What is this fixation with blacks and KFC?
WHY, and I want real answers please...is it that everytime someone mentions watermelon here, some idiot must say "ummmm hmmm"?
You DO know that blacks eat more foods than just fried chicken and watermelon, right?
I know "Oh, its only a joke, a stereotype...ha ha! funny!

" but what you don't know is that this is one of the reasons why blacks don't like eating around white people. They're afraid that you're going to point them out and start mimicing them.
I looked up gefilte fish..big deal.. no stereotype there at all. No JEws looking longingly at a jar or anything. But nothing else but Jewish stereotypes that involve Jews looking evil. I wasn't interested in that at all.
WHY can't you just leave blacks alone with the stereotypes...you AND the kkk.