Ford explorer right now...BMW next month 
Are you leasing or buying/financing?
I heard they have pretty good deals now before the 08 models come in...
leasing...don't put any money down but inquire about the multiple deposit (that way whatever you put down, you get back at the end of your lease and you make cheaper lease payments.
Is that possible with any make? or is that a special deal offered?
i think you can inquire about it to any dealer you go to that you want to lease a car.
Let me give you an example. YOu would pay your $2500 fees up front and then you can give an addition of 6000 up front. BMW or whatever dealership, puts the money in the bank and uses it for their own gain in those 36 months you lease the car. When you return the car or exchange it, they give you your money back...
Rather than money down and then, GD forbid, your car gets totalled and now you can't get that money back.