of ones hands have anything to do with political ideology?
It's because liberals are facsists who believe evrybody in society needs to be told what to do by their (liberal) 'betters'.

Liberalism is the exact opposite of this. It's because of liberalism that you are allowed to say the things you do on here. If the conservatives ruled, you'd be banned and censored for saying what you do.


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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #67 on: September 16, 2007, 10:17:24 PM »
It may seem like a lack of hygiene is not related to political ideology, but these days, just about everything has become political.  One can no longer say Merry Christmas out of fear of offending the less than 10% of America that is not Christian.  A man can no longer compliment a woman's looks, out of fear of being accused of sexual harassment.  One cannot make the claim that America or the Jews are superior to any other culture or people, out of fear of being accused of I guess jingoism or some other subtle form of bigotry.  In fact, thanks to Al Bore and his global warming nonsense, we cannot even talk about the weather anymore, without it being controversial.

In short, the liberals have made our present society so thoroughly politically correct, that a free-flowing dialogue of varying opinions have been effectively shut down.  One is only allowed freedom of speech, if one goes along with liberal ideology.  The moment one rejects that in favor of good, old-fashioned conservative values, they are censored, shut down, labeled as engaging in hate speech, and otherwise vilified and margainlized in our society.

I disagree with this assessment. This type of closeminded behavior is more commonly found around conservatives than liberals. Liberalism is about being openminded to listening to and debating different viewpoints. If liberals are actually engaging in what you claim they do, then liberalism has now become the new conservatism. Strange paradox there  ???

Liberalism is just Orwellian facsism. It's just that the boot stomping on the human face for eternity can brag about providing universal healthcare (badly run and expensive) to the face.

Offline JewishTeddyBear

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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #68 on: September 16, 2007, 10:18:10 PM »
But that is my whole point.  One of the reasons why I became a political conservative in the first place, is because I noticed time and time again that liberals claim to be for tolerance, but are really only for tolerance toward other liberal views, while advocating censorship for those who are politically conservative.  When political conservatives are closed-minded, at least they never pretended to be otherwise.


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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #69 on: September 16, 2007, 10:19:48 PM »

Liberalism is the exact opposite of this. It's because of liberalism that you are allowed to say the things you do on here. If the conservatives ruled, you'd be banned and censored for saying what you do.
 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Yeah right!

And the KKK is "just about white pride", too. :)

Offline Daniel

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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #70 on: September 16, 2007, 10:20:04 PM »
Speaking of blaming everything on the Blacks and the liberals, let me expand that group to include islamofascists and gay homos as well.  Then that pretty much covers it.

Okay, sounds simple enough. So the next time I'm stuck in a traffic jam, get the flu, or get a cramp in my leg, I'll just blame it on the blacks, liberals, islamofascists and homos. I'll just make sure not to blame it on the Zionists like the rest of the world does :)

Offline Daniel

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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #71 on: September 16, 2007, 10:21:58 PM »
But that is my whole point.  One of the reasons why I became a political conservative in the first place, is because I noticed time and time again that liberals claim to be for tolerance, but are really only for tolerance toward other liberal views, while advocating censorship for those who are politically conservative.  When political conservatives are closed-minded, at least they never pretended to be otherwise.

What you are describing is not true liberalism then. It's hypocrisy. I certainly don't agree with that type of mentality. I believe in tolerating all viewpoints, including those of intolerance.

Offline JewishTeddyBear

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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #72 on: September 16, 2007, 10:26:55 PM »
But once again, that is my whole point!  Sometimes I do think that American political conservatism is really classical liberalism, while today's liberalism, is really totalitarianism disguising itself as alleged tolerance.


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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #73 on: September 16, 2007, 10:27:33 PM »
But that is my whole point.  One of the reasons why I became a political conservative in the first place, is because I noticed time and time again that liberals claim to be for tolerance, but are really only for tolerance toward other liberal views, while advocating censorship for those who are politically conservative.  When political conservatives are closed-minded, at least they never pretended to be otherwise.

What you are describing is not true liberalism then. It's hypocrisy. I certainly don't agree with that type of mentality. I believe in tolerating all viewpoints, including those of intolerance.

What a cop-out!

Muslims claim the failed muslim countries aren't 'true islam'.

Communists claim the failed communist experiment of the USSR wasn't 'true communism'.

Now we've got a liberal claiming that the liberal politics of today isn't 'true liberalism'.

 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Offline JewishTeddyBear

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Re: The Dumbing Down of Society.......
« Reply #74 on: September 16, 2007, 10:33:17 PM »
newman, you are one very funny human being.  and you make a good point, too. :)